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This idea kind of came to me after watching an episode of the Rifleman, however it should be noted that the character has nothing to do with the show.

Gerald Hoof
Age: mid to late 20s.
Species: Earth Pony
Appearance: Lime green coat, brown mane and tail, his eyes are completely covered with a clean bandage.
Cutie Mark: A dented can.
Background: After being kid napped and tortured by a crazy mare with the bizarre desire to create pastries out of other ponies Gerald was saved by the authorities. However not before both his eyes were damaged by his assailant.

Now Gerald wonders Ponyville with his younger half brother as his guide. When he was younger Gerald was a stern rude pony (not to mention kind of a jerk to his younger brother), however after the incident Gerald's outlook on life changed. He was thankful just to be alive and to have his brother with him.

Gerald is still a little stubborn and likes to do things on his own. However now he is willing to acknowledge when he needs help after a few tries.

Writing Tips: If you are writing a story from this character's perspective don't describe how things appear since he is blind. Instead describe how things sound, feel, smell and in rare cases taste. As it is common for blind characters to observe more of these details due to their lack of sight.

Marble Strike
Gender: Male
Age: early to mid teens
Species: Half Earth pony, half unicorn.
Appearance: Dark green coat, tan mane and tail, amber eyes, a small horn.
Cutie Mark: a pile of marbles.
Background: Marble enjoys playing games with his friends and loves his older half-brother Gerald. Despite a lot of the abuse Marble received from his older brother when they were younger Marble still loves his older half-brother and feels no ill feeling towards him. Which is good considering the state Gerald is in now.

Now Marble helps his brother around town and both ponies are practically dependent upon each other. Gerald is dependent of Marble to move around town and Marble is dependent upon Gerald for advice. Some ponies dare even say that Gerald's blindness was the best thing that ever happened to the siblings (but they would never say that within ear shot of the two).

If it isn't obvious Marble's favorite game to play is marbles.

Conditions of using these characters: You may use these characters in almost any fic but I would strongly prefer that these two stay alive. They have suffered a lot already. NO CLOPFICS... EVER!

Well, I hope you all like the OCs. :twilightsmile:

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