Use our OCs! 332 members · 365 stories
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Hey, I'm searching for some OCs for one of my fics in the far far FAR future, "Caliber's Party." It centers around a young unicorn mare, named Jade Caliber, who forms/has formed a gang of thieves, outlaws, assassins, and mercenaries and are trying to make a name for themselves. They wander around city to city taking various jobs or doing their own thing, as long as it involves them getting some kind of reward in return. During one of their jobs, an old enemy of Equestria has returned and it's up to our ragtag team of crazies, soldiers, and fighters to put a stop to them.

So I have no idea when i'll actually start this fic, could be in a few weeks, a few months, hell it might be a whole year before I start working on it. But I will work on it eventually. I'm planning on making this a dark adventure story with some comedy and romance thrown in there. Now, before you start offering your OCs, I have a few restrictions:

1. This will be set in the normal MLP fantasy setting, so any guns, steampunk weapons, or techno gadgets are off limits. However, crossbows/crossbow pistols, cannons/pistol sized cannons, slingshots or any other time-appropriate materials or weapons are allowed. Swords, axes, spears, and other melee weapons are also allowed.

2. This story will be rated T with a gore and sex tag, but I might change it later.

3. Only creatures we've seen in the show, such as ponies (obviously), griffins, zebras, diamond dogs, changelings and so on are allowed. Absolutely NO humans, anthro, alicorns, red and black alicorns, hybrids or complicated creatures of any kind are allowed. Seriously, if your OC is even just a tiny bit of a hybrid of a pony and some other creature, I will not include it in the fic.

4. Be sure to include any accessories that your OC would wear. Such as hats, glasses, capes, masks, chains, ties, necklaces, hoof gloves, jackets, etc. And be sure to include what powers they have (nothing OP) or what weapons they wield too. As long as you follow rule #1.

5. Be sure to describe your OCs personalities. But PLEASE give me more than just "they're friendly" or "shy", I'd like these OCs to be a little more diverse with their personalities.

Also, there some specific members that I need for this fic.
1. A young magic wielder, male or female. (By magic user, I mean they use magic as their primary weapons).
2. A sword weilder
3. A more feminine one
4. A changeling
5. and A crazy one.

I hope I've made these rules clear enough. Again, Idk when I'll start this next story, but it's always good to ask for some ahead of time. Hope to see your OCs soon. Thanks.

Edit: Also, if you could give me your OCs reasons for joining Calibers Party, that would be great. Thanks.


OC Name: Moth Mirren
Species: Changeling Nymph
Weapon: Magic and/or Short Daggers
Personality: She can be a bit scatter-brained and careless, but to make up for it, she's very intelligent. Unlike most other changelings, she's more fun-loving and cheerful. However, she easily breaks down and hates being at the center of attention. She doesn't like being alone, for fear of being abandoned.
Reason: After the Canterlot Wedding, her sister, Chrysalis lost her throne, and thus, Moth was banished from the hive while her siblings were only debunked ranks because she was not 'up to the changeling standard'. Since she hates being by herself, she tagged along with any rag-tag group she could find.
Additional Info: Unlike other changelings, she doesn't feed on love and other positive emotions; instead she feeds on its polar opposite, hate and the like.


Changeling Nymph.

I said no hybrids.

5342872 She isn't a hybrid

Colt that's the 2nd group you ask for OCs xd

5342923 Would that technically be considered spam?

5342678 Ahh I am not sure about mine but...

Picture drewn by Jolliapplegirl
Name: Abyssal Shield
Gender: Male
Race:Unicorn with bat pony blood in him
Cutie mark: Silver Sword and Gold-rimmed Shield
Talant: Battle magic
Weapon of choice: A Bastard Sword
Personality: Likes to explorer Ruins, has a hard time trusting somepony due to somepony back-stabing him an a job early on.
Jobs: Mercenary/Adventurer
Prized possession: Magic Bangle that his mother gave him

He learnd most magic from his mother, manly battle magic. He attened Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns for a couple of years befor starting to travle around due to his parents separating. His mother went to be a royal guard in the Crystal Empire.

If you need more info just PM me:twilightsmile:

5342990 It's interesting, but do you think you could leave out the bat-pony blood part. I specifically said NO hybrids. Cuz we've never seen them in show.

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5342678 did you already get mine from the last blog on this?

5343010 *sigh* I guess I can, it well be AU vesion of him, he looks the same as the pic and nocturnal still...

By the way Pound Cake has earth pony and unicorn blood in him.. And he is a Pegasus... Plus my OC its just his father that is a bat pony. But hay its you story.

Sorry if that last part sounded negative:twilightblush:
If you need more info then just PM me:twilightsmile:

I have no pics, but I can give you a description.

