Clover the Clever 194 members · 37 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

If you would like to become an admin for this group please comment below or PM me.
Admin Jobs that need to be taken:
Thread Reviewer Admin (gcwg57): someone who reviews all the threads and comments to make sure things are relevant, cordial, and respectful.
Story Reviewer Admin- it is the administrative position wherein the admin sorts through the story folders to ensure all stories are relevant and properly placed
Complaint Admin (EstrellaEssentia): answers all the complaints, comments, and suggestions
Designer/ Promoter Admin (RisingDawn): one who designs the layout, banner, and icon of the group.
Founder Admin (Locks Key/ EstrellaEssentia): one who comes up with the group and the premise of said group.

Group Admin

4014033 Need a thread reviewer, again?

Group Admin

4026110 Yes I do! I am sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I just now saw this comment when I was going through all my groups. So sorry :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

4167369 It's okay. I've that I like the job of thread reviewer. I now have that job on three groups. This one, Sunset Shimmer's Element, and Starlight Glimmer.

Group Admin

4167832 You just do a really good job!

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