Sick and Tired of Porn Fics 33 members · 28 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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You guys are going to be treated like the Christian Bronies.
But, with a lot less followers. People are just not tolerant of ideas that oppose theirs.

So good luck moderating this group.

Your gonna need it.

Group Admin

People are just not tolerant of ideas that oppose theirs.

The brony motto is 'Love and tolerate'. So if bronies are so against the idea of having some morality in a fanbase for a show meant for five-year-old girls, then that says a lot of what bronies have become over the years. Maybe season five will remind you people that this is a show about FREAKING FRIENDSHIP. So just do as the memes say and love and tolerate the heck out this group.

4119787 You may moderate and run this group, that I cannot deny. But face it, Equine (who has written porn stories himself which I would tell you to check out but I know you'd throw a hissy fit about it) has a point--what's more, you can't tell everyone what to do. Say "love and tolerate" all you want to; spam my userpage with it, see if I give a damn.

What I'm trying to say here is not everyone follows the memes. This is the internet; people from all walks of life settle here (as in this site, not as in this group in particular) and chances are they'll have differing world views and opinions.

Sad to say, but the existence of this group's not gonna do a thing to motivate the vast majority of peeps who are in groups like Equestria After Dark, Rape (yes, it's real), and Spike's Basement of Shame. What's even worse is that people are gonna disagree with you regardless of what you think--and sadly, that holds true even in this vast network of aluminum tubes which we humbly call the internet.

You are essentially whining over something you have no control over. I'd recommend just moving on with your life and keep the mature-box setting in the red side to keep you from seeing porn and gore, it is that simple. And much more efficient than making this group exist, sadly.

Just dropping by to state the obvious. Hope you heed my tidbits of wisdom.

Yeah when Hasbro gets sick of this site.

4119797 I wanted to join Spike's Basement of Shame group upon your recommendation, but I can't find it. Can you help me out?

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