Villainous OCs 73 members · 53 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Mega NewWays97
Group Admin

Hello and welcome. I'm NewUnitedEmpire and I welcome everyone's Villainous OC's.

Hi. I'm pononimous and I'll be posting later on about a unique villain after the third chapter of A Murder On Lilac Lane (the conclusion) has been published. (Right now it's in editing but, hopefully, I'll be able to post it in a day or two.)

I have a few, but I want to work on them a bit more

I've got a few villains you might enjoy. Can't wait to begin posting them!

Hi I'm nioniosbbbb you may call me Dennis/Dionysios I am Greek and study computer engineering at my 24

Titanium Blade
Group Admin

Hello, I'm Titanium Blade, and as I work on my story series, you can be sure to see a Lot of villainous OCs. :moustache:

4674743 I have a OC villain named Cult Race. He's an immortal assassin who been killing since the time of Discord's reign.

Often nicknamed 'The Killer of Million', for all the bodies he has torn apart throughout the millenniums. He loves to hunt, he love to kill. But most of all he like to take his job nice and slow. And he recently set his sights on Flash Sentry.

Hi, I'm Purple Patch, creator of the Rejuvenation Play and it's sequels.
I'm told my fics have become quite prominent owing to their antagonists.
My commenters fill the sections with how much they want my thoroughly vile villains punished in various ways.
It at least lets me know I'm doing my job right.
A critic described them...

The central conflict is one with puppy-kicking evil antagonists. They are so thoroughly despicable that it had to be an intentional homage to the villains of popular drama of the early twentieth century. They go out of their way to be as horrid as possible, and the power they have to enact their nefarious schemes seem to come out of the blue.

Would that be welcome at this particular group?

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