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This ever-expanding list of science tips will hopefully help you, should you need to include science in your story, or if you must use it for any other reason. This list will be subcategorized based on topic... eventually.

Science Tips — NSEMPT (Natural Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Technology)
(1) In chemistry, a "neutralized" compound is one where the sum of the charges of each atom in that compound add up to zero.
(a) Water, H₂O (nomenclature: dihydrogen monoxide), is a neutralized molecule. This is because oxygen has a charge of -2, and the
two hydrogen atoms each have a charge of +1, which adds up to zero.
(b) That can be illustrated as 2H⁺¹ + O⁻² ⇆ H₂⁺²O⁻²; ΔH = −285.8 kJ/mol.
(2) Universally, pH stands for "potenz hydrogen" or "power of hydrogen", and is a numeric scale which measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution.
(a) The pH scale generally goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being extremely acidic, and 14 being extremely basic. 7 is considered neutral.
(b) In acids, H₃O⁺ (hydronium cation) is abundant while OH⁻ (hydroxide anion) is not. The opposite is said for bases.
(3) DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. RNA is just ribonucleic acid.
(4) In astrophysics, one Astronomical Unit (AU) is roughly the distance from the Earth to the Sun, or 149,597,871 kilometers. The value of one AU varies as the distance between the Earth and the Sun fluctuates throughout the year.
(a) The maximum distance between is called an aphelion. The minimum is called a perihelion.
(5) The Solar System is located in the Orion—Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
(6) The largest galaxy to date is supergiant elliptical galaxy IC 1101, with a diameter of 6 million light years, and is located 1 billion light years away from Earth. It has about 100 trillion stars, while the Milky Way only has about 200-400 billion.
(7) The possibility that life exists elsewhere in the universe became astronomically high in recent years, especially within our very own Solar System.
(a) Don't get all of your hopes up, however. Chances are most, if not all of this possible life will be microscopic in nature.
(8) Water that is eutrophic contains high levels of organic nutrients, and little to no oxygen. Water that is oligotrophic is the opposite.
(9) Click here for an excellent interactive periodic table of the elements.
(10) A graviton is a hypothetical particle of quantum gravitational energy. In other words, it is the hypothetical particle responsible for gravity.
(11) If an unstoppable force collides with an unmovable object, it is assumed that they will simply pass through each other.
(12) A hypervelocity star is one that has been flung from its galactic core's supermassive black hole out into intergalactic space.
(a) Some hypervelocity stars nearly achieved lightspeed this way. Nearly.
(13) Don't take what Dr. Hawking said regarding black holes with a grain of salt, he knows they exist.
(14) Interestingly, if you took the Earth and crushed it down to the size of a U.S. nickel, a black hole would form.
(15) Yo granny so old she couldn't hear a train roll through a nitroglycerin plant!
(16) There are an infinite number of infinitely varying degrees of infinity.
(17) In the grand scheme of things, a supercomputer simulation of the observable universe greatly resembled a network of neurons.
(18) Carbohydrates are just that — hydrates of carbon.
(a) If you want to be more specific, they are formally structured as polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones.
(19) A good scientist always uses a fume hood, even when it's not necessary.
(a) A good scientist also always wears goggles, gloves, a lab coat, and always has long hair tied back.
(20) To use a centrifuge properly, a test tube with an equivalent volume of liquid (usually water) should be placed on the hole opposite of what is to be centrifuged.
(21) A natural log (ln) is not the same as a normal log (log).
(22) Albert Einstein's mass–energy equivalence (E=mc²) is actually an abbreviation of a longer equation that utilizes momentum.
(a) The full equation is as follows: E²=(mc²)²+(pc)².
(b) E = Energy in joules, m = Mass in kilograms, c = Speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second), and p = Momentum of the
object being measured.
(23) The Milky Way, Andromeda and Magellanic Clouds lie inside the Virgo Supercluster.
(24) We are nearing the capable threshold and maximum speed of copper-based processing.
(a) To surpass this, we are slowly making the transition to optical fiber processing, which can make computers process near the
speed of light.
(b) Optical fibers aren't susceptible to electromagnetic interference.
(25) 1 milliliter is equal to 1.23 grams.

More science tips coming soon! If you need to include science in your fic, this list may help. Want to add on to it? Let me know! This list of science tips was inspired by FanOfMostEverything's list of literature tips.

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