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Name: Igneous Blaze, allows people close to him call him Iggy (His little sister, and close friends. Meaning he's not gonna let Pinkie called him that if he's only known her for 2 months and barely even talked to her)
Race: Unicorn
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: (I'm currently attempting to draw him, but it's gonna be awhile before that's done since I need to add in his Emblem and don't want to mess it up so this is what he looks like). He's always wearing an old, dull, silver locket with a picture of his parents, little sister, and himself from 8 years ago inside it. (He was 17 and his sister was 5). He refuses to allow anybody take the locket and never lets it out of his sight, it being the only thing to remember their parents by.
Locket Info: The Locket was passed down the family line, it's over a century old. He started drifting 2 years after the photo, occasionally stopping by to visit his family. 6 years after the photo was taken his parents died in a fire while his sister was staying at a friends house. Being the only, known, living relative he took her with him soon after the funeral. They've been moving around, him homeschooling her, for the past 2 years.
Emblem: A Black King Chess piece (Talent in Strategy) on top of a shield (Prefers to play on the defensive, though will go on the offensive when needed, and isn't afraid to risk his life to protect another, even if he barely knows them), surrounded in flames (His love of fire and talent in Fire-related spells).
Personality: Usually blunt and almost stone-faced, there are a number of moments where you'll catch him with a smile. He prefers to stay away from crowded area's, the few times he is at a party he's usually in a corner or outside away from the large groups. He doesn't enjoy having to speak long-term (Though he speaks more than Big Mac), preferring to listen and help others. If something is idiotic (EX- Siding with Applejack when dealing with the Bats instead of the animal expert) or downright dangerous (Basically the majority of what the CMC do) he won't beat around the bush and will straight-up berate whoever came up with the idea. When put into a social situation he's usually quiet and attempts to keep the attention off of him, not liking to be the center of attention, keeping his opinion to himself unless asked. When dealing with Royalty he remains respectful but refuses to bow to anybody(Pony, whatever). He has acrophobia (Only when really high up EX: being high up on clouds or in a flying chariot, at which point he starts freaking out) and slight arachnophobia. He's a borderline Pyromaniac (He's not about to go burning a town to the ground, but he loves messing with fire and making/learning new spells that have anything dealing with the Element). He loves the night sky and often stays up late to watch the Sunset and the stars come out. Being a traveler he's had to deal with all kinds of characters and species. He doesn't handle others attempting to intimidate him very well (As in don't attempt to intimidate him). Tries not to start fights but isn't afraid to finish them. He doesn't care about your position in society, only who you are as a person. Sometimes he'll just blurt something out (Relating to the conversation) when he hears someone say something, even if the conversation is just close to him but he's not a part of it. He put's others' happiness and well being above his own (Especially those he holds close).
Occupation: He's a drifter, looking for a place to settle down. He's good at working with animals and is always looking for something new to learn in every town he visits, usually spending a decent amount of time at the town Library. He usually does odd jobs in a town for Bits to continue traveling, sometimes staying in a town for a couple months in a temporary job to earn enough bits for what he needs (Or for a gift for Serenity).

Notes: He works well as a background or side character. He can be going through any of the towns, though it's unlikely he'd be in Canterlot unless he's getting something that's only available at a shop there (Or a similar situation). You can have him settle down in Ponyville for one reason or another if you want to keep him in the story (Or just have him staying at an Inn until you don't need/want him in the story anymore if you don't plan on him being in the fic permanently). I'd be fine with seeing him in almost any kind of Fanfic, just not any Clopfics (Romance is fine, just not straight up clop).

Extra: He has a little sister named Serenity. You can choose to add her in, traveling with him. Or if you don't want him to have a little sister you can just exclude her from the story (Though I'd prefer if she was in it, she doesn't need to be).

PM me (Or just comment here I guess) if you need more info, I don't think I described his personality very well.

If you want to use him send me a PM.
I hope I did this right.

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