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Of all the things that remind me of real world politics... This was the episode that did so.


So... The Cutie Map? Why didn't they just keep the name they originally had: "Cutie Markless"? I don't get it either. But other than that, this episode was actually pretty good. It was not quite as epic as "Twilight's Kingdom", but it didn't have to be.


PART 1. The episode takes place after the events of the aforementioned "Twilight's Kingdom". At the beginning, our main characters discover some kind of holographic map, that rises out of the ground once all six of them sit upon their individual thrones. I've got to get one of those! Their holographic (or at least I assume it's holographic) versions of their cutie marks float towards a new destination. How revolutionary! It's like the Google Earth of Equestria! The mane six decide to head to this location, while the little dragon Spike, plans a hoofball weekend with Applejack's brother Big Macintosh. I'm not much of a sports fan, but at least it explains why he didn't go with them.
When eventually arrive, that's when things get interesting. They come across a whole town, where ponies not only smile like the Stepfords they are, but also have the same cutie mark. an equal sign for that matter. The "equal" ponies, then introduce our main characters to their founder: Starlight Glimmer. The mare happily welcomes anypony who wants to experience "True friendship". Essentially, she tells them, that the town is most unique because nopony has any special talent. Oh yeah, and there's a big musical number where she explains that harmony in the village is predicated on equality. Starlight invites Twilight and her friends to join their society and give their cutie marks---a sentiment and philosophy openly mocked by Rainbow Dash. Way to insult another culture, Dashie. Everypony else is also skeptical about this, but Starlight their decision entirely up to them. And it is also where we find out that Starlight plans to spread her sinister message across all Equestria.

They also come across three ponies, who would be considered dissenters. They seem to yearn for their cutie marks back. Aside from that, they also reveal that there just so happens to be a "cutie mark vault", which stores the former cutie marks of every villager. Honestly, the first time I've heard the idea ponies removing cutie marks, were Dashites in "Fallout: Equestria". I just hope our organizations aren't doing anything like that. It took a long time to obtain my cutie mark! Um... anyway, so Starlight shows them the vault... only to find out... IT'S A TWAP! My apologies, I just couldn't resist. Starlight uses the staff of "sameness" (seriously, that's most creative name you got?) to Remove our heroes cutie marks. And so ends part 1.

Part 2. After their cutie marks were removed, our heroes find themselves locked away in one of the village houses. All the while, Starlight's voice is heard on the speakers trying to brainwash them into considering. Also something I forgot to mention, Starlight told them that the staff was one of Meadowbrook's nine magical items. First and foremost: who is Meadowbrook? And second: nine magical items?? Sadly, it was only mentioned twice, and they didn't explain much about this. WHY?!?! It may be likely this will be mentioned later in the season. And apparently Twilight explains that Meadowbrook only had eight magical items, not nine. I WANT TO KNOW! CAN YOU SHOW M-- Twilight eventually develops a cunning plan: have Fluttershy become the mole. Considering how she believes that "This place is very nice", Twilight figures that the village would believe her friend. Starlight lets them all out, and asks if they will join. They of course refuse, but Twilight's brilliant plan of espionage comes into effect. Starlight is happy about this, yet is curious as to where she got information about the vault (which Pinkie gave away before they got their marks taken), and asks her to point out the dissenters. Holy crap! Things got real, fast! It's official... Starlight is a communist!

Fortunately, one of the dissenters, Party Favor, decides to confess saying it was "only". Sacrificing yourself for other who share the same beliefs... That's a REAL stallion! He's locked up with Fluttershy's friends, meanwhile Fluttershy herself is excepted. He even tells her friends that it is only a matter of time before Twilight and her friends except the communist Starlight's ways. Come on, lighten up! As Fluttershy's new house is being built, she stays at the communist leader's house in the meantime. As soon as night falls, Fluttershy sneaks out to retrieve the cutie marks from the vault. But it seems one of Starlight's right hoof pony, Double Diamond, is helping bring six cutie marks in jars inside the communist's lair. And for some odd reason, she holds a particular interest in Twilight's cutie mark---the mark of a princess. Whatever the hay this could mean, is beyond me. As our mole spies on the communist, Starlight trips over a bucket of water. As she cleans herself up, we make a shocking discovery: Her cutie mark is fake! As it turns out, she never gave up her own cutie mark, yet took away everypony else's. A pony who doesn't practice what she preaches... for shame!

