The Best Authors 70 members · 15 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I want to be a part of this.
I beg of thee, oh holy admins, make me MLG!
I also offer free rimjobs on tuesdays, just, you know, puttin' that out there...

Dark Avenger
Group Admin


Sure, but you have to prove you're MLG-material first... :duck:

Check the template thread (plus maybe a few of the TBG vids) and see if you can come up with a juicy review... :raritywink:

Well, after looking at the templates, I've decided that I could be a mix of 5 and 3, mostly serious but sometimes so sarcastic I can knock your pants off.
If you'd like an example of my assholery, check Here, about at the 8 weeks ago point of the comment section.

Dark Avenger
Group Admin


1) Use the reply feature, or else you're a scrub and I can't respond sooner :trixieshiftleft:

2) Close, but no cigar. Picking on low-quality fics is an easy game. Got any highly-rated ones that you decided to rip apart?

Hmmm... not really, no. Most high-quality ones I like, or RR has already gotten to.
And I wasn't so much attacking that one for its badness as I was the sheer stupidity of the author for continuing to write.

Dark Avenger
Group Admin


Hmmm... not really, no. Most high-quality ones I like, or RR has already gotten to.

RR is scrub-zone. If you want in, just pick something and do it. We are here to do what other places won't: show the bad in what everyone likes to think is "just good"

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 6