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Group Admin

Greetings, everypony. I am Colonel Nightstorm. Now, this is something a little different and I feel as though it must be addressed. There have been times where I have come across movies, tv shows, games, etc, that people/ponies and critics adore.
But, I must ask: have you ever felt that a movie or anything out of the categories listed above didn't exceed your expectations and instead didn't impress you, or had you feel like it could have been better? In this case, I'm talking about stuff that you don't like, but everyone else loves it.
Now, everypony has their own opinions a--

I got it, Bison! Stay out of this! Despite this, some people tend to share very similar opinions everywhere, and any time somebody/somepony with an opinion very different from theirs comes around, they might get mistreated because of it. Now we all know that not everyone is like that, but there are people who will flat out be jerks to you for having a different opinion on something they like.
It's normal to be defensive about your opinions, but it's not okay to force others to agree with you. So, why do I feel like talking about this? I feel like I have to address it, because it's important to remember that not everyone has to like the same thing.

So, the question you may ask is what I think is underwhelming, compared to everyone else's opinion. There are NUMEROUS amounts of things I find either underwhelming or overrated. For example: The Princess Bride.



Private Flapjack?! How could you?!!

So many people love Princess Bride!!! The fact that you hate it should be considered illegal!!!

I never said I hated it, I thought it was okay!

"Okay"? "Okay"?!! I'm sure even Radifus loves the movie as much as everyone else!!!

I'm sure he'll have a differing opinion.

*Dials phone*

(on phone) It is I, Radifus, ruler of Darkness! I'm currently not here at the moment so leave a message after the beep... or don't, it doesn't matter.


Luna dang you, Radifus!

Come on, angry mob, let's subdue this infidel!!

Flapjack, you are so fired!!!

Group Contributor

Muahahaha, a little trouble in paradise colonel. Don't worry, i am sure you won't offend that many people. Probably. Not very likely. Still, I have to praise you for your endeavors. Not even I would dare approach this gem with criticism. Lets see what you're made of soldier. Radifus signing out.

To be honest I have never even seen this movie in its entirety so I am looking forward to this review.

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