PC Gamers 98 members · 13 stories
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Made by the legendary Westwood Studios, Nox is an often forgotten Diabo clone.

A really, really, really good Diablo clone that didn't sell a thousenth of what it deserved due to bad PR at launch. One of those sad, near text book cases of the good word of mouth having done the rounds only when the physical copies where all off the shelves already.

I am dead certain that if this had been released nowadays with all that entails in social medias and the like, it would have been a household name. :ajsleepy:

One of the first games that gave a 'line-of-sight' system a try (that used to murder my poor Voodoo 4-5 something back in the day), three different classes with big differences in story and game play, and some really nice 2D graphics that still hold up.

Give it a go. Highly, highly recommended, and you can't beat free.


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