The Best Authors 70 members · 15 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Dark Avenger
Group Admin

To eliminate problems where stories that have very few votes can be sunk by only 1-2 people disliking them, stories with under 15 votes no longer display rating data to anyone but the author. This should give everyone a fair chance at success, even with a couple early haters, but actually-bad stories should quickly-enough accumulate enough downvotes to show as negative that you can still easily avoid them.

We will adjust the number of votes required for visibility later if needed.

Edit: the threshold is now 10, looking into some time-based stuff for older stories.


So it looks like dem admins decided they had enough of all the noob-tubers clogging up the site. Everyone's K/D ratio gets hidden away so noone can find out you're a pathetic scrub until at least 10 people pwned your bad story.

an hero to us all, nevar 4get

Personally I think this was a great idea. I always hated how after I downvoted every story on the front page, people would start writing threads where they complain that I was being a bully to them. But now noone will ever see the proof, just a gray bar above a story noone read. So they wont believe them and tell them to be a scrub somewhere else.

What are your thoughts? Does the downvote bar button thingy scare you too, like the baby you are? :twistnerd:

Crawling in my skin, these votes they will not heal...

Also: new review coming soon. Write it BIG, authors!!11!!1

Miller Minus
Group Admin

4578381 I just hope there's a big argument over it.

4578381 I kinda agree wtih you. I usually downvote things just after a quick skim of the story or after seeing the horrible horrible trend of one shot stories filling up their library.


until at least 10 people pwned your bad story.

Boom headshot no respawn

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