Horizon Brave Vs. The World 19 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin


Sydney, Australia
It is 2026. The world is in a state of turmoil.

Almost two years ago the massive steel and concrete shatterdome dominating Botany Bay was decommissioned, its mission declared a failure and sold off to provide the desperate Pan Pacific Defence Corp with the much needed funds to continue the war against the Kaiju onslaught.

It was a futile effort; the metal warriors which once stood watch over the Pacific Rim nations slowly falling one by one in a slow, painful war of attrition. The Mark III restoration program failed, what hope it had curdled in the PPDC being snuffed out like a candle in the wind. The Kaiju kept coming and what few Jaegers that could be mustered soon found themselves surrounded on all sides by an unstoppable enemy. Category Is and IIs started to wander between urban centers uncontested, making reliable transportation over long distances almost impossible. Kaiju poured through the breach in ever increasing numbers and slowly but surely, the last of humanity’s defenders found themselves overwhelmed and destroyed. Kaiju started appearing far inland in China and even India, tearing their way through urban centres virtually unopposed.

Then six months ago, one final effort was made by the last few Jaegers standing to close the breach. Led by the renowned Marshall Sacker Pentecost at the helm of Coyote Tango, two of the last Jaegers, Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha rallied in Hong Kong for one last stand. The last remnants of the Australian government, against the wishes of its pilots, refused to send Striker Eureka, the last Australian Jaeger standing in order to aid the effort.

Down a Jaeger, Stacker continued with the mission, instead ordering Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha to instead stay behind in Hong Kong while he continued on alone to be breach. Soon after making the solo drop into the abyss, the first Category V Kaiju emerged.

Then all hell broke lose.

A massive EMP erupted from the Breach, disrupting global communications. All contact with the outside world ceased immediately, leaving Sydney’s radio links and satellite feeds devoid of anything but roaring static. Attempts were made to venture out beyond the range of the city’s still-functioning short range radio transmitters to reestablish lines of communication. None who left ever returned. Striker Eureka, whisked away to counter a pair of CAT IVs encroaching on the north coast was never heard from again. Massive, unnatural storms tortured the sky constantly and high altitude flight was swiftly rendered impossible, most aircraft’s engines tearing themselves to pieces within a few hours of flight in the strange atmospheric conditions.

Four months later, the ‘Wall of Life’ protecting Sydney was breached.

It wasn’t a big Kaiju, at least not by modern standards; just a Category II on the Serizawa Scale. But without a metal guardian to watch over them, the people of Sydney could only cower in their basements and shelters as it leveled building after building, shrugging off fire from what few Australian military units were still stationed in the city. By the end of the day the creature was dead, but it took with it over sixty thousand souls. The lesson was clear, Sydney needed Jaegers.

The city came together, pooling its resources, organizing and consolidating its fragmented leadership under one united banner. The Shatterdome, previously intended to be torn down and sold for scrap, was reactivated by the surviving Australian military commanders. Civilians were hastily organized into construction and cleanup crews, tending to the decaying remains of the Kaiju that had shattered their illusions of safety and rebuilding their city. But the city’s leaders knew the next attack would only be a matter of time.

An expedition was launched, a ragtag bunch of volunteers appropriating a massive container ship trapped in Sydney Harbour before the disaster; hoping to recover one of the fallen Jaegers which lay in Oblivion Bay across the Pacific ocean. Escorted by the last of Sydney's missile frigates that had survived the battle and a hastily converted supply ship, the small fleet sailed to the ruins of San Francisco.

The city held its collective breath for the long weeks while the expedition was away, every citizen hoping that the men and women aboard the vessels would be able to find one, just one Jaeger that they could breathe life back into. Then, finally, after nearly a month and a half, the freighter limped back into Port Botany, bearing the fresh scars of battle across its hull, a courtesy from a Kaiju which had intercepted them on the return journey. The crews of the frigates had sacrificed themselves and their ships to lure the monster away, but resting on the freighter’s deck were the remains of an ancient Mark I Jaeger.

Horizon Brave.

Group Admin

Horizon Brave
Pilots: Phil and Byron Darby
Class: Mark I
Motivation: Freezing all Kaiju!

Hand to Hand: 2
Ranged: 1
Strength: 2
Toughness: 2
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 0

Durability: 4
Structure: 10

The Cow Catcher: As long as Horizon Brave’s chest armour is intact, it gains a +1 bonus to any slam attacks it makes.

C11 Combat Gauntlets x2
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength + 1
Armor Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: 3
Sub-Zero Suckerpunch: Only usable in a grapple. Make a Called Shot to target’s torso. Sub-Zero Suckerpunch can be used as 1, 2 or 3 point action in a grapple, the effects of a lower point action apply to higher ones.
1 Point: Add Ice to the damage Type.
2 Point: Target cannot make a reaction to the attack.
3 Point. Target is stunned if the attack is successful.

