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As PC gamers, what're your thoughts on this? I mean, I admit I haven't used a controller with TF2, which is what I usually use Steam for. I'm hoping they'll have a keyboard port for it.

Link to an article

4211304 They better have a keyboard. can't play Total War without it.

Group Admin

4211304 Valve really should just stick to PC. Since they're new comers to the console market, I'm a bit skeptical at how well they're going to do. I'm also a bit worried at how this'll effect the indie market, seeing how a lot of those games work best for the computer platform. Going to be interesting to see what happens.

I was intrigued when I first heard of this long ago in the news, but that was before I had a PC and still used 360. But back in Novenber I got fed up with all the jerks I kept running in to and paying for gold, and decided to build my current gaming PC. It was fairly expensive--good thing I had a bit saved up--but I am happy with it. Now that I have this, it would be a waste for me to invest in a steambox. But it still sounds interensting, even if I wont be getting one becasue I dropped all my money into my gaming PC,

If I can, I'll just get a Steam Link and hook it up to the TV.

4211304 Don't that kinda defeats the purpose of having a PC or are they just trying to compete with the PS4 and XBone?

4253246 I don't see a need for them to compete, how long has Steam just been doing its own thing? As far as I'm concerned, there's no need for it, but progress, I suppose...



I'm more of a console gamer than a PC gamer, actually. A controller that I don't have to map or worry about compatibility-wise would be awesome. I'm quite confident that something like this can and will go over well. Valve's success with Steam leads me to believe that they can bring that same innovation to the console arena. Steam is already hugely popular, and they shouldn't have a problem marketing this, getting third-party developers on board, and amassing an amazing game library.


. Since they're new comers to the console market, I'm a bit skeptical at how well they're going to do.

Please examined Exhibit A, B, an C.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

All they really need is a decent game library, which I doubt will be a problem, and marketing, which I also doubt will be a problem. Let's face it, the most popular console hasn't always been the one with the best hardware (If that were the case, the console gamers would simply be PC gamers) but with Microsoft and Sony being pretty well evenly matched as of late, the hardware race may be just a little more important than it has been in previous years.

Pretty much everything you just said.

4211304 4254459 Too bad looking at it, most of the types are a complete rip off compared to getting a PC with better specs.



I would be more concerned with the system specs as compared to consoles, and whether or not it's able to compete with that market, At a thousand bucks? No, it is not.

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