Name: Natural Note
Cutie Mark: microphone w/ three music notes
Color: cyan, fades into green at the hooves
Gender: female
Mane/Tail: wavy, brown w/ two thin blonde stripes
Type: unicorn
Aura Color: yellow-orange
Eye Color: hazel
Physical Garments: black cloak with red accents
Weapons: Sword (If you haven't watched Game of Thrones, you may not know this), made of Valyrian Steel (an unbreakable metal), Bow and Arrow.
Amount of Siblings: six
Sibling names: King Blackhoof, Delicate Dreamer, Gemdancer, Curious Canter, Goldenheart, Moonlit Shimmer.
Parent Names: Red Lightning, Control Game.
Status: does pretty well in science, math, magic, and being quiet. Is a professional writer, great with group work, yet is independent mostly. Good at singing and charming those who hear it into doing what she says, when she has the choice. Basically a "bard", as they say in Final Fantasy.

Comment posted by Darkscout99 deleted Jul 7th, 2016

5342872 Just so we're on the same page, when I mean 'nymph', I mean female changeling. I use 'nymph' and 'drone' for changelings instead of 'mare' and 'stallion'.

5342678 since you didn't include a template, just restrictions I'm going to do my best. No picture sorry.

Name: Flower petal
Age: 15
Gender: filly
Weapons: earth magic in the forms of being able to manipulate plants to her Will, and communicating with/ controlling animals
Looks: a light green coat, with a dark blue mane and a single black stripe running down it. A large complex runic sequence is running up her right hoof. She wears a light grey sweater to cover this up.
Upsides: can survive in the wilderness indefinetly, she can right half decently, always speaks her mind, increadibly powerful earth magi.
Downsides: absolutely NO social skills, her vocabulary sometimes doesn't have the right word to describe things, can NEVER kill nor tell her animal friends to kill. Needs at least seeds to conjure any type of magic. Has no idea what this "strategy" thing is.
Reason for joining: she wanted to travel. They needed protection. Win win.

5343097 Yeah, but I asked for different types of OCs in this thread to help make the main party a little more diverse. No offense or anything, but I need more than just "friendly" OCs for this fic. And some OCs that actually seem plausible than just "earth pony magic". Again, no offense or anything. Besides, the more the merrier right?

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343398 oh yeah, I just wanted to make sure since mine was the Griffon mercenary. Don't know anything about earth pony magic

5343407 Oh yeah, your OC sounds promising. Probably one of the few OCs I've gotten that sounds a little "different." Not just the typical or boring friendly OCs who have complicated powers or abilities that don't match their anatomy at all. You know?

5343136 It's cool. And as long as he doesn't sprout bat wings as a last resort or anything, then I could include his bat blood.

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343434 Yeah? Well thanks for that. Believe it or not I came up with him on the fly. Do you need me to put his info here? It's cool if you don't want to use him, just wanted to offer

5343449 Well, he IS the first OC I've seen who's not the typical friendly fighter. He sounds hot-headed and aggressive. THOSE are the kinds of OCs I'm looking for in this story. Although his name could use some work.

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343467 Precisely. Combat, honor(for himself, his lineage, and his homeland), and money are the only things he cares about. Anything that can give him a chance to prove his prowess and earn coin, he takes and doesn't care who he has to crush to do it.
His name is derived from a famous Breton mercenary captain turned Constable of France in the 14th century: Bertrand du Guesclin

5343496 Exactly, those are the qualities I'm looking for in a merc OC. And OK, i did not know that. How is it pronounced?

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343501 I guess it can be summed up with pride, he's exceptionally proud even for a griffon. Damage his pride and he'll either challenge you or, if he deems you beneath such an honor, just murder you.

For pronunciation, it's like GUESS-LIN

5343516 Ok cool. What did you say his reason is for joining Calibers Party again?

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343535 two fold:
1) he's already done so much work both alone and with other companies, hes running out of new challenges. He sees the Party as a way to find greater fights and greater pay, as it is a company that can essentially go in any direction
2) as a veteran, he's starting to feel the need to pass on his knowledge, especially to the inevitably young and inexperienced members that will join Party. He wants to make sure they don't embarrass themselves and die ignoble deaths. Something of a legacy for him to leave behind the day he finally dies in battle

5343544 Sounds interesting. So he's willing to follow orders as long as the pay is good?

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343535 I imagine his interview process would go something like this:

"What experience do you have?"

"More than three decades with sword in claw, fighting whoever or whatever I was paid to. I've broken sieges, led guerilla attacks, trained insurgents, crushed insurgents, sometimes the same ones I trained. I've served as a shock trooper, a bodyguard, a champion, a monster slayer. I've held the rank of lieutenant and captain in more than a dozen armies. Hell, I was even a general for a few hours after the idiot who had the job before me got an arrow lodged in his eye. I've burned villages, razed cities, and toppled kingdoms. I've got the blood of both peasant and king on the blade of my sword. So long as the coin is good and the fighting is plenty, I can be whatever kind of warrior you want."

