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DISCLAIMER: If you haven't read part 1, go back into the threads to find it.

So our three fuzzy stooges end up in Dave's house, as the distressed songwriter throws away his very expensive equipment out the door. You know, people and ponies pay good money for those instruments! You could sell them off of Ebay or something! (or so I'm told). The Munks go off on an adventure to find and eat a bunch of food, and hijinks ensue. Typical.

Earl--Dave becomes aware of their presence, and tries to catch them.

*Dave stares at upside down bowl*

*Alvin farts in his face*


(in a stupid voice) Huhuhu! Chipmunk farted in his face! Huhuhu!

More hijinks, and Dave gets knocked out cold. When he starts coming to, he see the Chipmunks on his chest.

"Oh, this is trippy."

Yeah. I'd agree. He understandably freaks out, as I would do the same if I saw talking cg animals.

"We are chipmunks! Chipmunks!"

"Chipmunks can't talk either."

"Well, our lips are moving and words are coming out."

They also know his name--since chipmunks can somehow read his mail. So animals in this world can apparently read. I'm a little scared to look at small furry animals now.

*Looks at squirrel out of the window, staring at him intently*
Look away! (shudders) If any of my comrades sees that I have a slight fear of talking, sentient animals, I'll never hear the end of this!

So after they introduce themselves, Dave quickly kicks them out faster than a delinquent's parent. When it starts to rain, he starts to hear the chipmunks singing a "munk" version of Only you (and you alone). It doesn't sound too bad, thankfully.

"Oh, were we disturbing you?"

"What, you guys can sing too?"

"That's not singing. This is singing."

*chipmunks sing Funky Town*

No! No! Not that song! Don't ruin that song! Not like this! Make it stop!!!

After they ruin the first of many songs they'll sing in this movie, He decides to let them in. He offers them to stay, if they sing his songs. Of course being kids, they ask for food and TV privileges as a bonus. Just be lucky he's letting you stay.

"Don't tell your animal friends, because I don't wanna come... and find rabbits and skunks in my couch."

"Filthy creatures, Dave. Never associate with them."

Phew, the last thing we need is another "Over the Hedge". Then this would be even worse! Also, I should mention the acting is painfully average. It's not absolutely awful, but nothing good either. As of now, Simon is the only munk I sort of like so far, and Alvin is about as annoying and egocentric as--

*HeavyMetalKnight interrupts*


I won't say it, I won't say it!



Whoa! Almost stuck my hoof in my mouth. Now, where was I?... oh yeah.

Earl--I mean Dave, remembers throwing out his EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT and takes it all back inside to dry it all off. Seriously, you should be more careful of this stuff. More kid-friendly hijinks ensue by our childish protagonists, as Dave tries to maintain control.

"Are you guys always like this?"

"We're kids, Dave."

"Well, where are your parents?"

I was about to ask that same question.

"When you're a chipmunk, your parents take care of you for a week. Then they take off."

"Our parents were hippies. They left early to join a commune."

Huh. Never thought about that. Also... darn hippies!

As Jesse Munkartney is being chased by an old fasioned robot toy, the topic of Christmas comes to mind.

"Christmas! We love Christmas!"

"Even though we've never actually celebrated it."
Those critters from "South Park" did. I don't see why not. Oh yeah... because your ANIMALS!!! Whatever. So Dave goes to bed, and tucks the tykes in too. Once everyone's sound asleep, Dave hears the munks humming tunes in their sleep. This gets him inspired to start writing a new song. And what song might that be, you ask? That famous Christmas tune of course. I think it was called "Christmas don't be late", So yeah, they sing the song, which actually sounds surprisingly decent, and Dave decides to show it to Ian. I refuse to say his last name!

And not too much of a surprise, he's not buying it. He tries to get them to sing, but they don't know what to do. It's definately stage fright.

"You know, Dave... some people might say it's kinda weird... that a grown man would want a hula hoop. And others would say, 'You know what's weirder than that? A grown man bringing another grown man... a big box of chipmunks in it... who could not only speak English but can sing.'"

I get his logic, but he sounds like flank when he says it like that. Then again, Dave is a little on the jerkish side too. But Ian... takes the cake.

"Dave, I'm going to pretend... That I have a lunch to go... oh, I have a lunch to go to."

After Earl--dang it! Dave, gets a little ticked, he decides to leave them home, since he's late for work. Oh boy, let's see how bad this'll go.

"Boy, am I jazzed about our Yum-able Energy Bar commercial."

"That's Good-able Energy Bar commercial."

And we wonder why we have sucky names for food! Things start to fall apart as we find that the three chipmunks have created crude drawings that would fit well in a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book. And no matter what you say, I will never review that movie! Because of these drawings, he gets fired. Congratulations! You three have ruined this guy's career! He gets home to complain at the munks.

"Why are my clothes all over the place?"

"We used them to mop up the water. Good idea, right?"

Hehehe, no!

"Oh, my god. Theodore did you just--?"

"It's a raisin, Dave."

"Prove it."

Don't eat. Don't eat it. Don't eat it!

*eats chipmunk crap*

Eeeeewwww! Oh, Luna and Celestia, that is freaking gross!!! Oh gosh! How can it get any worse?!

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"

*eye twitches*


Will Nightstorm keep his sanity?

To be continued...

Group Contributor

Radifus: Muahhahaha this pleases me so! Nice job, for a pathetic Lunar lapdog that is.

Lunaexcelsior: Hey! Leave hm alone or no global domination for you!

Radifus: Urgh fine. I have to watch The Happening anyways *shivers in fear*

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