Displaced 4,437 members · 1,271 stories
Comments ( 72 )
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Group Admin

Welcome to the official questions thread, where you, and anyone else can ask each other questions about the Displaced. We apologize for previous inconveniences regarding this topic and hope you will use this thread as intended.
The Only Rules-
No shitposting HERE.
Make sure questions are generally relevant.
Anyone can respond to any post, just be civil.
Discussions are allowed as well.

We art wondering, how often would a displaced end up in a world almost or 'was' canon until they arrived vs not being canon in the slightest except for history?

Group Admin

Equally likely, as there would be an equal number of each in the Multiverse.

what are the power classes? and what would Naruto after he meets the sage of six paths be classified as?

How many terrible displaced fics are there?

How many have you read?

Are there any you'd recommend?

How do the totems work? Like I've seen several stories that are all like

durhhh what is this? A personal item? That reflects me? As a character?I have no idea what this do. Might as well say some random shit to it. "Lalala I'm lord butternut of candy island lick my lolly and I'll give you more than some vanilla icing"

like I understand its importance in crossover, but I wish people did it better.

And finally: What's the deal with airplane food?

Group Admin

A fair few.
Displaced fics? Unless you count my own, there's... Well, none of the ones I read have updated, I'll get back to you.
Well, the Tokens/Totems act as a sort of bridge between Displaced, and, yes. They really need to try harder.
Well, the high standards put a lot of pressure on the staff so... its a little bumpy

Group Admin

You are advised to wait for another response, because I got nothing

I though it was because they always have 2 choices but are always out of 1

Wait a second. What in the hell are powerlevels? I was never informed of this. Is it an anime thing, or is it actually a thing among the displaced?

5038642 its a thing. There used to be a detailed map on it with a link on the main page. I guess they got rid of it or something. A lot has changed since this group was made

Does the story always involve the Merchant?

Group Admin


"We art wondering"? Scholars the world over rip their hair out at this even as I type this message.

So, im new around here and I am enjoying the really great stories here, but i have a question. The first story to really introduce to me the displaced was "Casting a Shadow" (great story, i loved it) and it had a big war seen, is this war seen the 'War of understanding'? I have heard of this and was wandering what it is, thanks in advance to any who answer my question.

Okay, thank you replying but i this has brought on some more questions. What do you mean by need-to-know? Where can one find this unfinished story (casting a shadow/and the tales of aulric gave a pretty good ending to the war, i think)? What am i trying to ignore with the link you gave me?

ah, okay. Thank you for the answers. I dont plan on writing about it, i just thought it sounded interesting from the stories i read that talked about it. i wanted to know more about it, but from what you said, it sounds like it has flopped. oh well, I enjoyed the endings that the previously mentioned ones gave it. Thank you again for your help.

Comment posted by BearstarSeraph deleted Feb 26th, 2016

hey, I'm trying my hand at this displaced story. I read a few of them, but my favorite is still "The Mighty Warrior of Epicness" with Gilgamesh.
My question is how do I decide what tier the displaced falls under, I am currently using Bowser Jr. and have him labeled as [Exo] but I don't know if that is too strong or too weak for my story. I would like to right about others as well, but this one is meant to get my feet wet and hopefully get me better into understanding the whole displaced lore and everything.

So I remember when the Displaced stories started popping up but I could never figure out What the "first" story was or to better rephrase What story was the story that started it all?

5754350 yea I read all the stories about Fulcrum and what is Wayback machine?

Group Contributor

Is it possible for a Displaced to destroy another Displaced's token? Like if Displaced A doesn't want Displaced B to enter their world, thus destroys the token so that no one else can use Displaced B's token to be brought to Displaced A's world.

It's possible to deactivate them or destroy them. Depands on the material and if the token's displace is alive

Group Admin


Tokens are the main focus for travel, they give a focal point and a destination. The Warlock does not use the same powers as an actual Void Dweller, and as such has no correlation to the actual Void in that aspect. "Launch an orb at your enemies with all the power of a collapsing star" basically, they would be using dark matter as opposed to the Void.

Comment posted by Kaiju4ever deleted May 24th, 2017
Group Admin


N O P P I T Y. N O P E

Comment posted by Kaiju4ever deleted May 24th, 2017
Group Admin


You can ship your characters that you made however you like. However any that are not yours require consent from their author or the admins if a universal character like The Merchant.

However, as an author i'd like to offer you some advice; don't ship Void Dwellers with your universe dwelling characters.

5959896 What thread should I go to to request some assistance/ a sidekick writer/ someone to write with?

5959896 Would it be possible for someone to be displaced as two things at once? Like, say... Cabadath and Slanderman, two eerily similar characters, but one more physically based than the other? and if it is possible, would their powers cross mutate with each other over time?

