Sombra and Fluttershy Shipping 112 members · 17 stories
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Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

So, since we had so much interest in the collab, I've decided to move forward with it.

Super excited for this! [Squeees]

Anywho, first things first. Any writer can enter regardless of the level of writing. Don't be afraid or shy because you lack experience! I want all kinds of submissions from a variety of authors. The more the merrier!

Also, I am an experienced author who also edits. I will edit all shorts for basic bo-boos. I will respect your writing as an author and leave my editing to those obvious grammar/spelling points. However, if you'd like me to give you a heavy edit/opinion, just PM me and I'll be happy to do so. Don't let having no editor be the reason you don't submit a fic! I want to get as many folks involved as I can, so don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel like you need it.

How does this work? What are the specifications? Fairly straightforward (I hope).

First off. The collab will be teen rated. Keep all submissions teen or below please. I can add the sex/gore tags, but you will need to inform me of those tags so I can put them in a note at the top of your flashfiction.

Length? Generally flash fictions average around 500 words. I'm no crazy rule following chick, so if it's shorter/longer, that's no problem. Just, nothing shorter than say 250 words and nothing longer than say 2.5k. That should give you plenty of range to stretch your creative muscles and have some fun!

Genre? Whatever your preference is. Write what you love. Let me know if yours has anything particularly dark/traumatic or triggers such as suicide in order to tag them as such so that we can be respectful of those readers with sensitivities to those subjects.

How frisky can I get? Well, frisky, but we're not going to describe any sexy times, okay? Implications okay, other stuff . . . not so much.

Plot? Whatever the heck you want it to be! Have fun with it. I encourage everyone to write out one or two challenge themes at the end of their flashfictions in case some authors are stuck and need a little inspiration.

A last note. If you are an artist and would like to submit a piece of artwork for the cover, comment below and I'll make a post with all the submissions. There we can vote on the cover as a group.

Post your fics on this thread if they're short enough or the link to them if they're longer. Please reply to my comment so that I can actually see your post. It's hard to tell people need me if they don't reply to my comment.

Thanks, everyone! Happy writing. :pinkiehappy:

Do we get any prompts, or is it just a collection / see what happens?

4717204 Oh jolly good! I've been waiting for this. :3
I just have a few questions. Do I link to the document? Or perhaps write an unpublished story on FIMfic? Either way, I think I have an idea. . .[AKA a messy hash of many different ideas]

Edit: The fact that Sombra is dead is kind of killing my vibes, you know?


This should be interesting


How will it be a collab if we all write different things? Shouldn't we all submit a prompt and the one with the most votes wins and we all get put into an order or writing chapters?

4717204 I'd actually love to draw something for this but I have an itsy-bitsy problemo.......... I can't computer draw and don't even have a program or anything. I can only do on paper and colour with pencils........ Otherwise, my drawing skills are rather okay.......

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4717950 No problem! I can digitally color any traditional art piece (I do it all the time with my own work). So if you want to put forward a piece, go for it!

4718117 Thanks! Would it be any problem if it had no background or if I waited untill I learn something more about the stories untill I draw?

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4718194 No background is just fine. We can always leave it abstract like the cover for my story Rewrite.

by Madelee

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4717314 Put the gdoc link here or send it to me via email permission thing. You should have my email.

4717264 No prompts, though I encourage people to put challenges at the end to inspire other authors if they get stuck.

4717636 It's more like a collab short story collection. Like, if a Sci-fi club publishes a short story compilation. I don't think we'll have a specific theme or any underlying plot points as every author has their own preferences. I for one couldn't write comedy to save my life. So, just a collection of short stories than a long running deal.

4718267 OK ^^

I don't mind trying to draw a cover art either

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4718306 Awesome! ^^ It'll be neat to see what everyone comes up with.

4718337 Quick question. Where should all the aritsts send their pictures?

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4718372 Comment here or PM me or email me at

Whichever works best for you!


4718647, 4718404, 4717314, 4717491 and 4717264

Can I ask how the project is coming along? Or has it fallen by the wayside?

4813977 Ooogh. I've been trying to truck along and get something done between projects and schoolwork. Everyone else is falling behind, but we're not cancelling the collab.

4813977 No clue, I haven't been in touch with the other authors.

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