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Name: Squeaker
Species: Pegasus
Mane(Coat): Blonde silver tipped covering his right eye or left (Alabaster)
Eye: brown
Cutie maker: rubber duck with sharp pointy teeth

Profile: Squeaker is an odd stallion popping up in places not expects to see him much like a Pink party pony. Like most royal guard members he is well trained and high attentive of his duties until he's off duty. Once off duty this mute (Manticore incident that destroyed his voice box and earned his cutie mark) has a habit of trailing the princess insistently often sticking his snot in places that it shouldn't be. More than one mare and the occasional pretty stallion has found his snot in a place it doesn't belong. The reason for this much to embarrassment to the guard, and parents as well as the amusement and slight embarrassment of one solar princess is that he worships a fictional (Or if the rumor about Celestia post Nightmare Moon banishment phase being true) character based on said solar princess Molestia. While he was never verbalize it if he could he has dream getting molested by said solar mare. Though rather recently he has taken following Luna around happily squeaking his toy squeaker.

He was removed from the guard due to and quoting the offical report: "One Squeaker has hereby discharged without honor due to actions unbecoming of a member of the Royal Guard." Not that his dismisal has any effect on his moral giving him far more time to focus on his special talent. His special talent which more than once has come in handy on boarder patrol is the ability commune with rather vicious creatures and tame them which is odd considering he has damaged voice box and his only means of communication is body language and squeak toy.


Creator notes: If you can't tell from above squeaker is meant to be a comedic character and doesn't necessarily have to be dismissed from the guard though my intentions are that he be at the very least spend rather long periods in brigs, dungeon and the such. He is also rather openly amorous character go to for Clop or giving something for mare's to hoof slap or buck if he gets to close something he writes off with a friendly smile. Also he's supposed to be able to draw though this is more a learned skill rather than have anything to do with his special talent of monster taming.

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