Use our OCs! 332 members · 365 stories
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At the moment I am looking for an OC, that will be the main characters childhood best friend, this OC will be in a majority of the story with the main character. Here is the story. CLICK ME !!

4054617 I have some next gen OCs.

4054870 Kids of main characters.

oooohhhh ok. Well the character is the same age as the mane 6 and I am looking for an OC of the same age group. But there will be a chapter about meeting the new OC. When Written Sound is a child.

4054880 Hmm. I do have my OC Riptide, just need to finalize her design. I could tell you a bit about her personality and such.

4054890 Ya, sure that could work. I would need…
past experiences-
cutie mark origin-
relationship to main character-
character flaws-

this good stuff.


personality- She's a very sweet pony, and wouldn't hesitate to put herself in harm's way for somepony else, a flaw of sorts since sometimes she's a bit to kind for her own good. Calmness is another trait, though she finds it hard to maintain a lot of the time since in reality she finds most ponies not exactly enjoyable to be around. She's also very emotional at times since she's a people-pleaser, and if you say she's done something wrong she'll either get really upset at herself for not doing a good job or just crack and lash out at someone. She doesn't have much courage or bravery, finding protection from those stronger than her, though she can prove herself wrong at times if she really puts her mind into something. Prefers nature over ponies (likes to be alone outside), though she will make some exceptions.

habits- Not speak up when she needs to. She's a very submissive pony at heart, which is sometimes a bad thing when she knows what right. Also gets flustered pretty easily, and when this happens she'll start to get all fidgety and pace around. Also has a habit of passing her judgement on a pony a bit too quickly, and sticking to it even when proven wrong.

family- Her sister cut contact with her, and her parents (unicorns) didn't really want her after they discovered her talent (Pegasus, working with marine animals)

relationships- Loner of sorts.

past experiences- Thinks ponies will abandon her if she doesn't prove herself due to her parents disowning her when she didn't prove to be the daughter they wanted.

cutie mark origin- Got stuck in a riptide, saved by dolphins.

upbringing- Raised in Canterlot, and therefore has learned manners and has a great taste in fashion. She got her cutie mark very late due to only ever visiting the ocean once in her life (at 16), so whens he was disowned she was old enough to fake her age and get an apartment until things sorted themselves out.

relationship to main character- I don't really know your character. You'll have to develop them yourself.

character flaws- Poor eyesight, judgmental, submissive, too sweet at times, focuses more on the well being of others than herself, a bit too forgiving, trust issues, tries to prove herself when not needed, weak flier, way to serious, I think I clarified the rest up there.

strengths/talents- Great hearing, good swimming skills, clever, connection with the ocean, kind, generous, loyal to those she really connects to, selfless, honest (unless the situation calls for lying) understanding, affectionate, devoted, and disciplined.

4054941 That is a great list of things.

relationship to main character- I don't really know your character. You'll have to develop them yourself.

In the story, as I've mentioned, the new OC will be great friends with Written Sound Not me, it's the OC and the two characters meet while in what I think stands for elementary school in the MLP world ? The characters end up being the best of friends and are there for each others hard times and good ones, over the [insert # of years here] they have known each other.

4054956 Ah

In that case, they meet up when somepony is bullying Riptide over her "funny looking eyes", and Written Sound can come over and chase the bully away. From then on they could get to know each other and become best friends, Written Sound helping her with all her issues and such, while Riptide is just as supportive. I guess they could've met up sometime when they were in fifth grade, and known each other since then.

4054977 Ok that should work out, also is she walleyed like derpy ?

4054980 No, just partly blind, so her eyes are kinda cloudy.

I'll get a reference as soon as I can.

4054986 Here is the note sheet for Written Sound Blarg

4055140 First off, the romance with him and Fluttershy wont be looked upon kindly. You're either going to have to spend over half of the story developing their relationship, or use an OC. OC x Mane Six is not used often for a reason. It requires great character development for the OC.

