FiMTheory 164 members · 32 stories
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Group Admin

original thread in the link above

We know Discord is a spirit. A spirit of Chaos. So, I had a question: Since Discord kinda came from nowhere, possibly just the world's need for a force of pure chaos at the time. Or perhaps like the Wendigos, he was born from an accumulation of Chaos..

...and, we know little to nothing about Celestia and Luna's origins, if they're mortal or immortal, but we do know they were born alicorns. Discord was born a draconequus.

Where did Celestia and Luna come from? Are they really ponies born by natural means? Of course not, it's impossible since we know alicorns have to be made into alicorns. Twilight was a unicorn, Cadance was a pegasus, but they both became alicorns. If this could happen before, I'd say that it'd have happened before.

Now, here's where my main question comes in, are Celestia and Luna spirits like Discord? In that, they have no parents or mortality?

I also wondered if Luna somewhat gave up her spirithood when she betrayed Celestia, so she was ripped from her spiritual form (making Woona or something) while her true spirit form was Nightmare Moon. By that logic, Luna is just as mortal as any other pony right now. She'd be Fleur De Lys's age, since they have kinda the same shape and size. The question then would be how long does Luna have to live? Spirits live forever, so Discord and Celestia will never die. Luna, if my theory that she became mortal upon becoming Nightmare Moon and being stripped from that form of hers, cannot live forever. So then, what about Twilight and Cadance?

Well... sorry for this whole thing, actually... it's a just some random thoughts I had.

It took a while to find this theory.:heart:

Group Admin

ha, i forgot to fix the title...:twilightblush:

Group Admin

sorry, another title fix...

i should go to sleep:twilightoops::facehoof:

Group Admin

4638596 The official Journal of the Two Sisters states that at the very least, they age, albeit slowly (outright stated on page 14). They're also mentioned as having once been fillies, so spontaneous generation's (almost certainly) out of the question. They also seem to have been alicorns their entire lives, as they don't get their cutie marks until they were already adults, whereas all of the other known alicorns got their cutie marks prior to ascending. Other times, they allude to the existence of an alicorn race (page 62 is one of those times, as is 108, and I'm pretty sure there's at least one more that I missed). While this doesn't make it impossible for them to be spirits, I'd say it makes it seem a whole lot less likely.

If you discount that book as a source (even though it was written by one of the show's own writers), then this is a much more likely theory, even if it doesn't really have anything supporting it.

Group Admin

yeah, i quickly noticed that as well, but i had the thought that they could have been born from nowhere as children to learn and grow on their own

Group Admin

4639984 Also found another interesting statement; page seven directly references an Alicorn race in an unambiguous manner:

The Alicorns thought it was an important part of our education

Group Admin

so, there are more?:heart:

Group Admin

4640025 Apparently, though I doubt we'll ever hear them mentioned again, except possibly in a season opener/finale or the move, because when else would they have enough airtime to properly establish that there's a full race of alicorns?
There's also the chance that they're all dead.

On another note, a full race of alicorns could potentially explain these two strange princesses, though I kind of doubt it would ever be used to as (at least in my opinion) they look awful and the first one has an exceptionally odd cutie mark.

Group Admin

my internet connection renders me unable to see the pictures posted there... sorry...

Group Admin

4640075 I know how that feels.

Group Admin

but hey... at least it can't last forever, right?

Group Admin

4638596 This is interesting, because I've gone to consider the thought that Alicorns could likely be the pony equivalent to Angels...
That is...if we are speaking from a Alternate Universe perspective, and not a canon universe perspective.

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