Horizon Brave Vs. The World 19 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

You can research anything.

Activating Scanners, sir!
Oh dear Private Jimmy what have you done...

3833823 Right, that's sort of what I thought. Thanks for the clarification.

3833825 Herp had a big spiel that Kibbles just ruined with that update. Hahahahaha. So obviously gotta get HB up to speed asap. After that I'd go for some upped accuracy for the cannons, get them more reliable. Then it's a toss up between beef up the armor so we can brawl harder and the better movement systems to fight smarter. I guess we should see how the fight goes then decide.

Group Admin




By the time the scanners have a solid lock on the Kaiju, it's barely four kilometres from the breach in the wall and closing fast. Sydney's forces are quickly scrambled but its too late to get many into effective firing positions before the Kaiju gets to the wall.

Your tanks will take 3 turns to assemble and be ready to fight at the breach. When they arrive you can put them on the beach or on the wall. Your helicopters and Horizon Brave can reach the breach before the Kaiju gets there. At current speed, your sensors estimate it would be about 2km from the breach in the wall when they arrive.

A general map of the area.

How would you like to deploy?

Comment posted by spawnofmetroid deleted Nov 26th, 2014

How effective would it be to put the tanks on the wall and horizon a little back so all the tanks have a line of fire?

Group Admin

It'd work great except your tanks are too busy trying to get their shit together and won't be at the wall for three turns from when Horizon gets there. Who knows where the Kaiju will be by then?

Have them run support on the beach then. What about the heavy support choppers?

Group Admin


Your tanks will take 3 turns to assemble and be ready to fight at the breach. When they arrive you can put them on the beach or on the wall. Your helicopters and Horizon Brave can reach the breach before the Kaiju gets there.

And the mechanized infantry, also what do we roll for our new fire damage?

I say let's get HB and the choppers on the land side of the breach and have the tanks and MechInf follow up after them. Hopefully we can hold the Kaiju at the breach until the Armour units arrive. Due to the damage to HB's systems it's probably best to not commit without our full support.

EDITS: I don't think we should put anything on the wall. If things don't go our way they'd either be easy pickings or left behind from the fight.
MOAR EDITS: Let's get the scouts up there ASAP, get us some data before we fight.

3834011 Good Idea, I can go with that. But I am still wanting to know what we need to roll for the new fire damage that the units now have.
(P.S. Where you been.':)

Group Admin

Mechanised Infantry are in the same boat as the tanks, they aren't fast enough to respond straight away.

Different damage types have different thresholds between the type of wound inflicted (Glancing, Minor, Major and Critical, just for reference) along with some other effects. When coupled with another type (e.g. Impact/Fire) it won't do much more than just give you the chance to set stuff on fire, which is a damage effect I roll for.

We are committed to having Horizon Brave standing guard at the breach to buy time for the other units to get there with the choppers running support.

Group Admin

Okay, how far back from the breach do you want your shebangs? Any more a kilometre in and you're standing in the city.

Let's put Horizon Brave 100m back from the breach, with the Attack Choppers around him. That should let us move quickly enough without risking getting jumped with shenanigans.

We should also have the scout choppers get a good look at what we'er dealing with.

Group Admin

3834011 3834044

A wave of scout choppers lift from Kingsford Smith Airport, many leavign withotu formign up with their squdron first and many others not botherign with preflight checks. Beneath them, twenty heavy helicopters start powering up on the tarmac...

"Buzzard One-Four to command, we have contact." One of the pilot announces as he buzzes low over the wall. Advancing through the surf is a tall, gangly Kaiju. They estimate it would stand at least 85 metres high, if it bothered to stand up straight. Instead, it's bent over low, its back hunched and twisted. A pair of long arms tipped with long, needle like claws drag along the ocean bed. A stream of bile drips from the Kaiju's fanged mouth, splashing into the water below. One of the pilots note with concern that the water seems to catch fire where the bile touches.

The information is relayed back to Horizon Brave. The Jaegemr suspended midair by its squadron of carryallsm is still a kilomtre away from the edge of the bay, surrounded by a small fleet of attack helicopters.

