FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
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Equus cannot exist in an Universe like ours, from what we know. Using Occam's Razor (try to find the simplest solution, as it is very easy just to keep creating more and more elaborate hypotheses, with no basis, so Occam's Razor keeps one grounded, at the cost that the hypotheses Occam's Razor generates are often simplistic, but one can always elaborate later, as one refines the hypotheses), Equus is round (as stated in Hearths' Warming's Eve) and in a giant planetarium.

Given that Q and Discord are identical, the simplest hypothesis is that Q created the Universe of Equus and incarnated in the Universe, for his amusement, as Discord with a round Equus existing in a planetarium-like Universe with the stars near and only a backdrop a few thousand kilometers away at the literal edge of the Universe of Equus.

That is not a legit use of Occam's Razor. Inventing a "planetarium" large enough to encompass a planet and its nearby space is not the simplest explanation of anything. It would be just as simple to say that the MLP universe is a positively curved closed manifold like a 3-sphere.


What I mean is that it is Planetarium-Like. It seems more likely that the "Sun" is a lamp near Equus than that Unicorns in the past and Celestia in the present drag around an object with a mass of 2*10^30 KG with a power-output of 4*10^26 Watts. In this Planetarium-Like universe, I imagine that the Sun and the Moon were chaotic before the Unicorns tamed them.

I like that you have an understanding of Mathematics:

In a mailing list devoted to the TV-Show "the Land of the Lost", I explained that the Land seems to be a tile a dozen to a score kilometers on each side in a Pocket-Universe which is the 3D-surphace of a 4D-Torus and that the underside might be inhabited and that the sky is an illusion. I deduced this from watching the show. Only 1 member of the group understood me. He was also the only member of the group smart enough not to Me-Too like a brain-dead AOLer.

¿What is your personal hypothesis about Equus, its Universe, and History?

IMO it exists in a separate universe from ours, and based on its celestial mechanics it should be a closed finite universe with the sun and moon being small close-by objects like you say. Though, "small" is a relative statement as the sun and moon can still be the size of Rhode Island.

The sun is too small to be undergoing natural fusion, so it's some sort of "magical furnace" as some reader had surmised. The moon canonically doesn't just reflect this sun's light; it is an active radiator of night and darkness, however that works.

IMO all the First Encounter fics where humans arrive on the planet via spaceships, are all off-base. It exists in another universe with different laws of physics; the only way to reach it is via portals of magic or super-science.


Your take is compatible with mine. ¿Would you say that the Universe of MLP:FiM is apparently artificial? It seems to be so to me. That is why I figure that Q created the universe for his amusement and is Discord.

To go from "Equestria exists in a closed universe" to "this universe was created" requires an unsupported leap in logic. We can just as easily say that we exist in an artificial reality, as many clickbait science articles/blogs claim, citing the holographic principle and the various universal constants. You can claim it and it can't be disproved, but there is no valid "because, therefore" train here.


Unlike our Universe, which shows no signs of artificiality, Equus is at the center of a its small closed Universe, with 2 steerable objects above. Also, some mechanism exists for dumping waste-heat out of the Universe. The stars seem to be an illusional backdrop.

The Universe of Equus is the sort of created Universe Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, and other creationists beginning with Ken* wish they inhabited, rather than our Universe, showing no signs of artificiality, they have.

Our universe shows plenty of signs of artificiality. The entire quantum reality makes no intuitive sense to us unless we pretend we're looking at video game code. A respected theoretical physicist found the same equations that we have in our web browser codes (prelim work, interviewed by Neil deGrasse Tyson on annual Asimov forum).
Check out table 1 in both papers (not as proof, but as illustration):

The MLP universe, meta-speaking, is a created universe (by Hasbro and Ms. Faust). But in-setting speaking, it is no more and no less a created universe than ours, as seen above. Its steerable celestial objects, violation of thermodynamics, and pinprick stars are not proofs, but unknowns. Because we don't know its physics. I can easily make up some magi-babble which "explains" how all the above occurred naturally.


I read the 1st link. After I write this, I shall read the 2nd.

If you like stories about simulated reality, I have a story-recommendation:

I. D. Injector Doe: That Indestructible Something

As far as artificiality, I mean that the Universe of Equus looks like Q made it:

It has only 3 Objects in it, with Equus being by far the largest. The Sun and Moon are small and steerable. It has a literal Firmament with stars embedded in it. One gets the impression that Q created the Universe of Equus for housing Equus.

You make it sound as if Equestrians exist in an isolated little bubble, but they themselves know that they don't exist in a bubble. They can travel to other worlds, it's just that they use magic while we use rockets. In fact as far as they're concerned, they've gone to more places than we have; we're the ones trapped in a bubble.

Look at it from their POV. They would think that it's normal that each world exists in its own pocket, and you travel to other worlds via portals. A reality which is mostly empty space, with tiny bright specks impossibly far apart and unable to reach each other, is an illogical universe to them.


The other worlds they visit are other enclosed Universes. Also, it is strange that their Universe and all others they can reach through mirrors have someway of dumping waste-heat out of the Universe. That seems like an artificial quality of the Universe. This reminds me about a book on my list "Read Later". This is a short review:

Review —— Ted Chiang —— "Exhalation" (2008)

¡Too many book; but sadly however, not enough time to read them all!


If you like stories about simulated reality, I have a story-recommendation

This reminds me about a book on my list "Read Later". This is a short review

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