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Name: Kul'as
Race: Transgalatic Demon
Gender: Male
Appearence: four armed balck demon with claws tail and purple eyes. Here's a picture for better visual.
Sometimes brings up how he killed Celestia and Luna's mother, Fausticorn even when no one said anything related to that subject. If je was on Team Four Star, his resume would just say , is a prick' on account of how he enslaved the land of Saddle Arabia with no regret other than his later death at the hands of the Tree of Harmony. Romantically involved with Mirrorverse Luna as he always considered her his favorite not just on account he gave her the little push into becoming Nightmare Moon, but found her look hot and said and quoted,

"there is almost nothing that is more sexy than a mare in red"

Due to events of Twilight's Kingdom, He always enjoys torturing Tirek, wither it be peeling hisskin or having him llisten to Let it go or It's a Small world after all on a loop to show Tirek his new place in the pecking order. Currently crashing at Royal Sister's old castle.

He could also have a cameo like in a crossover and the protagonists go to him thinking he brought the new evil and could join on the way out of boredom. If there is gonna be a romance fic with him as one of the two, it must be with Mirrorverse Luna, clopfics are okay but it depends on how kinky we're talking about. And fic's with him just plain annoying the crap out of whoever the focus is like the lazy roommate on a sitcom, like the Royal Sister's because they never really had a chance to bond all though they resist every primeval urge to gut him apart. And absolutely no villain redemption fic's, mostmof the villains on MLp are either redeemed, dead, presumed dead, or utter pricks (I'm looking at you Tirek) and I just wanna see one villain that isn't that.

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