Traction Pads x2
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10-1
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: 1 + Strength
Armor Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: -2
Curbstomp: A hit to a prone opponent will stun them

Freezer Cannons x 3
Built-In Ranged Weapons
Attack Dice: Automatic Hit
Damage Type: Ice
Damage Bonus: 3d5
Armor Penetration: 0
Range: 3
Flash Freeze: +2 Damage bonus at point-blank range.

Rugged Iron Armour
Coverage: All but Conn-Pod, Chest, Neck
Armor Value: 4
Resilience: None
Durability: 8

Reinforced Gorget ‘The Cow-Catcher’
Coverage: Chest, Neck
Armor Value: 5
Resilience: None
Durability: 8

Conn-Pod Armor
Coverage: Conn-Pod
Armor Value: 1
Resilience: None
Durability: 3

Status: Green

Kaiju Killed:

Group Admin

Population: Approx 4 Million
Total Resources 0

Manufacturing: 3
Each point of Manufacturing gives you 500 bonus resources per turn.
Research: 2
Research is added directly onto Research rolls.
Communication: 1
Communication increases Sydney’s sphere of influence and chances of finding assets.
Scanners: 1
Scanners increases the warning time for incoming Kaiju and gives more information.
Population: 4
Every point of population gives you an additional action per week.
Defenses: 0
Every point of Defenses give an armour value to your city's assets and any troops inside.

Low morale will have penalties. High morale will give you bonuses.

Low environment will have penalties. High environment will give you bonuses.


Military Support units
Note: Non-elite military support never roll 10s again. On the roll of a 1 that unit must be resupplied. Military support units are automatically destroyed if hit by Kaiju attacks.

5 Squadrons of M2A5 Anti-Kaiju Tanks
- Move up to 4 units a turn.
- Linked 150mm Howitzers: 1d10 Impact damage. -2 damage. Range 20, Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterise Wounds
15 Companies of Mechanized Infantry
- Takes a turn to mount or dismount.
- Moves 4 units a turn mounted, 1 unit a turn dismounted.
- FGM-120 Missile. 1d10 Impact damage. -3 Damage. Range 5. Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterise Wounds. Fire only when dismounted.
3 Jaeger Deployment Carryall Squadrons
- Move up to 10 units a turn.
- 1 squadron can carry 1 Jaeger or 1 Military Unit. Takes two turns to load units, one turn to load Jaegers.
5 Scout chopper Squadrons
- Move up to 15 units a turn.
3 Heavy Attack Helicopter Squadrons
- Move up to 10 units a turn.
- Thermite Missiles. 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. Range 20. Hits on 5s. One Shot Only, Cauterises Wounds
5 Speed Boat Squadrons
- Move up to 8 units a turn on water only.

Kaiju Killed: 1
CAT I - Cora

Downtime Actions

[ ] Rebuild Horizon Brave
Horizon Brave, while mostly intact, is still in a sorry shape. Enormous amounts of work has been done since it was towed into the Shatterdome by the expedition freighter, but much more remains to be done if the Jaeger is to be restored to even basic functionality. 2000 Resources
[ ] Repair Jaeger.
[ ] Research Improvements into Jaeger's Stats
Pick one of your stats. Buy up to 10 d10 rolls at 25 resources each. A roll of 10+ give you advancement points towards improving that stat. Stats cost 5 points to go from 0 to 1, 10 points to go from 1 to 2, etc.
[ ] Research new Equipment!
Write-In with concepts for new Jaeger weapons, armour or functions, new military assets, or improvements to your old ones, and roll 1d10+Research. The more out there the weapon, the harder the research. If research is successful, you'll be able to purchase the new equipment later.
[ ] Scan for Kaiju!
Engage the long-range scanners and go looking for nearby Kaiju.
[ ] Hunt for Known Kaiju
Attack Kaiju you are aware of within your territory. Doing so before they come to attack you will often net bonuses!
[ ] Search Territory
Roll Communications to go looking for things within your territory; for example, specialty items, military units, news from the outside world, etc.
[ ] Build Stuff!
Check out the list below for new equipment!