"Son of bitch looks like an Igor." Phil remarked.
"What does that make us, Frankenstein's monster?" Byron chuckled, banging the console, a newer part ripped from a Mark III Jaeger, in front of him with an armoured fist as it glitched out.

Igor is two and a half kilometres from the wall and advancing at roughly a kilometre a turn.

So we only need to hold it for one turn for the tanks to get into position and 2 for the mechanized infantry to get there with our current plans. Horizon could stand half a kilo in land and the tanks would be there to help, with one turn for the mechanized to dismount, right?

Also I say we have the choppers attack when the kaiju is one kilo out to avoid damage to horizon and soften it up.

All right let's have the Carryalls take us as close to the 100m designated spot as we can in the next 2 turns and then set HB down as gently as we can. No need to risk further leg damage. As soon as Igor is in the wall breach have choppers empty all they've got, hopefully we'll get some injuries to weaken him before we close in. We can probable handle a bit of fisticuffs but I don't want to get napalm vomited onto our half functioning systems.

Group Admin

Unless you want to suffer infrastructure damage, I suggest you keep Jaegers and Kaiju out of the city. The bay area is still heavily populated despite the last Kaiju's trek through it...

Group Admin

What is the designated spot? How far from the wall is it?

100 meters out. Actually how far is that in units?

Group Admin

100m = 1 unit. The two terms are interchangeable.

So I'm right in saying that Horizon Brave and Choppers are going 900m from the wall?

Ah, should have been more clear, I meant it the other way around.
Actually with that in mind let's but HB 300ms out from the breach, 700ms away from the city. That'll give us distance and options and let HB open up with the cannons before we move in. Let the Coppers fire first then have the Cannons follow up, hopefully before a reaction.

Group Admin

With an earth shaking shudder, Horizon Brave lands in the water, throwing up a spray of dirt and water high into the air. Above them, the Attack helicopters buzz noisily, arming missiles and checking forgetting computers.

"Horizon Brave, this is Broadsword One Actual, we're about 2 klicks to your rear." One of the tank commanders radio, the channel interspersed with the rumble of treads and the throaty roar of truck and tank engines.

Horizon Brave and the helicopters are 1.3Km from Igor. Igor is 1km from the breach in the wall. The tanks/Mechanised Infantry are 2km behind Horizon


It's your turn. The Kaiju is 1.3km away, or thirteen units. During combat, you can make a move action and a standard action. If you move, you'll be at -3 for a Standard action made in the same turn. You can move up to your Agility + 3 units (So 6 Units for you) per turn. You can double your move distance if you run or you can charge 1d10+Agility units to get an attack bonus. If you fail your charge (i.e. you don't get to your target), you may be counter-charged. That's bad. If you run, you can't make an other actions that turn.

Sample Standard Actions
Ranged Attack
Melee Attack
Grappling with an enemy
Activating a new weapon (Not applicable to you)
Picking something up
Throwing something

What would you like to do?

Where are the attack choppers in relation to the Kaigu?

Group Admin


Horizon Brave and the helicopters are 1.3Km from Igor. Igor is 1km from the breach in the wall. The tanks/Mechanised Infantry are 2km behind Horizon

When I say Choppers, I am generally referring to your attack ones. If I say scouts, that's your scouts.

Let's hold position and let Igor come to us. We've got a solid defensive position and the long he takes the sooner the tanks get here.
Lets run over HB's systems just to make sure we didn't lose something in the drop, we're probably okay but it'd be bad if a leg fell off.
Apart from that let's ready the cannons for firing and lineup our shots, same for the choppers. If he decides to charge I want it to be into halestorm of weapons fire.
Scouts let us know if he pulls something we can't see from our position.

EDITS: Really hoping Igor doesn't have some sort of high powered launch mechanism for that bile, going to suck if he can hit us at a distance.

3834183 I will just leave this to you. I just seem to not give good imput. :(

Aw, sorry man. I'm not trying to overshadow you or push you aside or anything. I'm just pretty used to this sort of thing and so I'm just jumping right in. Apologies for all that.

