Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
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Welp. A pile of fics and about a year later, I'm still here. First off, let's take a look at how far I've gotten.

Back when I first posted a bio here, I was just barely starting on a reboot of my first fic, Wielder of the Orb. I was quite proud of what it was turning out to be back then, but now? Let's just say that I still cringe a bit looking back on that.

Since then, I've been jumping from story to story, trying to figure out what I was best at. For a long time, I had decided that comedy was my best shot on the site, and worked to develop what would become "I Think I Summoned a Ponk.", a heavily-randomness focused fic about... you guessed it, a self-insert somehow managing to bring Pinkie into the real world, complete with her insane shenanigans. Along with that, I began to pump out one-shot after one-shot, and even went as far as revisiting "What If...", my fourth-ever story.

For a time, this went relatively well, with the one-shots routinely reaching the popular stories list. That is, until I began to grow tired of writing comedy. One thing led to another, and soon I found myself writing (and soonafter cancelling) "Equestria Forever", which tried a little bit too hard to stay away from comedy. Let's just say that I've stayed away from that fic ever since.

A few shaky stories later, and I found myself back in the loop of comedy, leading to "Twilight Finds Herself in Generation 1." being written. Shortly after both gaining and losing the most popular story slot on my stats page, I began something entirely new: My Lab Horse series.

This series was really the marking point for when I began to get a bit more serious about my writing. I tried to limit the amount of comedy going into the stories, but much of the plot still relied heavily upon the element of surprise. After successfully writing out and ending the first story in the series, I began work on its sequel, "Space Horse". However, given that I was still writing in my usual style of "winging it and explaining later", the entire fic became somewhat of a massive pile of filler material that honestly wasn't really all that needed in the first place.

Similarly, the complete lack of forward planning aside from knowing what the end goal was going to be proved to poke quite a few plot holes in the series, all the way up to even its current iteration in the form of "Equestrian Human", which is currently on hiatus.

In between each of these three stories in the series were a handful of additional one-shots, as well as a failed reboot of Spacebound Equestria.

Eventually, however, I one day came across an idea that I had originally written down as a chapter of "What If...", being "What if it was all a simulation?"

That single question gave rise to Pony-Me, my current "flagship" story of sorts. Ironically, it was meant to be an experimental one-shot meant to help me figure out what I was best at. Instead, it rapidly gained attention, and with that, I immediately knew what I wanted to write.

And here we are, all caught up to the present day.

Wheeeeeee, I've rebooted Pony-Me™ and wrote a whole new pile of fics!

'nuff said. :V


"What if it was all a simulation?"

I asked myself the same question.


This dream of ours will last forever

To preserve our friendship our endeavor

My eyelids half close, and I stop singing. Something is off. All my friends are still at it, though. Why does Luna always sing the loudest?

Why do we always sing about our dream whenever The Princess of Dreams is around? And how is it even possible to ever synchronize our voices without practicing beforehoof?

My vision darkens. The singing fades and the last thing I see is Luna’s terrified face, yelling at me, “Twilight Sparkle, please do not doubt this! I cannot sustain it if you do.”

A green light surrounds me. Where in Equestria am I now?

In the back of my head, I hear Luna's fleeting voice, “I’m sorry, my little pony. There is no Equestria. There never was...”

I wave through the thick liquid with a hoof and touch myself. Where are my wings?

As I press my face against the soft translucent wall, I recognize a creature on the outside looking in, directly at me. A changeling!

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