Horizon Brave Vs. The World 19 members · 0 stories
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Hey guys, I had the idea of going back to Oblivion Bay for parts and discussed it a bit with Killbles.
I want us to try and make an expedition back to the bay later in the game to salvage part.
It would allow us to (probably, I'm not the GM) cut research in what ever we bring back and cut the cost and build time for any new Jeagurs.
But as the GM said this is a major Very High risk/ High Reward scenario. Before we even think about doing this for real we need to be seriously beefed up. He said the original expedition got lucky and they lost all of their escort to one Kaiju. But it was only a few missile cruisers.
I will be honest with the fact that they are going over some deep water so no Jeagurs. And the ocean was not a kind mistress before the Kaiju.

This thread is only to discuss the viability of this idea with everyone and brain storm should we ever choose to do so.

Honestly I think we should but this on the back burner for now. Once we've got ourselves a little better situated though I'd say it's probably going to be a gamble we have to take at some point, unless we can find some Jager shells elsewhere. If we were to go through with this I'd want to see something along the lines of faster boats and the like. ATM it would take so long to get up there, grab the remains and get back that getting attacked would be an almost certainty. If we could move faster to the point of making a smash and grab style viable then it could be done. Things that I'd suggest for such a plan would be:
- Really fast transports/escorts
- Some inbuilt way of getting the Jager shells into the transports quickly, like an on deck crane or two
- Some sort of stealth for the ships, preferably both passive and active measures
- Defensive measures to distract, delay and/or drive off kaiju
If we can get that sort of stuff, and whatever else our increased knowledge of kaiju reveals then I'd say we have a shot. Even then I'd want to be in a position that we could reasonably survive the loss of expended resources should things go bad.

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