The next morning, Twilight and her friends are released. And same with Party Favor, who expresses his remorse for his actions. If this is a deception, it's really convincing. Twilight claims to show interest in joining (*coughs* yeah right *coughs*), and Starlight reasserts that happiness can only be found in equality. Making for the perfect opportunity for Fluttershy to douse her with a bucket of water, exposing her. Only for Starlight to avoid getting drenched.


However, some water did splash a bit on her flank, which causes the makeup to run. Inevitably her true cutie mark is revealed, much to the shock of her followers. Despite the communist leader's attempts to save face, the villagers remain upset that they've been lied to.With her plans for a "perfect" society ruined, she resorts to locking herself away, with our heroes cutie marks. The villagers go to the vault to get their marks back, meanwhile our heroes try retrieve their own. When the villagers reach the vault, Double Diamond uses the staff (which was revealed to be fake, by the way) to break the glass, causing everypony's cutie marks to fly back to their owners... but only the villagers though. The communist leader decides to make a break for a secret passage (under her bed). This time around, Twilight and her friends have to rely on four villagers: Double Diamond, Sugar Belle (Who was seen before, and is among the dissenters), Party Favor, and... Night Glider. Why her name was not said, I don't know. But it's an AWESOME name! They help break into the house, and find that the leader is gone... and then realize where her secret passage was. Wow, you didn't think to cover your tracks? Really?

Through using their rediscovered talents, the four villagers and the mane six pursue Starlight Glimmer through the mountains in an admittedly cool chase scene. Eventually she ends up cornered just outside of the caves, buried in snow. Insert frozen joke here. Also, something I must note: Starlight Glimmer has a spell that can remove pony's cutie marks! Who invented this spell?! Anyway, Twilight and her friends catch up to confront the wicked communist. She protects the four villagers from a retaliatory attack from a furious Starlight. I'MMA FIRE'N MAH LAZAHR!!! I'm so very sorry. Despite Starlight's assertions that she gave the villagers "Real friendship", Twilight speaks of the friendship she shares with her friends, and how it's far more genuine than Starlight's. In a sign of desperation and fury, she teleports to a location unknown. The villagers thank Twilight and company for helping them rediscover their true selves.

The villagers celebrate for the return of their cutie marks, giving out real smiles. The cutie marks of our heroes start pulsating, as what seems to be a sign of completion, and that the map may be calling them elsewhere. But they decide to stick around for a while longer.

Overall: this episode was great. It was very different from most of the other season premieres and finales, the villain was great even though her threat levels aren't nearly as high some of the previous villains. Sadly, I wished Applejack, Rarity And Rainbow Dash had more relevance than just "being there", unlike the other three.

SCORE: 9.5/10

And that's my first review. What did you think about it? Did I miss anything? Something I forgot to mention? Let me know in the comments below. And if you have differing opinions on the episode, feel free to give your thoughts. So take care, and PRAISE LUNA!

Group Contributor

Great review my man. This was one of my favorites and was worth quite the wait. And the fact they would go this far with the commuism plot is just... WOW. Coming from a country where communism actually EXISTED I can tell this episode got it down to a tee. Also that song is like the perfect representation of the entirety of communism. Seriously it's like that posted it straight from Yugoslavia. And how far they went with the communist portrayal in this episode is astounding (they even had the freaking secret police:rainbowhuh:). Anyway I have a theory about Glimmer's heavy interest in the princess cutie mark. Put on your atin foil hat cause we are aboput to get into some conspiracy ish right here. What if Ms. Glimmer could actually integrate Twilights cutie mark into herself, thus inheriting her powers. We see that she could remove them (which already is a powerful magic), so why wouldn't it be possible for her to reverse the process. Anyway amazing first review. Can't wait for more. Praise Luna *salutes*

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