Displaced 4,437 members · 1,271 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Following a lack of stories in our Quality Works, nominations are open still. Please post the story below, add it to the Nominations Folder and explain why you believe it should be considered. We reserve the right to reject crackfics or any fics used in a joking manner about Displaced.

Please Note: Submissions made by the author of the fic will be viewed more critically.

Following the recent review I've done, when I went through the Nominations Folder I've elected to establish a variety of new rules on top of the old. They are in their entirety with the old, as follows:

Nomination Rules

1.) Stories off less than 10,000 words will be autorejected in most circumstances. Exceptions include: A 15:1 like to dislike ratio and 100 votes in total.
2.) Stories with a like to dislike ratio of less than 5:1, with more than 5 likes at least, will also be autorejected. Aka; anything under say a 25:5 ld ratio will be autorejected.
3.) Stories where the submitter has not submitted a reason of decent length, say a paragraph, to review and possibly accept the fic.
4.) Fics under a 5% voter to reader ratio will not be allowed without three letters of nomination or unless already nominated.
5.) Fics above a 10 to 1 LD vote will be reviewed first.

This is the new Nominations Thread. All posts from the old will still be valid but please only post reasons for submissions here.

I vote for Stagnation is death the author updates it regularly and has pretty good grammar for someone who has English as a second language. It starts off well if a bit dark setting up the world fairly naturally and expands the main characters powersets in interesting ways and the main shows continuity being completely turned on its head stops it from feeling like every other displaced fic.

Comment posted by Histy deleted Oct 6th, 2018
Group Admin


You don't

Comment posted by Histy deleted Oct 6th, 2018


1.) Stories off less than 10,000 words will be autorejected in most circumstances. Exceptions include: A 10:1 like to dislike ratio in which the likes aren't just at ten.
2.) Stories with a like to dislike ratio of less than 5:1, with more than 5 likes at least, will also be autorejected. Aka; anything under say a 25:5 ld ratio will be autorejected.

I would increase the ratio of this. Like, make it at least 15:1, possibly even more. In my experience, 10:1 is the absolute average that the typical story on this site will receive just for being here. Anything less means that the story is outstandingly flawed in some way. "No less than 15:1 and at least a hundred votes in total" seems like it would be a better filter.

Group Admin


Valid points

Hello, I didn't know how to go about this but I thought this may be the best place. I would like to request a story written by Garnet Naturea to be added to the Quality Displaced story folder. Specifically, his story Equestria's White Fang. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418334/equestrias-white-fang

I personally believe that it is a good Displaced story with decent character development and a good ship that takes it's time instead of rushing head first into it and creating a relationship in one chapter. Also, it uses a Displaced character that has not been used in any other stories I have seen on this website, making it much more unique and allowing it to stand out from the rest. The author is a good person who devotes their time to writing three Displaced stories at once, not an easy feat as I'm sure all Displaced writers can agree. I also believe that the story meets most, if not all of the requirements needed to be in that folder. I admit, I'm not sure what rules 4 and 5 are asking for, but I have a good feeling his story meets those qualifications. If this is the incorrect way to go about submitting a request for an author to be added to a folder or the author does not meet the standard rules and I have wasted your time than I apologize for my ignorance. I only ask that you give their story a chance and see if it can be added to the Quality folder. I thank you for your time.

I know it's not really high viewed upon for me to do this but... I think my story, Against All Odds, should have a crack at being a nomination. It fits all the requirements and I put a ton of work into this story. If you're wondering if I have another reason why I think it should be a nomination, other than I want to be recognized for my talent as a writer, is because it's a story with a Displaced to which you have never seen, it has a team of Displaced characters with different yet the same abilities, not only does it have a plot that becomes more and more intense as the story goes I also think it would be beneficial for new authors such as myself to expand or talents. Please consider my story.

Group Admin


Bruh, it's been over a year.

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