Jaeger Weapons
C11 Combat Gauntlet
500 Resources

Jaeger Armour
Rugged Iron Armour
100 Resources Per Location
Reinforced Gorget
200 Resources per Location
Conn-Pod Armour
50 Resources

Jaeger Augments

Military Assets
Squadron of M2A5 Anti-Kaiju Tanks
300 Resources
Linked 150mm Howitzers: 1d10 Impact damage. -2 Damage. Range 20, Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterize Wounds
Light Artillery Battery
50 Resources
Linked 150mm Howitzers: 1d10 Impact damage. -2 Damage. Range 20, Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterize Wounds
Company of Mechanized Infantry
50 Resources
FGM-120 Missile: 1d10 Impact damage. -3 Damage. Range 5. Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterize Wounds.
Jaeger Deployment Carryall Squadron
100 Resources
Scout Helicopter Squadron
100 Resources
Heavy Attack Helicopter Squadrons
500 Resources
Thermite Missiles. 1d10 Fire damage. Range 20. Hits on 5s. One Shot Only
Speed Boat Squadrons
50 Resources
Anti-Kaiju Frigate
500 Resources
Heavy Missile Battery: 1d10 Impact damage. Range 50, Hits on 5s. Will Not Cauterize Wounds

Military Improvements

City Improvements
500 + 500 for each level
Improve Manufacturing
2000 Resources
Improve Research
500 Resources
Improve Communications
500 Resources
Improve Scanners
1000 Resources
Improve Population
2500 Resources

City Augments

New Jaegers
Mark 1 Jaeger Frame
50,000 Resources


Last Weeks Downtime Actions
Week One -

Group Admin

Let's get this ball rolling!

Within an hour of the damaged freighter pulling into the port, Horizon Brave is transferred into the shatterdome. Hastily organised repair crews immediately descend upon the Jaeger like a horde of locusts, pealing away slabs of heavy armour, ripping out miles of disintegrating, decaying cable and poking through what remains of its systems.

It swiftly becomes apparent that the old battered Jaeger is in no condition to fight.

Horizon Brave is disabled! It will cost 2000 resources to get to Jaeger into a basic functioning state. This can be paid all in one go or bit by bit.

Horizon Brave has barely been laid up in the shatterdome for no more than a few days before the city’s sensor grid lights up, there’s a Kaiju inbound!


The Kaiju is about 20 kilometers (200 Units) away from the city’s southwest edge, plodding quickly towards Sydney overland. A brief wave of fear sweeps through the city, Horizon Brave is in no shape to deploy and once again, it seems Sydney’s ground forces will have to engage and destroy the beast.

What would you like to do?

[ ] Have the Carryalls carry your conventional forces towards the Kaiju!
[ ] Deploy from the city and wait for it to come closer!
[ ] Attempt to use scanners to gather more information first!
[ ] Write in!


Attempt to use scanners to gather more information first!

After all, we need to know where the kuiji's gonads are, to kick it in 'em! :twilightsmile:


Would it be possibly to jury-rig Horizon Brave to get it going for this fight? Even if costly or risky, it might be worth considering.

Group Admin

Fair point!

Roll me a 1d10+1 (Your Scanner stat) for your scanners then!

For anyone unfamiliar with Invisible Castle, it's pretty simple. You put in a character name (In this case, 'Horizon Brave'), put in how many dice you want to roll (So if you were rolling 14 1d10s, you'd put 14 there.) and then what sort of dice you want to roll. Add any modifiers (So 1d10+1 in this case) and then roll them dice!

When that's done, link the result in the thread so everyone can see.


1d10+1 → [7,1] = (8)


Did I do it right? First time using invisible castle.

Group Admin

Yeah mate, all good. Gimme a minute to do a quick write up.

As for fixing Horizon Brave, when your expedition found him, he pretty much looked like this.

After nearly half a decade of neglect and scavenging, it's in no shape to fight at all. The 2000 resources you pay to get it operational again are to get it to a bare-bones state, there may be some more repairs afterwards to get it him to prime condition.


State of Horizon Brave.


And that was the one in the best condition the team could find?!

Ye gods, this quest is starting in hard mode, ain't it?

Group Admin

Sydney's scanning grid, while nominally used to detect seaborne threats, are quickly turned towards the city's south-west in the hope that the city's defence force can get an idea of what they're in for.

Despite the interference from the persistent Electromagnetic storm, the scanners quickly get a fix on the Kaiju.

While only a CAT I, the Kaiju, quickly codenamed Cora, is fairly large, skittering forward on six thin legs. It looks somewhat like an overgrown lobster, only this one has pincers that could easily slice a building in two. Heavy looking armour covers most of its upper body, thick plates of chitin gleaming under the faint sunlight.

What do?


Well, Cora doesn't seem like it would have any counter to air units.

Have the attack-copters attack straight away, while the other units line up to defend Sydney?

Group Admin

How far away from Sydney do you want your units to engage? Cora is currently 200 Units from the city, your tanks and choppers have an effective range of 20 units.


Well, since conventional units splatter if hit anyway, playing it safe sounds like a given to roll snake eyes sooner or later.

Have the attack copters attack from units away (If that is medium range.) and return for rearming.

