Use our OCs! 332 members · 365 stories
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A student of archeology / historics at the Marehall College, Barnsford, Coneighticut,

Name: Lakin Spotson
Gender / Race: Female Unicorn
Place of birth: Philydelphia
Occupation: Student; Marehall College, Barnsford, CN; Archeology; Historics; Works halfdays in a diner near the college.

Appereance: chestnut brown coat; dark brown mane; green eyes; wears glasses, Ties her mane to a ponytail
Cutie mark: Three short dashes and a X (like a trail on a tresure map) in bright red

Notes: I created Lakin as a supportive character in one specific chapter of my Daring-Do-story. (She doesn't much more than guiding the characters to the library and shows, she is a Yearling-fan herself). But I think she has potential and maybe I'll reuse her for other stories.

Imagine a young, impulsive, nerdy college-student, full of dreams and hopes for the future. If you hear the story of a haunted house anywhere - she is the one leading her friends to take a sleepover there and solve the riddle.
Her name is a play on her special talent to finding things. Lakin seems to mean something like "found treasure" and Spotson something like "on the spot".
If there is anything hidden - she'll likely find it. The lever to the secret passage, the mighty book or just the dropped dice from her RPG-group.

She will most likely become some field-archeologist. Not the adventureous Indy-Jones/Daring Do type but more like the archeologists depictet in films like "Timeline", "Prometheus" or even "Alien vs Predator". She is not that daring and flamboyant but if things get dirty she can stand her ground.

But you can use her as some kind of Investigator / Detective due to her special talent.

Restrictions: None expect for anything rape / sexual abuse - related.

If you need help to create your own OC I've written a small guide "Creating Characters", that may come in handy

Edit: Posted in wrong thread...

Group Contributor

excuse me? What is wrong?

Accidentially posted in the wrong thread. Sorry.

4074898 I love the detail you add to your characters. This one is fantastic.:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

Thanks. I think it helps if you create characters for distinctive purposes rather then just build self-inserts or characters wich are cool because of their leet skills.
A character should serve a story - not the other way around.

It helps for a little of both. A character should fit in the story and also the story should fit who the character is. I let my characters be used in pretty much any kind of story if someone wants to use them. I just ask that they are still themselves when used.:moustache:

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