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Comments ( 7 )
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When I try to play Episode 2, after the logos, the title screen would freeze almost instantly, but I can still hear the audio and move the mouse. I'm playing this on Windows 8, if that makes any difference.

EDIT: Okay, so the title screen works, but when I selesct new game and it loads up, it freezes almost instantly.


Try running it in compatibility mode.

Makes me want to start it up again. What are your system's specs, aside from the OS being Windows 8?

Edit: Why don't you try using the "check integrity of game cache" for Half-Life 2? It might help.


What are your system's specs, aside from the OS being Windows 8?

I have Direct X 10, I believe.

Why don't you try using the "check integrity of game cache" for Half-Life 2? It might help.

That was the first thing I did, but no dice, sadly.

4382460 For what OS? Vista? 7?


4382865 either should work



Well, that sucks. Ep 2 is the single greatest reason for bitching about the lack of Half-Life 3.

I played it on console. I didn't have to deal with this shit.

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