Which brings me to the fact that Written Sound need some more flaws. He's coming off to me as a tad bit Gary Stu-y, so think about some flaws for him, such as, for example, doing things for ponies like they can't do it for themselves and making them feel like charity cases, or even treating them as such. It'll help to make him easier to relate to and less... likeable and perfect (not saying he's perfect though)

But I like him. :3

Edit: Even though my OC admittedly has a tragic-ish back story, it's justified and plays a big role in her life. Try to stray away from his parents dying and such, since people look at it as you're trying to make them feel sorry for your OC.

4055140 What does he look like too?

4055382 Well Written Sound looks like my profile picture, but he is a pegasus, also I got several people for information on how I am and act for the creation of Written Sound. So… sorry I'm a Gary-Stu ?

4055410 Wait, he's a self insert?

Because that's even worse. And I'm not saying your a Gary Stu, the character kinda is. It's just the flaw thing though. You need more of them.

No it's not a self insert, He just has some of my personality. and I will work on the flaws.

4055573 Alright.

And here's riptide:

(now an earth pony)

4054617 From what I read of the story, what you're looking for is a foil. What I see in your character is that it (he probably), is quiet and reserved, somewhat educated, and very temperate. Some traits that help accentuate these are rash/brazenness (to accent the temperate/timid nature), boisterous (vs quiet/reserved). Depending on which main six you ship with whom, what you're looking for could it could very easily be an Apple (such as from Apple/dash), or even a official character like Applebloom, (or Appletart, or any younger member of the extended Apple family), whose grown up a little (depending on the age of your OC). There really are a lot of Apples to choose from.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a character to be the one who bestows the books you're going to want either a child of a librarian such as Twilight, or possibly Spike/Rarity (if your interpretation of Spike is such that he considers tomes of knowledge acceptable treasures for a dragon's horde).

4056104 well i kinda did the fluttershy thing. though i was kinda thinking of changing it. feels weird though.

4056112 Yeah that really did limit your options. I typically don't even create the character until almost the end of my outline process and I only do so as a consequence of the process itself. I have an example outline posted where I didn't even have the main character's name until, like, 2,500 words into the outline (of a 41k word story).


4056117 ........................................... notes ?


You don't have an outline? And... you're going to write the story anyway?

4056130 U-um I-I k-kinda w-w-wing it, most o-of t-the t-t-time.

4056135 I can help with your plot.

4056142 please, both of you if you want to help me ?


Well, I can.

Where do you want the story to go?

4056135 I just want you to consider what it is a story is at it's most fundamental level, and what the implications of having an outline are, before you give consideration to anything else I've said (or may yet have to say). If you don't agree with this (and its fine if you don't) then we probably won't see eye-to-eye on the process, and little I say would be of use to you because it comes from this perspective.

A story is the exploration of some idea. Whether or not the idea is an interpretation of an event or not is not important, because the story has to make the argument that it is worth the reader's time to explore that idea with you the author.

An outline is, in essence, a diagram of what parts your story contains. It need not be as detailed as mine, for example, but you should have some roadmap of the exploration of the idea you want to explore. This is because every chapter, every line, and every word you put down contributes to the statement "this exploration of this idea is worth your time to read" and both is, and needs, proof of that statement.

Sure, you can write a story without an outline, lots of people can and do. However, to be concise, to not waste a readers time, and to help solve problems like these (missing characters pieces) before you write yourself into a corner. For that an outline is an excellent tool. From what I've seen of people who claim that an outline stifles creativity, their stories have sections that meander, and it wounds them when their readers call them on it.

I'm a bad writer, I really dont know what I'm doing.

4056170 You're not bad!

Like I said before, where do you want the story to go? Just choose some tags. Want it to be dark, romantic, funny,...

Just choose something and we can work on it from there.

4056190 Um do you have skype ? It would be easier.

4056201 Sorry, no.

My computer is sh*t.

uh ok. just let me hook up my typing keyboard

Wow got a lot going on before I could show up for the party. You look like you've gotten a bunch of help already, but I would like to help if possible. Do you know anything about the kind of OC you want?:rainbowhuh:

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