Town of Salem Players 12 members · 0 stories
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I'm thinking that they add these roles: Exorcist and Demon
I'll give a short description for each.

Demon: You are a vicious soul who tortures the living.
Exorcist: You are priest skilled in exorcism.

I'm not sure what the Abilities and Attributes should be. A little help?

To be bluntly honest, that just sounds like renaming "Vampire" and "Vampire Hunter." Those roles are already planned to be released sometime in the future, at least according to the wikia...

Group Admin

"Tortures the living" is very vague in gameplay terms. How do you do so? Do you control players? That's already done with the Witch. Do you roleblock? Again, done. (Twice, actually! 'Cept one's town and one's mafia.) Are you just trying to be the biggest troll possible? Done... sorta. (Jester.)

I don't really see such a character having a place. The roster's a little bit cluttered as it is, and then you eat up two spots with these characters: one for a character most likely doing what's already been done and one for its counter.

Kudos for attempting to innovate, though. Games need some new ideas now and then to keep 'em fresh.

4275840 Well the idea just came to me while I was watching Ghost Adventures. So, I really wasn't thinking about the other roles.

The point is, what is their function in the game? How would they operate? Roles aren't just there for show, they need to actually serve a purpose in relation to other roles. Jesters have no alignment but are essentially mines, because they can take out one person, and as such can be a tool to the Mafia. Same with the Executioner, although they'll invariably be useful to the Mafia. The Vampires oppose almost everyone, and subtly attempts to conquer the rest. The Witch opposes only the Town, and can as such ally themselves with any other faction and self-serving party. The Serial Killer must eliminate the Town, the Mafia, and any other Neutral killing roles but may spare others. Et cetera, et cetera.
Every role has a function in the game, whether to combat certain roles or certain factions altogether, sometimes sympathetic to or ambivalent to other factions. If they're too similar to an already existing role unless there is reason to (Escort versus Consort) they're extremely redundant, and can cause balancing issues.

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