The rest can form a line twenty units away from Sydney, and start firing at maximum range.

Question, though! Is there anything left of the wall of life that could be used for a choke or ambush point?


Move the M2A5s into firing position to give cover fire to the others, have the mechanized infantry mount up, send out 2 scout choppers with orders to maintain distance from any contacts, have the heavy attack choppers follow behind the scouts at a distance of 3 units, and have the Jaeger Deployment Carryalls standing by to move the infantry.

Group Admin


Question, though! Is there anything left of the wall of life that could be used for a choke or ambush point?

Nope, This guy is coming across land... which means maybe that big wall wasn't quite as effective as the pollies said it would be.

With the rumble of treads and the whir of blades, Sydney’s forces move to engage Cora. Three squadrons of heavy attack helicopters, actually transports modified to carry a pair of massive short ranged missiles fly overhead, roaring towards the approaching Kaiju.

Below, the clanking of over a hundred M2A5 tanks rolling out of the city cuts through the air. Before the Kaiju-Human war, there vehicles would’ve been a terrifying prospect to face down, each one a ninety ton beast sporting heavy armour and a pair of 150mm howitzers. These armoured vehicles, built to hunt the veritable plague of CAT I Kaiju which started encroaching on the world two years ago, start forming up. Four vehicles to a squadron, six squadrons to a company.

The helicopters approach Cora, diving down before letting fly a hail of missiles!

Roll me 3 1d10s for your Chopper Missiles


1d10 → [8] = (8)
1d10 → [4] = (4)
1d10 → [6] = (6)


Group Admin

Nice! Now roll me Hit locations for any hits. (Your helis hit on 5s). A Hit location is one 2d10 for each hit.


So 2 2d10's, right?

2d10 → [10,3] = (13)
2d10 → [2,10] = (12)


Group Admin


The massive volley of missiles rips through the air before slamming into the Kaiju, a few of the chopper's missiles veering off wildly moments before impact, perhaps a faulty guidance chip.

The rest slam into the approaching Kaiju with massive force. The missiles crash into the Kaiju's unarmoured shoulders, penetrating deep into its flesh before exploding.

Hit to Left shoulder. 4 Damage, No Armour! Minor Wound, 3 strikes inflicted, 1 ongoing! Cora is at -1 Hand to Hand and Dexterity!
Hit to Right Shoulder. 2 Damage, No Armour! Glancing Wound! 1 Strike Inflicted!

Cora reels from the blow, massive chunks of its shoulders blown away by the attack. It quickly rallies though, slogging forward and ignoring the pools of molten metal which burn deeper into its flesh.

Cora Advances 10 units!

Your choppers have to return to base to rearm, a process which will take longer than the scope of most fights. For sake of simplicity, I'm going to keep advancing Cora until he's 30 units away from your firing line. Because that's easy and there's not much else he can do at this point.

If you take damage, it'll be in the form of Strikes. When you have more strikes than your Durability, any further strikes will start reducing your abilities from damage. If you have more Strikes than you structure, you are disabled. Twice that, you die as your reactor goes critical. That's bad.

So it's you turn. you can either wait for Cora to come to you, or you can move your tanks forward. They can only move four units though so they won't be range even if they do.



I like the sound of ongoing strikes!

Could we send the scout copters and trick Cora to linger away from town for a bit longer? That might not only rack up some more damage, but if we're really good even give the attack copters time to reload.

Group Admin

Ongoing strikes are fun. Basically, each turn you roll as many d10 as you have ongoings. For every roll that's equal to or lower than the number of ongoings, you take a strike. Not particularly lethal in small numbers but they can start to add up very quickly.

As the heavy helicopters roar back towards Sydney, the scout choppers dart in, pestering the Kaiju by diving low and buzzing near it. Some of the crews are plucky enough to shoot their small arms at the massive creature with predictable results. It looks like a small swarm of bees harassing an elephant and for what it's worth, it has just about the same effect.

Cora continues to advance towards Sydney. Cora is now 20 units away from your tank squadrons.. He will reach them in two turns at current speed and Sydney in four.

What do?


It looks like a small swarm of bees harassing an elephant and for what it's worth, it has just about the same effect.

Drat. Might be worth slapping some small guns on those in the future in case we get a chance to re-use this tactic, but for now I'm out of ideas.

Wait for Cora to reach the tanks maximum range, and start shelling it from that point?

Group Admin

So right now, cause those tanks love dem 2km shots.

Roll me 5 1d10s and then any hits to blow this bastard into next week.


1d10 → [5] = (5)
1d10 → [8] = (8)
1d10 → [2] = (2)
1d10 → [8] = (8)
1d10 → [1] = (1)


So, three hits.

