Sombra and Fluttershy Shipping 112 members · 17 stories
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Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

This is probably the most random thing evah, but I thought I'd ask. What's your headcanon for Sombra's horn?

Where did this come from?

Well, I was reading wonderdania's awesome little comic and noticed she didn't draw Sombra with a horn.

I asked her why, and she said that his horn flies away after he's defeated in the show and so she drew him without one.

What I rolled with in my short was that Discord ripped it off when he was bringing Sombra into custody. Though, that's really not the headcanon I want nor does it make sense, I was just of a mood to write more don't-take-no-slack Discord (lol, gotta keep these threads PG) and went with it.

The theory I want to go with in future shorts and/or novels is that Sombra lost his horn during his defeat, becoming little better than an earth pony. At that time, the red from his cutie mark vanishes (my personal cutie mark headcanon is that when you lose sight of your purpose, your cutie mark gets altered). This leaves him confused, angry, and alone. Well, long story short, after he starts getting reformed thanks to Flutters, his horn actually starts to grow back; painfully of course I have a fetish I will admit, and can slowly start to use magic again. The horn that grows back is the same that he had before except he uses his magic for good (most of the time). Also gets his cutie mark returned to normal.

And so I wonder, when you're writing or drawing Sombra, do you keep the horn or not? Does his horn have any special properties or is it just a regular horn after his defeat?

4697121 Hmm . . .since Sombra was turned into shadow after he was banished, he apparently doesn't have a physical body. So in the comics, he can 'regenerate' if his horn is still present. [shudder] 'Cause you know. . .he's an umbra pony. . . .

*Shuffles away with her illegally pirated MLP comics* o_o

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4697157 But, if he was turned into shadow, wouldn't that imply he could be turned back to a physical form? Perhaps their defeating him did just that. Then when they find him, he's back to physical form but without his powers.

4697260 That actually makes sense, the show never really stated what power the crystal heart held within it. (the comics may have said otherwise but I haven't read those:fluttercry:) It's possible the magic from the crystal heart could have reverted him back to his physical form, considering that returned the crystal kingdom back to it own former glory. As as for his horn returning to "normal" or back into the horn that we've all come to know. I think it remain the same, my headcannon for his horn kind of like who the bat pony are related to the pegasus.

Bat pony = pegasus
Crystal pony = earth pony
Whatever Sombra is = unicorn

Come to think of it are their any pegasus or unicorn crystal ponies? All the ones I've seen in the show were like earth ponies.

This is a stretch canonically, but I think it could be a design choice meant to demonstrate Sombra's otherness. Horn's in prophecy (Judeo-Christian) represented power, and by making Sombra's horn so different they make a statement about his power. How it is so very different from a regular unicorn's magic, and if fiendship is magic is canon (From what I remember it was supposed to be a tighter canon than the usual comics) then this makes sense because Sombra isn't a true unicorn at all but a shadow pony.

His primary mode of magic is dark, or evil, and his horn is designed to show that. Red is a color often associated with evil, not as much perhaps as a certain shade of green but I digress. Sombra's red horn, and it's vaguely saberlike shape speak to a violence in his ways/nature.

Ironically, the more I read about Sombra's portrayal in the comics the more this ship makes sense.

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