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343557 OH yeah, he always obeys the contract. However, if he deems the employer unworthy of his respect, he won't follow orders that don't have anything to do with the contract. If some prissy noble pays him to kill a rival family, he'll do it. But he will make it clear that the prissy noble is not his master. Even as a bodyguard, he won't take orders if he deems them outside the contract. He won't babysit or take orders from his ward, he will only ensure their saftey, and may even go against their wishes so long as he is still doing what he was paid to do.

5343445 The only thing he has is light sensitive eyes. And no wings EVER appear!!! That would be silly.

5343578 Ok. Cuz my main OC is all about adventure, pay, fun and finding purpose. Sometimes she'll organize personal missions just for fun for her group. Like raiding a cave or an old temple to see what's inside. Sometimes she'll order someone to assassinate a noble if it's necessary or if they've messed with her group in any way.

5343579 Ok, that's good. So does he wear shades then?

5343584 Yes he does wear shades.

5343635 Cool. I'll let you know If I have any more questions.

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343584 that could get some good conflict between her and Guesclin if these "fun" missions don't challenge his prowess as a warrior. Plus we could make it to where Guesclin is old school, preferring being paid or plundering rather than hoping to find a treasure that may not exist

5343691 That's not a bad idea. Maybe during one of his speeches, Jade Caliber could get impatient and be all, "Shut up! Try to explain your problem in 20 words or less! Geez!" Cuz she can only tolerate so much words from others.

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5343721 I like that. I wouldn't mind making him a bit of a long winded old man.

I was actually thinking that near the beginning, one if the other members would make fun of the name of the group and something like this would play out:

"All I'm saying is that 'Calibers Party' doesn't exactly strike fear"

"Anyone who allows mere words to frighten them is beneath contempt. It is the meaning behind the words that matters. Even the most mundane and non threatening words, with the right meaning, the right reputation, will make the bravest heart run cold. That is what we will create."

5343762 I can see that happening. Maybe he could be one of those comically serious characters.

Nah it's different groups but still, you already got literally 15+ OCs to work out xd
(choose my oc, he's anti-hero <3 xd)

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

Don't know if you have what you need but here is an oc for you and she could be used as 5

Name: Gaia Chainwing
Race: Griffen
Gender: female
Appearance :Abnormally large with a falcon-like brown upper body with white speckles running up her front legs, the classic lion back with a large amount of scaring around the section where feathers meet fur that looks like she had a sizable chunk taken out of her side, she is missing two digits one off of each claw and her lion paws have been declawedspecial thanks to EstrellaEssentia for making my character come to life
Notes : She was the runt of her litter and was treated lower than dirt by her family. The first time her father was displeased with her he clawed a large chunk from her side and left her to die or heal on her own and heal she did. When she attempted to return home after healing (because she had nowhere else to go) her father told her she had no right to life and cut off her middle claw on each foot. Her mother then sold her to slaves who took her to Manehattan where she was sold in secret to a rich family. After the family bought her she attempted to run away from so they declawed her lion half as punishment. Now in adulthood she serves the family waiting for her chance to excape

As to why she would be slightly crazy that's self explanatory would take place after she got away (could be indebted to leader for freeing her from her slavery)

5345642 I probably should've done this sooner, but here's the link to the list of OCs I've chosen so far. If your OC isn't on the list, then there's a chance that they be added later. Also, if you could include your OCs marks if you haven't already, that would be great. Thanks.

5347007 stupid me, I can't believe I forgot the most important thing. Her Mark is a blooming nightshade like flower.

5343544 you do realize that "two fold" means "twice as much", right?

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5350504 I'm an uneducated mercenary, not a grammar teacher:rainbowlaugh:

5350635 Ok. I see. So you don't know grammar too well.

God, that sounded rude. Sorry!:twilightsheepish:


A Bastard Sword

Hey Jon Snow doesn't like the name of this...:rainbowwild:

Professor Tacitus
Group Contributor

5350685 no worries. It's all in good fun:moustache:

5350710 Its the same type of sword that Dart from Legend of Dragoon(:pinkiehappy:Best PS1 Game) uses..

And here comes the hate from the FF7 lovers:facehoof:

5350745 No, I mean Jon Snow (Only the best character from Game of Thrones, like, EVER) is, not only a, but THE Bastard of Winterfell AND the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

My point is, his so called "father" is not his dad at all. Ned Stark's sister, Lyanna Stark, is his mother, and his father is Rhaegar Targaryen. He's a bastard, basically.

5350760 I figured that it was a Game of Thrones reference:twilightsmile:.

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