Edit* And one that ran dry in the first volley. Drat.

2d10 → [4,7] = (11)
2d10 → [5,5] = (10)
2d10 → [10,9] = (19)


I like the look of that 19!

Group Admin

Hit locations correspond to a certain point on the body rather than damage, it works sort of liek a bell curve, one end is feet, the middle is centre mass and the other end is hands. Higher is not always better!

“2200… 2100… 2000! Open wide you son of a bitch!” One of the tank commander’s bellow before the assembled fleet of tanks lets rip. For a few seconds the skittering, panting sounds of the Kaiju are drowned out by the report of heavy guns.

Cora barely has time to blink in surprise before the veritable wave if shells crash into it. Hundreds of impacts crater off its armoured shell and blow its soft, unarmoured flesh apart. One of the tank companies perhaps goes a little overboard, expending its entire ammunition load in the brief destructive splurge.

Hit to chest! 0 - 2 Damage! -3 for Armour! (-5 lol) No damage!
Hit to Torso! 3 - 2 Damage! No Armour! Glancing Wound to Torso! 1 Strike!
Hit to Right Pincer! 3 - 2 Damage! -3 for Armour! No damage!

Cora shrieks, a distinctly painful, spine tingling sound as the tank fire rips out chunks of its lower body. It sags, toppling to the ground for a moment before rising again, anger in its beady eyes. It moves towards the tanks although its visibly slower now, as if the massive wounds inflicted on it are finally taking its toll.

Cora moves 8 units! Cora is 12 units away from the tank squadrons!

It's your turn! Fire with the tanks again?


(-5 lol)


At least this system isn't sadistic enough that something like that actually causes regeneration.

And sure, another go with the tanks. Four d10's, right?

Group Admin


1d10 → [9] = (9)
1d10 → [10] = (10)
1d10 → [5] = (5)
1d10 → [4] = (4)


And —naturally, with units that can't crit. :ajbemused:

2d10 → [4,1] = (5)
2d10 → [2,5] = (7)
2d10 → [7,5] = (12)


Group Admin

Undaunted by the seemingly unsuccessful barrage, the tanks quickly ready another salvo. With another titanic rumble, the massed squadrons open fire.

Cora, sensing the danger, picks up the pace, an unearthly screech coming from its mouth as it charges towards the tanks.
Realising their sudden predicament, one of the commanders lets out an appropriate cry of surprise.
“Oh fuck!”
Dozens of tanks quickly reverse, desperate to get out of the Kaiju’s way, their cannons firing in a desperate effort to bring the rampaging creature down. The frantic, fragmented salvo ineffectively erupts from the tanks squadrons as the creature closes the gap, the range whittling away with worrying speed. One tank squadron stands its ground though, standing firm in the face of a creature over a hundred times their size. As one their twin barrels boom again.

By either sheer luck or incredible skill, the shots slam into the Kaiju’s unarmoured joints, almost blowing two legs off in a spray of foul gore. Cora trips and crashes into the ground, struggling feebly to rise back to its feet, barely a hundred metres from the heroic tank squadron.

They don’t give it the chance, the lead tank rolling up within fifty metres of the beast and firing a shot up through the top of the creature’s drooling mouth and into its brain pan.


CAT I Kaiju
Hand to Hand: 2
Ranged: 0
Strength: 2
Toughness: 2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 0

Durability: 3
Structure: 6

Attack Dice: 1d10+2
Damage Type: Edge
Damage Bonus: Strength
Armor Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +1

Secondary Claws
Attack Dice: 2d10
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength+1
Armor Penetration: -2
Grappling Bonus: -4

Armor Value: 3
Coverage: Head, Chest, Pelvis, Thighs, Pincers



:yay: Yay! :yay:

That went... surprisingly well, for us being jumped while our best weapon is just laying in a pile. Know it was 'just' a category 1, but still.

Smooth and nicely.


That won't last, will it?

MAKE OUR DAY, FATE! :flutterrage:

Group Admin

The tanks rumble back to base, their barrels held high with pride. Their near rout on the field thankfully ignored by the citizens of Sydney, the crews are treated like heroes.

A cordon around Cora's massive corpse is quick put together, army units and civilians in HAZMAT gear stripping the Kaiju down for any useful materials and tending to the small pool of Kaiju blood which has gathered thanks to the tank's barrage of shells. The spill is fairly minor though and thankfully none of the crews fall ill to any side effects of the Kaiju's toxic blood.

1400 Resources obtained
+ 1500 Manufacturing
+ 100 CAT I killed
- 200 Cleanup cost

3000 Resources to spend!

With the threat over for the moment, attention turns back to the war effort at large.

