Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
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Okay, I suppose I should start by introducing myself. Name's the Bricklayer, or as I'm alternatively known on, King9033. Personally, my tastes in TV shows are kinda varied, which explains why I like watching dramas like NCIS and Supernatural and yet still enjoy MLP:FIM. The same could be said for my taste in music, which explains how I could like both of these songs even if they are completely different genres.

(Credit to DarkRavenholm99 for posting the Rush vid and credit to the respective artists for their music.)

Anyways, I became a brony before last Halloween and I basically I saw the show on Netflix and I had heard of how many fans it had, so I thought "Hey, can't be that all bad now can it?" and so I watched a few episodes, with either Luna Eclipsed or Applebuck Season being the first one I watched. And things just progressed from there.

If you don't mind, I'd now like to talk about a few of my fics, the first being my now deleted story (It was crap) which featured a OC called Grape Vine being friends with Rainbow Dash and having adventures, like I said before though it was crap but it did teach me a bit about writing ponies and what not to do so I do have that to thank it for.:twilightblush:

Anyways, Broken Diamond. So, after seeing Crusaders of the Lost Mark which remains one of my favorite episodes to this day and reading a few fics where somepony gets adopted (My personal fave being Matt11's You will never be alone) and reading some others by Yukito where Diamond was somewhat of a nicer pony I thought why not try my hand at writing a Diamond remdemption story where she gets orphaned by a house fire and has to be adopted by a jerk of a pony named Written Script, who liked Diamond becomes somewhat nicer over the course of the story. Things developed as it went on, with me giving a character arc to each of the main charicters, like Script and Rarity fixing their failed marriage and Script's adopted son Potion getting more confidence in himself.

The third fic I want to talk about is Frightmare Night, which is a mini sequel to my story Once a Time Lord now a Pony (Telling you all about that would be a whole story in itself I think.):twilightsheepish: It basically features the Doctor and Twilight along with a few others going up against the Headless Horse. I may have slightly (Okay, more then slightly) fiddled with the legend of Sleepy Hollow, but I think it'll turn out to be a fun story once fully completed. It may have less then one hundred views right now last I checked, but I do treasure it's few readers.

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