The Best Authors 70 members · 15 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Does anyone find it funny that The Dark Avenger, who is also the founder of the group, calls himself a pro author? That would be like my making a group called "The Best Sex Partners" and calling myself "Confirmed Beast" even though I am a fat virgin.

Dark Avenger has only written 20 measly stories and yet has the audacity to call himself a professional author? The plebeians they let into these days...

Dark Avenger
Group Admin


i thought it sed clearly enough on teh front page of the group:

Imma downvote ur comments now and ask my fanbois to come after you and leave nasty comments!!1! :flutterrage:

I wouldn't recommend it, friend. I'm fucking jagged.


You're calling me a scrub?

You're calling ME a scrub?

I'll have you know I have over 20 million internet points, boy!


Rara-Rarity, lover of the Lunar Queen!
There was a cat that really was gone!

Rara-Rarity, 'Questria's greatest love machine!
It was a shame how she carried on!

The only 'business' we're gonna conduct is me taking him behind a middle school and getting him pregnant.

I think it was perfectly called for.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 13