The Best Authors 70 members · 15 stories
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Miller Minus
Group Admin

So the first story of this MLP fanfiction series that my friend keeps talking about is this "Cupcakes" thing from some weird person named Sgt. Sprinkles. Apparently its the best the fandom has to offer so that makes sense. But it was horrifying. Made me wonder if my eyes were gonna bleed from it's disgustingness. I even googled that: "can your eyes bleed from reading something terrible." WebMD says its cancer and I agree.

Where do I start? Okay first off it could of been way grittier. It was like Major Sparkler wasn't even trying to gore the hell outta this story. Sure there's disemboweling and there's wearing your friends skin as a cape but what about the real relatable kinds of gore? How about if the cotton candy nightmare started slowly peeling off one of the LGBT girls toenails? That's the stuff that really makes skin crawl. Disagree? Imagine your toenail slowly coming off. The big one. Yeah that gets intense. You can stop imagining now I understand.

The grammar too had me literally searching around my 99th floor office desk for something to gouge out my eyes with. It made me nauseous and really pissed me off. I didn't understand the sentences that Captain-Commander-Corporal-Colonel-Chameleon decided to put in! Can some-one tell me what he bothered to write this ultimate garbage for?

And what’s with these characters he created? What kind of self-obsessed person comes up with rainbow-coloured hair and wings for a character. Can you say mary-sue? I'd like to see a legit writer or self-respecting brand putting out a character like that. I think I was supposed to be rooting for her but I couldn’t get past the stupidity. I was sorta okay with the pink character because she reminded me of that pop singer who’s name I can’t remember right now. You know the one. She definitely doesn’t sound the same as every other pop singer ever? She has that hit “All my heart wants for Christmas is to go on and always love you”?

Britney Houston? Kelly Spears? Help me out here.

Just like her this pink girl is like the most unique crazed murderer ever so it made her more recognizable.Even if her murderings were tooooooootally weaksauce.

I also like how the Pride Parade stayed awake through the whole thing because obviously passing out isn’t possible in this world unless there’s a drug involved. That was really good. Having her faint from the trauma might have accidentally made like a plot hole or something.

In conclusion this author could learn a thing or two from me about being a good writer. But I doubt he will look for my help. Clearly its something he doesn't wanna be bothered with. I’m not impressed if this is the best the fandom has to offer. So everything just gets worse than this scrub-written pulp from here? Great sign me the hell up. My friend says he has some more stories from the fandom for me to review and the thought literally makes me want to die.

Meridian Prime
Group Admin

Britney Houston always was my favourite celebrity.

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