Downtime: Week One
Choose any four actions from the list above

Okay, I'm going to leave this for a few hours. Hopefully some more people will chip in for some downtime plans. I'll be around to answer any questions you might have, but I'm hoping we might get one or two others to chip with some ideas for what to do during your first downtime.

For ease of reading and whatnot, format plans like this
[X] Rebuild Horizon Brave
[X] Stomp puny Kaiju in the face
[X] Freeze puny Kaiju's pelvis solid
[X] Stomp that too
Hopefully we'll have something...


Okay, I'm going to leave this for a few hours. Hopefully some more people will chip in for some downtime plans. I'll be around to answer some questions you might have, but I'm hoping we might get one or two others to chip with some ideas for what to do during your first downtime.

Yeah, this was really fun, but it felt a bit lonely here for awhile. Wasn't trying to hog the spot-light or anything, but I wanted to keep that forward momentum, at least for this first fight.

I know there's at least one outright Pacific Rim crossover group on this site. Perhaps some drum-beating over there will get a few more on-board?

Still, my suggestion:

Plan: Long-term Investment of Doom.

[X] Rebuild Horizon Brave.
[X] Upgrade research.
[X] Upgrade communications.
[X] Research cauterizing ammo for all our current troops, or if that is too difficult, just our tanks.

This plan is slightly risky, as it will leave us at +/- 0 resources, but it will have a few really potent long-term effects:

+ Horizon Brave is our biggest asset, and getting him up and running ASAP should be a top-priority.
+ If this runs on the same rules about research as Cherno Alpha Vs The World, then research is crazy, crazy powerful, and I think that extra dot in that stat will really make a difference over the game if gotten this early.
+ Same for communications, but even more important since our stat in that is currently zero. This might also let us find some more stuff in that newly expanded area of influence.
+ Upgrading our troops and tanks to cauterize will save us a lot of resources on clean-up in the long-run, so that is also better done sooner than later.

- We'll be broke, and that might mean nasty consequences if something nasty catches us with our pants down.
- We won't actually be able to put any of that research or influence to use for a round or two, since we won't actually be able to buy the upgrades we can now research, or act on any opportunities with a cost attached.
- Just because our influence will grow, doesn't mean it will be nice attention we get.

[X] Rebuild Horizon Brave.
[X] Upgrade research.
[X] Upgrade communications.
[X] Research cauterizing ammo for all our current troops, or if that is too difficult, just our tanks.

I second this plan.
Right now we have almost nothing and as we can see from the first battle without a Jager we are so very vulnerable, and any fights without one are going to be on the knife edge of victory or failure.
As to the other points those are also good plans, right now we're so weak we may as well take the gamble and spend what we got to give us as much of a boost in the longer term as we can get.
Each of those 3 options there will reap increasing dividends over time, so let's do it!

Couple of extra thoughts:
For the same reason as the upgrades already chose we should look to increase our manufacturing capabilities real soon. Considering how much production we need to research all the fun and dangerous toys getting the economy ball rolling soon should be a priority.
Speaking of research I had an idea that I though could do with voicing. ATM, HB's most dangerous weapon is the Freezer Cannons by a long way, and they get a nice damage bonus up close. My idea was something to allow hit and run attacks with the cannons, perhaps something for the legs/weapons to allow for either firing on the move or more simply the ability to create some distance immediately after firing, ahla "back hopping".

Changing the subject somewhat I thought I should mention some things about Sydney itself. In particular it's geography, for any non-Aussies that aren't familiar. Sydney is as you probably know a coastal city, built right up to the waterfront. While this does give fine access for shipping that's about the only easy way in. For Sydney is actually surrounded by mountains, and while there are passes with roads it's not like those have been maintained and could present a serious logistics issue even with aerial transports. While this does mean that we have a level of protecting from Kaiju coming overland (The Great Dividing Range is very literally named) Cora has already proved that it's possible ever for the smallest of Kaiju. It also means that there is limited space to work with, indeed modern Syndey face the fact that there is very little room left to expand the city. While we have a catastrophically reduced Sydney here it's something to keep in the back of your head. :twilightsmile:

Whew, info dump over.

I'm just throwing out ideas here so it will be a bit jumbled.

I want to know just what benefits are given for higher/lower moral and good/bad environment.
After a win like that with sterling heroics by the troops, moral has to have gone up.
Moral may go up as well when the public sees horizon brave moving at the end of the week by their own efforts.

Also, I have to say I second the plan as well, research and the benefit there of is a cornerstone of a pitched conflict like this.
Also it is said that Hong Kong withheld both Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. Any chance they are still alive? I put in a maybe/maybe not.

