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What is your favorite class?

And what is the worst in your opinion.

Group Admin

My favorite class is probably either godfather (because #mafia4life) or jester. Those tend to be the ones I win most often as. I always hate being Town Killing roles, though. I screw those up quite often.

It's more fun if you just always play like a jester, though. I remember seeing one guy almost completely dominate a game as SK because no one knew what he was doing. He pretty much trolled us all as he picked us off one by one. If he'd have just gotten mafia out of the way, he would have won.

4258348 jester is pretty fun. Mine is the Witch or werewolf. I tend to pay attention to the discussion phase and choose based off of that.
The Exe is the hardest to play because your trying to get someone else hung.

Here's a funny round I had.

One round i was a witch and I decided to mess with a player by selecting him the whole game. He was so pissed because he couldn't help any one. His role was doc, I had him heal random people. When I was hung, my will said " Blue, your my puppet. You will always be my puppet Doc". After that, he died the next night from Werewolf. He was swearing up a storm.

Group Admin

That is fantastic! I don't think I have too many moments like that. Probably the closest is when I played as different U.S. Presidents. People loved me in the game I played as Obama. I still died, and town still lost, but people liked me.

And on the rare occasion I get exe, I just play it like jester. Your target's going to get murdered at least 70% of the time anyway, so you might as well go straight to jester.

4258499 I won a match as Exe.

Group Admin

It's not that hard. You've just gotta come out swinging and hope you've drawn a stupid town. So if you do that... probably 50-50 chances. At worst.

If that doesn't succeed, though, you're better off playing it as jester. Your target's gonna die before you can get them hung.

4258677 i simply did the "if he's not this or that when you hang him, hang me next." And boom bang, I get him hung and then I die the night.

Group Admin

Yeah, that's a pretty good strategy. Again, assuming you have a stupid town. If you have a smart town (which is admittedly rare), they'll call you on your bluff and realize you're exe.

4258108 In my opinion, my favorite would be... Spy. It's pretty fun to listen onto conversations without anyone knowing you're a spy. There was this one time where I was a spy and I was eavesdropping on these two guys whispering to each other. They were talking about some random things. You know, stupid stuff. Then, one of them slipped up and said their role. I remember it so clearly.

"._. I'm the Godfather"

The moment he said that I told the town that he was the Godfather. The town had him lynched in literally a few seconds. The other guy on the other hand was freaking out.

My least favorite role would have to be Arsonist. God, it's the last role I need to win with before I get the achievement. I need tips on how to win as an Arsonist. Like, really badly.

Serial killer.
When I win with that class I always feel like Jigsaw.

4259430 well, how I play arsonist is I dowse everyone one by one, till I have atleast 5 people. Then I light it up. Most of the time it takes 8 nights because of the other killing roles, SK and mafia. Then I usually win because there are 4 other that I doused.


For my favourite role, I would have to say amnesiac, though jailor is a close second. :twilightsmile:

I enjoy amnesiac because of the variety of choices that you have, seeing as you have a whole graveyard full of them. Just be sure not to die by mafia. :applejackunsure:

I actually had one game as a jailor where I jailed someone, and when I said "role?" They claimed bodyguard. 2 seconds before the night was over, they said "jk I'm SK lol" and I was able to press the execute button and kill them. Who says there's nothing in ToS that requires fast reaction times? :trollestia:

For the worst, I would say jester or framer. Framer is just easy to tell if they are framed, and there's no other logical roles to fall back on if you get revealed. Worst. Mafia. Ever. :facehoof:

I just don't put enough effort into jester, lol. :moustache:

Tl;dr: best: ammnesiac worst: framer or jester. :eeyup:

Edit: might be a little late to the party.

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