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*Nightstorm paces back and forth on a nice rug*

Hmm... with all those complications regarding Titanic II... what on earth am I going to review?

*A lunar guard comes in urgently*

Colonel! Colonel!

Private Flapjack. What seems to be the trouble?

It's a message sir! From Radifus!

I see. Thank you for the intrusion.

You're welcome sir!

*Flapjack runs off*

Hmm... Now what does that nefarious serpent want this time?

Dear Nightstorm: It has come to my attention you haven't reviewed Titanic II yet. So in retaliation I've picked out a movie you have seen before. Mwahahaha! And it's golden! So golden, I don't even need to tell you it's name, for you will know what it is as soon as I write a quote from the movie. Here it is: Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like m--

(Eyes widen in terror)


Greetings everypony! I am Colonel Nightstorm. I'm pretty sure you all know about Alvin and the Chipmunks, right? If not... I envy you!

Originally, The Chipmunks were created by Ross Bagdasarin Sr., for a novelty record in 1958. And as much as I'd rather get into the history of these pesky furballs, I have to review this 2007 travesty! So without further ado, let's be quick about this!

So we start off in the woods, where get our dosage of a high-pitched version of a popular, and good song. Sadly, this won't be the last we hear of this. We see our three cg cartoon chipmunks--who look nothing like their 2d counterparts--collecting acorns for the winter. And they stuff them all into a tree.

"It's going! It's going! Whooooaaaa!"

"Aaand... it's gone."


"Maybe we should take a break."

Oh and by the way, the three squeaky rodents are voiced by helium filled Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, and Jesse McCartney. Guess who's higher pitched?

Their tree ends up being cut down--with them in it, as they are being driven to LA. Meanwhile we cut to Earl--I mean Dave Seville, played by Jason Lee. Who is a songwriter by the way.

*Loud chord plays on piano*

I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist!

As he rushes out the door, he comes across his ex, played by Cameron Richardson. Long story short, she's his neighbor, he was in a relationship with her, moving on.

*fast forwards*

So we see that the Chipmunks tree has been turned into a Christmas tree, inside the building of JETT Records. We then see the guy who also voices Crane from Kung Fu Panda, David Cross, as the executive producer Ian Hawke. The man does not deserve such an awesome Surname! From here we see that Dave is here for an interview for his new song.

(listens to song; hums along)

"Let's talk about your song, Dave."

"Well, as crazy as it sounds... the original inspiration came to me--"

"The song sucks, Dave."

Hey, it's generic sure, but it's better than the usual fodder that rapes my eardrums!

"You know, I mean, who's gonna sing it? Justin? Fergie? Not a chance."

Alternative bands would most likely sing it, but that's just my opinion. Heck, if anything they could make it sound better. It's pretty clear this guy rejects the song, and Dave's pretty upset about it. Oh yeah, and the furry twerps hop in a basket that Dave took. What misadventures await for the struggling songwriter, and his trio of cg rodents?...

To be continued in part 2

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