Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
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Hello my fellow authors, my name's PoisonClaw. Despite being a member of this site since 2012, it's only been in the last year or so that I've gotten back into the swing of writing after my teenager years where I wrote terrible Pokemon fanfics. My username, PoisonClaw, is actually a remnant of one of those stories that has stuck with me to this day.

See, for the longest time I considered myself more of an editor than a writer, now I'm equal parts of both. The phrase "You're your own worst critic" could not have been more true, since even though I had no shortage of ideas, I never wrote any of them since I feared that no one would read them anyway. Even now my default mood whenever I post a story is to assume it's barely going to get 100+ views. that way, if it bombs I'm not too bummed out and if it ends up doing well, then I can be pleasantly surprise.

And BOY was I surprised.

Right now I have a few stories under my belt so far, along with a laundry list of ideas I may get to in the future, but my most popular story by far is Sunset's Little Twilight, which, despite the terrible title, is in fact not a My Little Dashie parody.

Know what else? It also almost didn't happen.

So, it all began when I happened upon this image. I have a tendency to get more than a few ideas from artwork and this was no exception, with me thinking up the basic idea and sequence of events over the next few days. However, several things stood in my way.

1) I was not as big an Equestria Girls fan as I am now. When the franchise was first announced, I didn't hate it, but I was apprehensive and still have not seen the first movie. Going to see Rainbow Rocks greatly improved my opinions and the later released My Past is not Today song and eventually seeing Friendship Games fully solidified my love for Sunset Shimmer as a character. So you can imagine my apprehension in writing something I was not too familiar with.

2) At the time, there were at least two different stories on this site with almost the exact same premise of "Pony in the Equestria Girls world", both of which ended of being featured, so I was afraid all that would happen was people would see me as a copy-cat and a bandwagon jumper. Actually, the first few chapters were actually hampered because I was trying my hardest not to try and copy them unintentionally, like with a scene in one of those stories where human Fluttershy reacts to the pony in question... pretty much exactly how you would expect her to react. I almost didn't put in a similar scene in my story, until more than a few commenters remarked how they were anticipating seeing Fluttershy's reaction and I was like "... Well now I have to, don't I?"

3) As I previously stated, I assumed no one would like it anyway. It was only after I got some much needed reassurance from my best friend that I actually went through with it. It ended up passing moderation shortly before I went to bed, so I planned to do damage control in the morning.

The Next Day...

I got up the next morning and the first thing I do is check Fimfiction. And what do i find?

My inbox having exploded and filing legal action against me.

WHAT!? I briefly wondered if I was still asleep and this was all just some kind of dream. But nope! My response was as followed: Disbelief followed by amazement and followed by sheer, unadulterated terror and panic. Once that passed, I realized I had my work cut out for me in not screwing this up, so I've been doing everything I can to make sure this goes smoothly, made even easier after Friendship Games was released, which is not only my personal favorite of the three movies, but also confirmed many of the theories I had regarding the EQG universe.

To this day, i am mystified how my story managed to be as popular as it is. I'm not complaining mind you, but I still have yet come up with a good answer. Let's see... what else can I... Oh! I originally had a scene planned at one point that involved the discussion of bacon (which surprisingly did not involve Sunset's hair being compared to bacon, if you can believe that), but I cut it since it bogged down the story and felt out of place.

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