FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
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Mega NewWays97
Group Admin

I know that in most MLP Fanfiction we say that ones can sense magic. It seems that it is possible to sense it in the show, as Celestia visions helped her know about it, and Discord has the ability sense magical imbalances.

However how? For Discord it's handwave as he strange Eldritch Abomination, and Celestia and Luna are connected to the world though the sun and Moon.

However I thin that its not something most Unicorns can do only highly trained in magic can learn how to feel. As for how they to it? Perhaps its kinda DBZ?

4644040 So like Ki? Yeah, I can see the reasoning behind that.

I think of it being a physiological thing. Rather, instead of sensing the energy outward, magic users sense the energy inward. This fits in with the common headcannon that all ponies have magical properties: the pegasi can control the weather and walk on clouds; and the earth ponies are stronger and are more in tune with the earth. Each type of pony would utilize the same basic energy differently, conjuring it in many ways unique the user.

In essence, when ponies use magic, they draw energy from the outside into themselves, and expunge it in its various forms. This is unique to every pony's physiology, perhaps even more so for unicorns (as the types of magic, ranging from illusionary to offensive, even controlling, are varied and large). Their "sensing" is really them feeling the energy flow through them. It is the ponies creating a circuit of magical energy within them, and then directing that charge outward in various forms.

This would also explain how some unicorns are natural born magic users, while some have to train constantly. Their makeups are different, and therefore certain physiologies are more beneficial in magic use than others.

Crimson Eon
Group Admin

4644040 you know when you're half awake/asleep and you know your body is there, but it feels detached and distant?
kinda like that, at least, that's how I've imagined it.

4644040 Magic is energy. If you can feel vibrations then you can feel magic.
Think of it as a particular wave length, since in the show all unicorn magic has a distinctive color.
It would make sense that they could feel this, perhaps the stronger the pony the further away they can feel other unicorn magic.
Hence why Celestia and Luna have such sensitivity, followed by Cadence (sensing love) then Twilight Sparkle (her power being pure magic)

Little IRL trick, you can feel your own aura by holding your hands together. When you feel something different between them (not the same as outside them) then slowly pull your hands apart concentrating on that feeling, see how far you can pull them apart until you can't feel the sensation any more.
It really does work! When you get good at it you can even feel the energy compressing between your hands when you push them together.

4644040 Sounds like the Force.

Mega NewWays97
Group Admin

So like Ki?


If you can feel vibrations then you can feel magic


the Force.

All ways to see it


4644040 it's just an extra sense that they all have. Can you explain sight to someone who has been blind since birth?

Yes. Yes, I can.

Mundane, magic-less reality as we know it is simply the quantum vacuum state of our locality in the universe.

But locality is a classical illusion, so magic is the importing of inflationary density perturbations, from elsewhen and elsewhere of this universe to accomplish work while circumventing physical media. "What about not violating the conservation of energy?" Well there is no violation as the universe as a system will always be at a net zero energy; the only trick is gaining the degrees of freedom to use through manipulation of density of states of the system.

The expanding universe is separated by event horizons in the form of domain walls, each topology ruled by different laws of physics. Go back far enough in time, and the "empty space" of the universe contains vacuum energy so dense it makes a neutron star look like cotton candy. Yet it's all net zero energy. Magic is the manipulation of this force of cosmic creation unparsed within the limits of current human science.

... ... ...

Magic could be negative energy. As in, theoretical physics. If that's the case, then it isn't necessary for magic to exist in some supernatural "dimension". It exists right in this universe; just place 2 ordinary plates close together and you'll have created a local region of negative energy density. Magic is everywhere, except it's currently outside of our understanding and capability to use.

Negative energy defies our intuition a lot like magic does. Used in the raw, it directly counter-acts gravity. This is why levitation is the first trick young unicorns learn; it requires no spell matrix and merely involves focusing negative energy. Also, it seemingly violates bedrock laws such as conservation of energy and conservation of momentum... except it doesn't because of its negative sign. In fact, negative energy is entirely consistent with energy and momentum conservation.

So there you have it. Energy that is everywhere in the universe, woven into the fabric of spacetime itself, makes up 68.3% of everything that makes up reality (while what we think is reality is really the 4.9%), and mathematically does things which appears to break math in our eyes.


4661556 I was referring to the second part, sensing it. You stated what magic is, but not what it means to feel it and what that experience is like. Building on my previous statement, you can explain to a blind person that what is commonly referred to as light is synchronized oscillating electric and magnetic fields that have a wavelength between 400 and 700 nm. You can go on to describe sources and how light is generated and even go into it's quantum nature. But can you convey what seeing is like? What it means to see? Why is blue a cool color and red warm? Sensing goes beyond the physical world and goes into cognition and perception. Now try to explain a sense that no human has or has ever had. Can you do it?


Now try to explain a sense that no human has or has ever had. Can you do it?

Human intuition is overrated. Just because our senses never experienced it, doesn't mean we can't conceptualize it.
We do it all the time, with instruments utilizing sonar, radar, infra-red, X-ray, etc.


4667007 well, i never brought up intuition, i talked about cognition and sensory perception. Since we are talking about how organic beings perceive the world, these things can't be overrated. It's like saying that transistors and binary logic are overrated in electric computers, it's how everything works. We also aren't talking about human machines, we're talking about organics. So anything related to human instruments is completely irrelevant.

It is quite relevant. We can make a plane without a viewscreen/windshield, the pilot navigating only by instrumentation and readings. What is sight's primary purpose except to navigate the world? I don't agree with serenades which elevate organic senses with an inherent sentimentality. Sure, a human being will be happier if she can see. But human rationality can rise above the animal senses to abstractly understand the universe.


4669601 i'd say that we're on different pages, but i thing we're reading different books. I'm only talking about how organic beings perceive the world around them based solely on their senses and how difficult that is to describe to others that don't have that sense (specifically magic) At no point does technology enter this. It applies to every sentient species regardless of technology level they have. I'm not talking about absraction, or sentimentality, or technology, just how our brain processes raw information.
Here's a more concrete example. My friend is red green color blind and we both tried to explain the world as we saw it. Here's how far we got: I see that tree as green and the no parking sign as red, he sees them as both the same color; a different color that isn't red, green, blue, grey, or any other color he could describe. A unicorn trying to explain magic to a human is like me trying to explain the concepts of red and green to my friend. The human would understand the idea that the unicorn could sense things the human can't, just like my friend gets that i saw the tree and sign as different colors, and that's about all they get. My friend doesn't understand what green or red looks like and a human won't understand what it feels like to sense magic.
if your still not getting my point, explain what magic feels like. No analogies, no similes, no metaphors, no other senses, no science, it has to be a unique perception that stands apart from every other sense.

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