Galactic Civilizations 9 members · 0 stories
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Terran Alliance: Jack-of-All-Stats Generic Balanced group with a veneer of diplomacy. Also, the harbingers of the apocalypse. Because humans are special.

Drengin Empire: Evil, cruel, space apes that want to kill you, eat your innards, then enslave your family.

Torian Confederation: Frog Bajorans.

Altarian Republic: Space Elves who are the goody-two-shoes of the universe, albeit a bit arrogant.

Arcean Empire: Those proud warrior dudes.

Yor Collective: Zenocidal robots that overthrew their masters after being granted sentience by the Dread Lords.

Iconian Refuge: Cuttlefish-like survivors of the robot apocalypse.

Korx Dominion: Evil corporate scum

Krynn Consulate: 90% Every religious extremist group ever, 10% Space Mafia.

Thalan Contingency: Space bugs from the future who are trying to stop the end of everything.

Iridium Corporation: Capitalists that aren't complete assholes.

Drath Legion: Chess playing giant lizard manipulative bastards with a grudge against the Altarians.

Korath Clan: Like Drengin, but even worse.

Dread Lords: Evil Precursors..

Arnor: Good guy Precursors. With the knowledge to build freaking Death Stars.

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