Another idea of mine, will we be able to send out another expedition to Oblivion Bay at some point?
Say it takes 10,000 resources + escort for success + and two weeks time. (Give or take given other factors like moral, escort size, etc.)
But if they are lucky they could bring in a semi-intact Jeager and/or parts depending on there cargo space.
You can also factor in how the Kaiju activity, weather, recon, and anything else I didn't think of.
This is of course a later game move.

And maybe I missed it but would it be possible to salvage the wall of life is remains for more resources?

Would it cost us if we wish to salvage sites?
Other cities would be beds of salvage as well, though you would have to factor distance, escort, time of travel, carrying capacity of vehicles.
I would like to see a jeagur carrying a giant piece of salvage.
But you would also have to factor value by how wrecked they are by Kaiju, and if you find a surviving city if you will defend it.
I know that given how "well off", and I use the term lightly, Sydney is they are morally obligated. But if we believe we can't afford to stretch ourselves to defend them there is the option of not. If we can't then we can't,
But if we leave them for dead, which we almost certainly are if we choose not to defend them, then moral is sure to drop.

Even if all my ideas are shot down I really want to see where this forum leads.
And can we start again if we lose.

Group Admin


I want to know just what benefits are given for higher/lower moral and good/bad environment.

Extra manufacturing output and free actions are quite possible. Morale increases or decreases at my discretion, I take into account several things to gauge where it should sit. Environment can be boosted through research and not leaving Kaiju corpses hanging around.

Also it is said that Hong Kong withheld both Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. Any chance they are still alive? I put in a maybe/maybe not.

Who knows? The world has gone to shit and you pretty much don't know about anything that's beyond visual range right now. You can do a comms action to gather more info though.

Another idea of mine, will we be able to send out another expedition to Oblivion Bay at some point?

You could but it'd be dangerous as all hell. Keep in mind that Horizon Brave was the most intact Jaeger your expedition could find... this of course doesn't mean that there aren't other Jaegers elsewhere...

And maybe I missed it but would it be possible to salvage the wall of life is remains for more resources?

You could... but the wall does offer a nice barrier against Kaiju coming from the ocean. They either have to tear the wall down or go through the breach in it to get to the city.

Would it cost us if we wish to salvage sites?

Comms, wonderful comms....

Sorry but I don't understand the last one. With comms I can understand contacting other cities. But wouldn't we need to pay for an operation to salvage larger sites like a destroyed city?

And while it maybe dangerous, Oblivion bay is the largest collection of Jeagur parts in the world. While we may not be able to salvage whole Jeagurs, Horizon Brave was not the only Jeagur with experimental weaponry. Like your Jeagur Midsummers Night's rail guns. It would cut so much from build cost, time, and boost research.
But you are right, it it very dangerous and we should only do it later in the game with majorly beefed up escort. But if Strike Eureka or Crimson Typhoon are found then that cuts YEARS off of the research needed to make fast, strong, and dexterous Jeagurs.

Group Admin

Not necessary. See, comms also expands your area of influence, Bringing more regional cities and towns under your control. There probably isn't that much worth in them like you might think, the Kaiju and looters have probably seen that by now and most of their populations would be dead or have fled. The nice thing though, you can still just 'find' things lying about that can be useful though expanding your comms or by making a comm action.

Whatever salvage and whatnot you're doing there comes under the comm action and is, well, free. There may be some exceptions to that, but that's how it'll go in regards to scavenging.

3833579 Ok, thank you. I also added something to my previous comment. How much would it cost to do it?

Group Admin

Not much admittedly. It would though, suffer from incredibly high degradation, attacks and most likely you'd never from your expedition again unless you could pull some incredible rolls out. Simply put, your first expedition was incredibly lucky and this time, the Kaiju might be more alert.

Regardless, I feel we have a bit of a consensus regarding this week's downtime. Someone roll me a 1d10 for your ammo research and we'll get this rolling!

3833609 Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. But could you give up a hint on the location of Gypsy Danger. You said the G3 restoration project failed but did it lift off the ground at all?
Also, is there any average growth of area of influence given by comms, or is it piece by piece?

Also, given there closeness, I would recommend that we scout out New Zealand, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.
Is this an option or will the weather block us?

Group Admin

Your expedition team say they saw Gipsy in Oblivion Bay although between the major damage to her shoulder, chest and the fact that her entire Nuclear Vortex Drive and an arm were missing, decided that it was irrecoverable with the resources the city had on hand.

Comms grows at a fairly arbitrary rate. I'll let you know if you reach any major milestones/immediately discover anything though.

What exactly can be done to Sydney to improve its ability to survive, defend, construct?
I just have this image in my head of a great citadel guarded by towering Jeagurs.
If you want me to stop tonight just say.:twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

Improve your city's defence stat and do research. You can research anything.

