FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
Comments ( 36 )
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So, with Eris gone, who's going to step up and become the new leader of this group?

For those who need explaining, I'm talking about which one of the ADMINS will take up the mantle for Eris.

Someone far better, let us hope. Curse that fool of a prior user.

4699700 Well, he was cool, but apparently had complete disregard for the rules.

We all know how that turned out.

He was a blithering idiot, but he strangely liked me nonetheless.

4699705 So, got any suggestions for who should take over?

Crimson Eon
Group Admin

4699697 I feel as if hailspider or new united empire would be good, also,
4699700 I feel as if you would be a trustworthy group leader

4699953 NewUnitedEmpire is up for consideration in 'Off-Topic', but HailSpider is a good choice for this group.

Besides, only the current admins are up for consideration in this discussion, so no regular members or contributors.

Crimson Eon
Group Admin

4700084 my vote is on hailspider, now I wait...
(I know, I still believe tavi is responsible enough though.)

Well, I nominate myself to be this groups new leader. I am incredibly responsible, and although I may sound narcissistic, it is undeniable that I am a reasonable to lead this group. I am exultant in events of theorising and I am outstanding when it comes to matters of organisation; I have a full time employment as a landscape designer, and I balance it with my University studies. I am more than willing to accept responsibility for this group and I will pay very close attention to it. Thus, I should be the new leader.

Big Brother is Watching
Group Contributor

I'll take the position!

Well, seeing as how that I'm not an admin in this particular group, I have no say in this decision.

I'm just bringing the discussion to light because of Eris' permaban.

Her groups need new leaders, and this one is no different.

I've already gotten 'Lyra's Library' and Inquisitor's got 'The History', so now this group is up for decision time.

The ones who have any say as to who will take over this group is the admins.

If that is the case, due to your inadequacy, I shall take it up with them.

4700848 No need for insults here.

This discussion needed to happen, and there were no threads about this made so far, nor have any of the admins even addressed it at all.

Excuse me for trying to keep this group together after the ban of the founder/leader.

Group Admin

4699953 I'm willing to take over; I mean, it's really more of a symbolic duty than anything.

Hm, if one could call Eris a leader, curse him.

4700884 I'm fine with that, just make sure you get an ok with the other admins.

The whole point of finding a new leader is so that a group doesn't devolve into admins fighting over who has the final say on important group matters, so it would help if you made sure that they're ok with you being essentially top admin.

4700911 Well, this group wouldn't exist without him, which I find strange considering what this one is about.

I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a theory group created before this one.

Oh, their are others, but they are not as profuse as this one.

4700965 That's weird.

I guess that it was the popularity of Eris that makes this one work, but that's just my theory.:trollestia:

. . .

Ha. Ha. Ha. Everyone's laughing.

4700989 Hey, it's better than needlessly insulting, now isn't it?

That is very true.

4701005 Thank you, now, let's try to keep this thread on track ok?

I would like this thread to be where the admins discuss who's going to be the new boss, since well, it's a thread and I'd imagine that PMing each other would be much too slow.

Plus, we can get other members thoughts on this decision as well, so everyone wins.

I will conspire to speak to them personally.

I say, is it not logical for the admin who is next in line to take over?

4701054 Yeah, but who was the first one made admin by Eris in this group, that's as close as we'll get to next in line.

Kawaii Kitty.

4701085 Alrighty, guess we have a candidate then.

It is only sensible.

Group Admin

4701105 I'm currently campaigning on the admin group; it's went over well with the one person who's responded.



I'm currently campaigning

Group Admin

4701115 Yeah, I was kind of expecting something similar, but I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it.

4701128 So, how is the campaigning going?

Group Admin

4701195 Pretty well; two of the other admins support me!

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