FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
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OK so this has been bugging me for a while now. Exactly WHAT was Sunset going to do with that hammer? Wouldn't it just pass through like just about anything else? Or would it somehow destroy the portal like she expected? I think the first one but of course it's just a theory. A FIMtheory.

What do you think?

4796681 Just another example of how badly written the first EG movie is.

4796681 It would pass through the portal, the Equine Princesses would see this, rush out to the human world and Sunset would have Snips and Snails prepare capturing tools for the three of them. Easy.

Maybe the portal only opens from contact with a living thing. We've never seen the portal open otherwise. So the hammer would have smashed the ordinary marble.

as proven in the THIRD movie, the portal only opens when in contact with someone who has magic (Twilight, Sunset), but when Sunset lost her magic
in the third movie and then touched the portal, it did not open.

Using a hammer instead of her hand would therefore smash the marble on which the portal is "projected" upon, in lack of a better word.

Perhaps the portal needs a physical surface on which to "exist"? on the Pony side, it's the mirror, and on the human side, it's the side if the statue.
Breaking the physical object might break the connection, like "hanging up a phone".
Or destroy a Stargate, for those of you that has seen that show. I believe the Equestria portal works in a similar way to those gates,
a sort-of wormhole between two dimensions, and if you break the access points, the "tunnel" is disconnected.

At least that's how I see it - and yes, back n the first movie this was never clearly explained, but in the third one we learned that it WAS
in fact activated my magic, which of course makes sense - otherwise any random human who touched it could just fall into Equestria.
It's kinda like a fingerprint scanner lock, and the Equestrian magic is the "fingerprint" to gain access.


as proven in the THIRD movie, the portal only opens when in contact with someone who has magic

When Sci Twi touched the statue pedestal side in the beginning of the 3rd movie, the portal looked like it wanted to open.

4797855 hm...
Maybe some people are more "connected" to their pony equals,
and has some residual traces of magic in them, allowing the portal to react,
but no fully open? A bit far-fetched I admit, but still possible.

Also, when Sunset touched it, it reacted.

Then, Sci-twi "stole" her magic, and suddenly the portal did NOT react anymore,
so there IS some kind of connection.

Perhaps Sci-twi somehow does have some magic in her?

I mean, it HAS been seen that some people (mane 5) does have some amount of magic,
they simply don't have full control over it.

In Equestria, their pony equivalents are all Elements of Harmony.
on the human side, Sci-Twi is Twilights counterpart, so if the worlds are connected,
it would be possible that Sci-twi has the same magic as the other mane5,
hers has simply never manifested since it awakens with friendship,
and sci-twi doesn't have any actual friends until she joins the mane5 at the end of the third movie.


It was secretly a pinata that would break when it passed through and send the ponies candy.:derpytongue2:

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