Comment posted by spawnofmetroid deleted Nov 26th, 2014

Research roll for Cauterizing AFV Weaponry:
1d10+1= 10(9+1)

On the subject of looting Shatterdomes, has the Sydney site been completely searched? Or are there rooms of old hardcopy notes (or somesuch) that have been forgotten in the apocalyps?

Group Admin

That isn't really in the context of the game. For all intents and purposes, Sydney is basically run by the Shatterdome's Marshals and military commanders. Everyone basically does what they tell them to because if they don't Horizon Brave gets totaled and they all die. That, or becasue horizon Brave is just cool.

The system is basically as good as it's going to get.

Cheers. write up inbound.

Scanning old archives would fall under the context of a research action. Say, if you wanted to research Mk II Jaeger frames, that'd involve a bit of rooting around and retooling of your equipment etc.

EDIT: I realised I've made boo-boo, research should be 1000, not 500 to get to the next level. :facehoof: I'll let it slide for now because I'm stupid for not relising that already.

3833799 What do you think we should research next. I want to say better movement systems for Horizon Brave. Given what we've seen in the movies the ability to out move your opponent was used to heavy effect by the Kaiju.

3833726 Could we make the Jeagur fire flaming waffles of DOOM if really wanted it to?:pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

The narrow victory of Sydney’s forces over Cora puts resolve back in the citizens of the city and cements one thing firmly in their mind. Horizon Brave needs to back online now.

A mammoth recovery and restoration effort is dumped into the Jaeger, work that would usually take months being done in days as every spare resource and worker the city has is thrown at the project. A new reactor, along with better shielding for the pilots, is installed, electrics are replaced and almost every plate of armour is either bashed back into shape or patched up. The fried circuitry for the Jaeger’s massive freezer cannon is carefully reinstalled along with a new neural interface. As the days tick over, Horizon Brave slowly comes back to life. Six days after Cora received a tank shell to the brain pan, Horizon Brave is finally activated. It’s new pilots, two reservists from the Mark III Jaeger program, Phil and Byron Darby, settle into the newly refurbished conpod with glee. The two rangers hadn’t stepped foot into a conpod for almost eight years but somehow everything seemed just as familiar as it did the day they’d received their wings.

The deck chief gave the green light to power up and for a moment, the entire shatterdome held its breath as the new nuclear drive rumbled, spluttered for a moment and then finally roared to life.

Horizon Brave is back.

Morale rises to Steady!

After an extensive test run that lasted for several hours, several problems become apparent. Firstly, many of the right leg motivators, ancient, unreliable relics from the past, need to be replaced. While many were overhauled, the city’s resources did not allow them all to replaced. The Jaeger walks and runs with a noticeable limp and the old motors sometimes seize, causing minor internal damage. Second, the left shoulder freezer cannon is simply inoperable and requires further attention before it can fire. Repairs shouldn’t take long but in the face of other, more pressing tasks, it had been neglected during the initial overhaul. Lastly, the whole electrical system needs to be retuned and recalibrated due to the literal patchwork of parts and system components used. While operable, the Jaeger glitches occasionally and nothing seems to function quite as well as it should.

Electrical Systems need retuning and rewiring: -1 to actions! (300 Resources)
Left Shoulder Freezer Cannon Inoperable: Freezer Cannon Damage is at 2d5 until repaired! (400 Resources)
Leg Motivators Stressed: -1 Agility, 1 Ongoing (500 Resources)

Otherwise though, the Jaeger operates well within expected parameters, an exceptional achievement for a week and a half repair job.

Efforts are also made to improve Sydney’s research and communications infrastructure. The constant EM interference has limited radio range so a network of relay towers are set up around the outskirts of Sydney. New wires are laid around outlying suburbs, allowing them to maintain better contact with the city.
Whole floors of the shatterdome are cleared, allowing scientists and engineers to work and research new designs that can aid the war effort. It’s not very pretty, but it works.

Research to 2!
Comms to 1!

Their first task is swiftly set, upgrading the forces of Sydney with incendiary ammo not unlike the Attack Helicopter’s missiles. The scientist get to work with the same vgour that the rest of the city is gripped in and within a few days, have produced a workable, white-phosphorus/thermite based munitions usable by Sydney’s heavy armour, artillery batteries and infantry. The missile payload of any future Anti-Kaiju frigates is adapted as well, the long range missiles now covering the target in a blistering sheet of thermite on contact.

M2A5 Tanks, Light Artillery Batteries, Mechanised Infantry and Anti Kaiju Frigates now cause Impact/Fire damage and cauterize wounds

There's no time for celebration though, almost as soon as Horizon Brave powers down after its logn trial run the sensor net lights up again.


Give me a scan roll! Time to see those punchy arms in action!

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