Villainous OCs 73 members · 53 stories
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It will be for a manipulative villain who specializes in locking away great portions of another's power. ((theoretically there is no limit to who or what it can be cast and the extent of the effectiveness))

It must fit this.

"I hereby present... Lord ________ of (House) "Masquerade!"

His appearance has semi-long shaggy grey mane. One fang, and amber/orange colored eyes.

If it has Greek or insectoid roots all the better.

Some quotes if that would help:
"I care not for your anger, if you don't like what I do try to stop me."
"Too long the commoners have stood in your shadow. Once you fall however I'm confident they will rise to the challenge."
"Your lack of conviction sickens me Chrysalis. Your half-baked leadership is starting to weigh us down."

Lycantus Furia Amorphus the Fifth of the Dementia Provecto house

Lord Sillynipples

No? How about Lord Spiegel (German for Mirror)

4677107 You're crazy. I like you.
Spiegel huh? Hmmmm
4677040 Okay Amorphus interests me. Something similar to that will be nice.

Using google translate so sorry if it sucks but while looking at Greek translations of words I found one that I kinda like.
"No Blood" = "den aímatos"
"Blood" = "aíma"
Lord Den Aimatos of House Facade, but you may call me Aima.


Lord Sillynipples. :rainbowlaugh:

It sounds like a parody of a Parliament member done in a Monty Python sketch. :rainbowlaugh:

(Newscastor sits at desk, reads from teleprompter: ) "And in Parliament, today, Lord Sillynipples introduced legislation that would make the Fish Slapping Dance the officially recognized National Dance Of Britain." :rainbowlaugh:

(Yes! We're both loonies. We'll get along fine! :rainbowlaugh: )

Now... *Ahem*... As to a changeling villain name... Hmm...

Ague (Middle Ages name for Malaria.)
Chimera (Can mean a grotesque product of the imagination.)
Dies Irae (Means "Day Of Wrath". Could be used as a title as in Dies Irae (name)
Dunsanay (Means the opposite of utopia; a living hell.)
Felony (As in Lord Felony)
Lanius (Latin for Butcher.)
Minax (Latin for Menacing)
Natrix (Latin for Water Snake)
Tenebrae (Latin for Darkness)
Umbra (Another word for darkness)

4677214 The names you proposed are not forgotten but the Lord of secrets shall have the name... Amorphus. Amorphus "Masquerade" otherwise known as Formless Mask. Whadyya think?


Well, my thoughts on that is that it should be something that sticks in the mind, stays with a reader. For me, personally, names like Strike or Cinder tend to stick. Short, sharp names that have impact. Think of names of well known comic book super-hero types: Spiderman, Batman, names like that. They're relatively short and they have impact. That's what I was thinking.

4679810 I see. Well it's not as big as his previous name was. Cyclomatooth.

Amorphus? Not bad.

I would have gone with Lord Twinkle Toes III.

In all seriousness, it flows pretty well off the tongue.

4679840 Funnily enough I was willing to go with the ironic path. Like name him "Honest". I may use it as a pseudonym/cover name. Like... he is considered dead and this is the new name he takes.


Cyclomatooth? Huh. That doen't roll off the tongue very easily does it?

4679885 Heh. Nope it doesn't. Neither does Abectrozeus.


"And Abectrozeus went forth unto his sons, Meel, Razicordiam, Alborcam and Cradomesimodorium and said unto them, "behold all of that which we have made! Marvel in the glory of it! One day this shall all be yours and you shall be the heirs and the caretakers of it!" And Abectrozeus' sons, Meel, Razicordium, Alborcam and Cradomesimodorium beheld it and saw that it was good and they rejoiced, singing, "yes, it is good for our father has done good unto us and given us a great blessing! Let us proclaim it radical and awesome! Break out the wine for we shall party deep into the night in celebration of it!"

Yeah, names like Abectrozeus always make me think of weird Old Testiment biblical passages. :rainbowlaugh:


Okay, this one; Cyclomatooth, call me old but, to me, he looks like some weird alien hedge trimmer. (That's one landscaping job I wouldn't want!) And this guy: Mutant Avecto Zeus, all that comes to mind seeing that picture is there's some guy in a padded room somewhere screaming his head off because all he can see with his mind's eye is that truly psychotic version of a Power Ranger. (Yeah, think about it! It really does look like a bad-acid-trip version of a Power Ranger but, then, that's just me.

4679919 I need to cut down on the anime influences.


I know that feel! I had to do the same thing with Bleach. (Ichigo and Orihime Inoue shipping. Yeah, that's pretty obvious. LOL!)

4679965 All in good measure I guess.

Very true but I steer clear of cross-overs since I feel it tends to needlessly overcomplicate things and create a lot of confusion in a story.

4679997 I've got an idea about a crossover but I need to know more lore.


Research time! (Oh, fun!) :rainbowlaugh:

4680016 Well World of Warcraft and the "Sha" are really great things.

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