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Dr. Sennerthan von Marstall is one of Ahuizotls minions in my story. Because every good adventure needs an evil german scientist...

Name: Dr. Sennerthan von Marstall
Gender / Race: Male Earth Pony
Place of birth: Braunschweif, Germaneigh
Occupation: Archeologist / Historian

Appereance: medium grey coat; dark brown mane, brown eyes, average body.
Cutie Mark: A trojan horse (bulky, barrel-like, wooden horse)

Notes: (Language / Accent); von Marstall speaks with a distinctive german accent. I. e. "th" are pronounced as "z" some "c" become "k"; instead of "Mister" or "Sir" he refers with "Herr" (male) or "Frau" (female) to people.

"I zaid we'll find zhe relik here. My studies on zis subject were advanzed, if I may say so, Herr Ahuizotl."

(imagine some symphatic speaker like Christoph Waltz for this voice...)

In my interpretation he is ruthless, scheming machinator. Von Marstall is no good fighter nor has he any supernatural abilities - but he just don't depend on physical skills or magic. He uses everything and everypony to reach his own goals. He cheats, lies, plays both ends against the middle and hides plans within plans.
If this needs to act like a minion for another evildoer - he does it, as long as it helps to reach his ultimate goal...
If it comes to physical confrontations he relies on hired muscles for the dirty work and he doesn't even hesitate to web the stories good guys into his plans.

I've depictet the character partly upon "Dr. Johnathan Reiss" (the bad guy from Tomb Raider: Craddle of Life) played by Ciaran Hinds. But you can imagine any sociopathic schemer, Machiavelli would be proud of.

Usefull for: Any kind of Daring-Do-like adventure. Or as evil mastermind for longer running plots. If the occupation "Archeologist" doesn't fit - you could shift it to something you need, or just leave this detail out, making him a generic evil scientist.

Restrictions: Nothing expect for anything rape / sexual abuse - related.

If you need help to create your own OC I've written a small guide "Creating Characters", that may come in handy.

This is a good one.:moustache:

But why a human name?

Group Contributor


Good question. After all other things I just didn't hink about it.

Have to find one fitting german horsepun for it...

"Sennerthan" von Marstall.

For "Senner Pferde" are the only bucking german horsbreed NOT named after their bucking stud farm or for what they used for.

4062514 Oh, you still need to fix the name in the first line.:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

4068879 You know with what his name was at first, I thought you got it from John Marston from Red Dead Redemption, I had no Idea his inspiration was from Tomb Raider.:twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor

Never played Read Dead Redemption.

The character came into existence, because I needed a bunch of archetypical henchmen for an adventure-story. So I have the big evil boss (Ahuizotl himself - for why inventing the wheel once again?), The mastermind (Dr von Marstall) and the one for the though work (Manefred Pommel - inspired by Manfred Powell - the evil guy from the OTHER Tomb Raider movie.)

But while writing the two characters (especially the Doktor) gained more and more features, and grew away from their heritage.

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