FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
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So I'm sure we're all familiar with the season 2 star wars reference but what about the other ones? I can only remember 2 at the time and they are

It's a trap!

from season 5 The Cutie Map. Also there's the very subtle Jedi mind trick thing that Adagio pulls off while singing Under Our Spell. So what do you guys think? Is there some reason why they put these references in? Are they all just coincidences? Or am I just being a little overanalytical?

both the show and the movies are filled with references to movies, games, comics, music, popculture, memes...

The show and the Equestria Girl movies even reference each other.

The Hasbro animation team are just a bunch of huge nerds,
and they also know that a large part of the bronies are as well,
so it's just a fun little fan service thing for the sake of just having it.

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