Group Admin

3834183 3834172

Igor advances steadily, its long legs powering it through the water with surprising ease. It eyes the attack helicopters warily, a low snarl drifting from its maw as it spots them. It takes another step forward, its body convulsing and writhing. The whole Kaiju seems to topple over briefly before a violent hacking cough erupts from its mouth and a jet of the steaming bile shoots through the air towards the clustered attack squadrons!

(6) Attack Helicopter Squadron Missed!
(3) Attack Helicopter Squadron Missed!
(1) Attack Helicopter Squadron Missed!

Luckily, the spray seems a little off target and the choppers are able to safely veer out of the way in time. A few large splotches rain down on Horizon Brave, immediately catching alight as they patter down on the Jaeger's armour but causing no real damage other than peel away a little paint.

Igor seems a little winded by the atttack, but continues on relentlessly.

Igor is 800m from Horizon Brave and the Choppers.

It's your turn, what would you like to do?

[ ] Sit and wait
[ ] Move Forward

3834197 No, no, I don't blame you for that. You just give a more cinematic feel to the battle part. I'll hang back and help plan the actions.

Group Admin

You're doing fine and you've given me some ideas to work on for future... things... My only advice is to take a moment longer to read the stuff I post so you don't end up asking silly questions.

Combat is a lot easier than deployment as most of the responses/actions/reactions are fairly clear cut.

Either way I'm going to bed, I got college. I'll be back on to see how the battle went. I'll be back on tomorrow.

3834211 yeah, its a mistake I usually make.

3834208 Righto!

3834201 My worst fears realised, well this is why we didn't commit. We're badly outranged, although that's not very hard to do. Time to get in his face, hopefully while he's weak.

Full ahead! Charge this nasty bastard and give him the facepunches! Move the Attack Chopper groups into wide spread flanking positions but hold fire for now. Don't want any friendly fire incidents, or losing whole groups to another shot.

Group Admin

Roll me a 1d10+3 for a charge then!

Provided you get there, you can do one of several things. Note that Horizon Brave has some bonuses for things which you can find in its profile.

Standard Attack: Punch/Kick(Why would you even..?) them!
Slam: Use your mass/dirty tricks to try and throw them off their feet. If you succeed, you'll knock them prone. If you don't, bad stuff can happen as you get all tangled up with them.
Grapple: Wrestle! Grapples are good fun and you can use your power move, Sub-Zero Suckerpunch in a grapple if you win a few rounds.

We need to do as much damage as we can, lets try and grapple so we can bring in the Sub-Zero. Also it seems the Kaiju has a soft torso so we don't need to worry about armor. Maybe we can even disable its spitting attack if the damage is good enough.

Group Admin

Roll me a charge and we'll get started then.

Sorry, can't seem to find what I need to roll for a charge or grapple. I am looking at the list and I don't see a specific one for either. And what is the point system for the Sub-Zero.

Also, am I able to use the cryo-cannons in the grapple. It has a point-blank modifier, but I want to run it by you.

3834265 Okay I'm back. So can we make a slam attack as part of the charge, or are we restricted to basic moves?

Group Admin

Roll me a 1d10+3 for a charge. (1d10 + your Agility. The result is how far you move.)

A grapple is a standard attack (So assume you use your fists becaseu why would use your feet lol, that's a 1d10+1). In addition, you add your hand-to-hand and any grapple bonuses you have for the weapon you are using. (So you would in total have 1d10+1(Your fists)+2(HtH)+3(Grapple bonus on your fists)

If you beat your opponent, you are then locked in a grapple and continue to resolve it until someone dies or disengages. Each turn you roll a standard attack + HTH + Grapple bonus + Strength. Whoever has the highest result wins the grapple for that round and gains an advantage point. You can spend these point to do horrible, horrible things to your opponent such as your sub-zero suckerpunch.

Group Admin

At the end of a charge you must either do a standard attack, grapple or slam. Your choice.

spawnofmetroid wants to grapple so you two can figure out waht you want to do. I detailed how a grapple works above but I go on and do the other stuff in more detail if you'd like

Thank you, then lets roll
1d10+1+2+3 → [3,1,2,3] = (9)http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4728944/

Group Admin

You need to roll a charge first to see if you can get into melee! Also I have a feeling lilflamewars would like to slam rather than grapple so you two need to figure out what you'd like to do.

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