Cuddle Fluff 126 members · 494 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Group Admin

Have a random art thread featuring adorable soft ponies:

Note: I woke up this morning feeling like it's been far too long since I've done one of these. So I quickly browsed through my derpi favorites to find some cute cuddling images to post in a thread for you all. I took the effort to make sure each one was tagged as "safe" and I posted them all here. Unfortunately, an argument broke out in the comments about the morality and suggestiveness of a Lunestia pic and thus the thread is now locked because it was quickly getting out of hand. To be clear, no rules were broken. I apologize for this.

Artist: xdrop-of-inkx

Artist: symbianl

Trigger: Implied Princest - Read comments below

Artist: sugarlesspaints

Artist: ponimalion

Artist: taaffeiite

Artist: crimsonwolf360

That SugarlessPaints piece is tagged as being incest, which isn't exactly something that belongs in a SFW post in a SFW group depicting adorable ponies.

Group Admin

Given that the image is not nsfw, and also given that there are princest stories in this group, I don't see a problem with it. As far as I care, siblings can cuddle all they want.


Given that the image is not nsfw, and also given that there are princest stories in this group, I don't see a problem with it.

This group allows incest despite having a relatively wholesome focus? Well, that's both a surprise and a disappointment.

As far as I care, siblings can cuddle all they want.

It's one thing if it was an innocent picture of siblings snuggling, but that's not exactly the case, judging by the tags.

Alternate interpretation, death of the author artist, etc. Outside of any extra context, it's a cute cuddle pic.

Group Admin


This group allows incest despite having a relatively wholesome focus?

Of course it does. Just because your or I may or may not like something does not mean I am going to go out of my way to exclude it from a relevant group. If there was a story that involved princest/incest but also had gratuitous amounts of snuggling and cuddling, I'm not going to prevent it from being posted in this group.

but that's not exactly the case, judging by the tags.

I don't tend to rely on tags from a website where any user can add tags. If the image is not clearly depicting something, by my opinion, the picture doesn't have it (especially when said tags are basing themselves on implicative undertones)

Eh, the little hearts were already making it look fishy and I was wondering why I'd never seen that particular picture before on derpi if it was really just an innocent cuddle pic. OP is clearly literate and was able to read the tags before posting, and should certainly consider tagging their next image dump so people who want to see cute content don't have to look at incest.


Of course it does. Just because your or I may or may not like something does not mean I am going to go out of my way to exclude it from a relevant group. If there was a story that involved princest/incest but also had gratuitous amounts of snuggling and cuddling, I'm not going to prevent it from being posted in this group.

This is admittedly a shame, given it's a group meant to house content that is relatively SFW, one NSFW folder aside. 'Doesn't like' is a very mild way to describe something that's not suitable for all viewers and is no way normal content or romance. You really shouldn't be surprised by this.

I don't tend to rely on tags from a website where any user can add tags. If the image is not clearly depicting something, by my opinion, the picture doesn't have it (especially when said tags are basing themselves on implicative undertones)

Dude, you can read. It's explicitly tagged as innocent.

Group Admin

I am the OP. The image is spoilered to cater to your personal preferences. You're welcome.

Group Admin

>Implying incest cant be cute.
Like if its not your thing fine, but there is nothing NSFW about the picture itself so there's nothing wrong with it being here.

By your logic, the first one is also inappropriate because it is tagged with both polyamory and harem, even though the picture itself its very much SFW. Or are you okay with those things being depicted?


>Implying incest cant be cute.

Yeah, no. There's a reason that most fandom spaces outside of the depths of Fimfiction and the worst of AO3 specify not incest or content with minors/adults for spaces dedicated to shipping.

Like if its not your thing fine, but there is nothing NSFW about the picture itself so there's nothing wrong with it being here.

It's not tagged in any way that could make it easy to avoid. If it was a story, one look at the character tags and description would have been needed to click away and not see it. This is a thread with multiple images just tagged as 'random cuddle art'.

By your logic, the first one is also inappropriate because it is tagged with both polyamory and harem, even though the picture itself its very much SFW. Or are you okay with those things being depicted?

LGBT characters in romantic relationships are pretty different from not wanting to see reasonably objectionable content. It'd cost admins nothing to make separate threads dedicated to people who only want to see that kind of content. If someone clicks a thread with here with something like 'incest' in the title and didn't expect incest, then they have only themselves to blame.

Group Admin

Both of this group's admins have decided that the image will stay, and there was no reason to tag it otherwise. In your own words, it was your choice to click through the source to read the tags and you only have yourself to blame. If you don't like something, that's on you, not us. I chose to acquiesce to your preference this time to stem the argument, however I have obligation to in the future.

And for future reference: Do not insult myself or others in any forum in this group. I will not tolerate it. Refrain from being blatantly and unnecessarily rude and aggressive in the future, otherwise there will be problems.


In your own words, it was your choice to click through the source to read the tags and you only have yourself to blame.

That's hardly the case when the picture definitely looked suspicious enough that the source had to checked out in the first place. It's not an insult to point out that admins of a group marked SFW should know what kind of content should be spoilered or separated from normal content, that's a sign you need to make improvements in a group. There is nothing aggressive in voicing the way content is handled when you, the OP, couldn't bother to use extremely basic warnings.

Group Admin


It's not an insult to point out that admins of a group marked SFW should know what kind of content should be spoilered or separated from normal content

You're right, it's not. and we both saw nothing wrong with the SFW picture being in a SFW thread on a SFW group. Because. Y'know, the image is SFW. The image is even tagged as safe, since you seem to care so much about the tags. It could easily be used as cover art for a story here. In fact I think it has been.

Just because you find incest icky or whatever doesn't mean others do as well. And that's ignoring the fact that incest itself does not render an image NSFW. I could find you any number of incest stories on here rated E.

I could also find you people who would object to the polyamory image or, hell, people who object to lesbians. What makes your objection stronger than theirs? What makes you right, and them wrong?

Oh, because you are okay with polyamory and lesbians, but against incest. That makes lesbians okay and incest wrong, always.

Buddy, you'll get a lot farther in life if you stop trying to impose your views on others. Don't like a picture? Keep scrolling. I cannot stress enough that it really was that easy. Just... ignore it. Move on with your day. Your life. But no, instead, a tiny little red heart on an adorable picture of two sisters cuddling set off your internal incest meter, and you had to check it. And saw the implied incest tag. And you thought to yourself "well, I simply cannot let this stand! I must make sure everyone else in the group knows this is incest, and that incest is wrong! Look at me, atop my high horse, a champion of justice and morality!"

Truly, my knight in shining armor to protect me from the uncouth cuddling ponies.

Mod decided to spoiler it this time and I'm hardly going to ask him to undo that. But SFW images won't be spoilered in future. All you need to do is keep scrolling.

Group Admin

Okay, let's break this down here:
1). Is the image NSFW? By site rules, no.
2). Is the image offensive? It can perhaps be interpreted wrong. We've spoiled it for that reason after it was brought to our attention.

You are now fighting a moral argument more than an argument of what content is allowed. That is not needed in this group, nor is it relevant to the main post. I spoiled the image to cater to your preferences to try and calm the aggressiveness down, but it appears you do not care and will continue to argue against both of this groups admins in regards to the supposed moral high ground of our own personal preferences. In an effort to prevent this argument from continuing or escalating, this thread is now locked to further replies.

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