PC Gamers 98 members · 13 stories
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One of the oldest games I have is Lego Island, back in the 90's.

4143937 The Original XCOM. I didn't play it when it first came out but I did play it on my friends PC a few years back.

4143937 i know my dad has a bunch from the mid to late 80s but he won't let me near his collection



TES: Arena and Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat. I probably have Wolfenstein 3D lying around somewhere.

I guess Battle Chess (1988) is probably the oldest I have. I haven't played it in forever, but I have fond memories of rooks turning into golems and swallowing queens. I bought it on GOG a while back, but I still have my original 3.5" floppy disk.



I think I remember my father playing that one.

Oldest game I own? Probably DOOM.

Oldest game I own a physical copy of? It's not actually a PC game, but a mac one, but I'll throw it in. Marathon 2: Durandel, dating back to... 1995 I think.

4143937 TES: arena, the first fallout.

4143937 I have a rather obscure old PC game and that old PC game is Descent 3.

The original Fallout, and Half-Life and its expansions and mods.


I downloaded Shadow President.

It's abandonware now if someone wants to check it. ^^

On Steam I have "I must Scream" and the original Fallouts.

Fallout: A Post-Apocalyptic Role Playing Game and Fallout 2

Got quite a few old adventure games sitting on the shelf. Think the oldest physically is this 'budget' box with both the first Gabriel Knight games in it.

'Gabriel Knight Mysteries Limited Edition' it's called, and came with #1 and #2 of the games, a comic and even the novelization of the first game.

Just look at that number of CDs! Ah, FMV games, the one tech that even the nostalgia hounds doesn't miss...

Think the tech would have been more fondly remembered if more games held the quality that 'The Beast Within' did though; I'll say that much. It really did feel like you were playing a damn good episode of some X-Files type show.

Heck, even that novel was really darn good. An utter pity it's long out of print and decently expensive nowadays, or I'd heartily recommend it.

4143937 Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (1981) for the Commodore 64. My dad's old C64 though doesn't work anymore but we're working on getting it fixed.

4143937 oldest one I got is Black And White 2, its a great game.

The oldest game I have currently is my physical copy of Total Annihilation. I also still the CDs for Homeworld 2 and Civilization III and Civ III: Play the World. Not as old, but I still have the discs. Used to be super into SimCity 2000, and I might have the manuals around even if I've lost the game itself.


Number munchers, 1986... yes it came out three years before i was born... still have the floppy disks (the big ones) for it somewhere.

*Drops microphone, starts leaving the stage, stops, realizes that im old, hangs head in depression*


Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (1981) for the Commodore 64.

*Picks the mic up and drops it, then kicks it out a window.*


Whoa shit i missed that one!:pinkiegasp:

Nvm, you sir, are still the most magnificent bastard here :moustache:

My dad had a C64 but it was so far gone by the time i ever discovered what it was.:rainbowlaugh:

4143937 world of Warcraft it was made in 2002 and it still has more playors than the population most countries

Thanks to GOG, Akalabeth: World of Doom, which is six years older than me.

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