...Also, sorry for asking so many questions

Does a Displaced Character still on Earth Count? (Not yet involving MLP:FIM until the third Act(which I'll do later or sooner)) I am currently doing a Semi-Displaced fanfic where the Character is Displaced as his Superhero OC.

Quick question, are we allowed to create other Displaced characters to crossover into our story for the sole purpose of dying. Like, not even have another story to attach the new Displaced to, just "Hey what's this token, oh hai friend! Let's go save the day! *Two hours later* Billy!!! Noooooooooo!!!!! *Billy the new Displaced got killed to death.*"

Of course, it wouldn't be this silly in reality. Loss is an important aspect for developing a character, and I want to know if I can off my own OCs for my Displaced story since I know no one's going to want their own Displaced to get killed for the sake of someone else's story.

Group Admin
Group Admin


1:What happens to a Displaced's token when they die? Does it just disappear,or make firework like explosions?

The Token remains active but unusable, or, it sends in an alternate version. One of the few Tokens that doesn't do either, is Teridax of casting a Shadow. As shown in The Nightmare in the Corner, his Token sends you to his old world. Auric Fulcrum's, by comparison, is completely inactive.

2:How does a Displaced enter another's dimension without being summoned? Do they just use their own token to randomly jump into another dimension,or does a displaced somehow know every single displaced currently existing upon entry?

For one, they don't usually. Any and all acts of Random Summoning, are ones where neither party agrees to the event in question. For two, no Displaced knows what all Displaced exist.

3:Is a displaced accidentally destroying their current universe perfectly acceptable? Like lets say the Displaced tries to forcibly mix Harmony and Discord together,which either creates a massive explosion that alters reality to our realm's standards/creates an abomination that destroys the universe? I'm asking this cause I could've sworn I saw something around here saying that Displaced are by no means necessary to destroy a universe.

If you feel like dealing with the repercussions and consequences in your story, then by all means, it is allowed. The example you have proposed would, in all likelihood, result in both forces neutralizing each other, merging to become a god of reality, one surviving the event and becoming the more powerful force, or nothing at all.

4:If someone wished to make a movie/animation series out of a displaced story,could it be possible?


5:How dangerous would something like The Gravemind from Halo be to the Displaced multiverse as a whole? I think it's on Void Dweller standards but I wanna hear Your opinion.

On a scale of 1 (A dandelion tuft) to a ten (A Meta level Void Dweller/Sentient Concept), it might be a four or a five. The majority of in world things, and even out word things don't pose a danger. It's like trying to use a nuke on the moon. Some damage, but generally not that effective.

6:Does it matter at all where and when a Displaced begins getting displaced? Or does it not matter at all,and I'm just over thinking it?

It's all up to the author.

7:Can two people be Displaced at the same time,but Displaced A gets put in a universe at a different period than Displaced B which gets placed a few years after Displaced A?


8:Would a realm's reality apply to Displaced? For example there's a hentai game out there called MGQ. In it if the player orgasms,they suffer a condition called Critical Ecstasy which makes them lose the will to do anything for a long period of time. Would this apply to Displaced that enter the realm?

That depends on two things, if the author wants it to, or if they are a Displaced of a character from that realm. Usually, no.

9:Does every displaced realm have to have knowledge of Displaced? Or is every time a Displaced is created,they go into an just built realm at a random period of time?

No, all worlds are existing at the time of the Displaced being inserted. So they "go into a built realm".

10:If question 9 was true in the sense that every displaced goes into a just built realm,would that mean displaced with or without a story on them would be able to appear at the author's will in one's story?

If the owner of the character allows it, yes.

What thread should I post me looking for a collab writer with? Or... should I make a thread? IDK what to do in this situation

Group Admin

Make one, I suppose


The Third Displaced War, the Equestrian Black Crusade, I know a fair bit more intimately, since I edited the thing on my laptop while on a bus ride down to Florida. This war involved characters from Angelic Blades Sebaste's story For the Emperor and the UNSC! and Chaos Lord Reiuji Kirito's The Warriors of Chaos. This war was mostly made out of people from the War of Shadows, give or take a few, and as someone who edited it I can tell you, it's really hard to follow. I've... honestly got no clue if it was ever posted anywhere, and a rewrite was planned but I stopped following the project so I don't know if they followed through.

Yeah, that wasn't my most proud moment there...

What exactly is a 'Displaced' genre story? I've read the new Megaman and MLP story and the KH Vanitas MLP story written by Golden Flare and I am curious. What are the basics of a 'Displaced' genre story?

Group Admin

A sentient beings gets taken from their old world and gets placed in a different universe.

Huh, so a character from Cybertron could end up in the world of LEGO BIONICLE or vice versa? Interesting. I'll put this kind of story on my list of potential genres to dabble in.

Group Admin

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. No. Don't do it.

Group Admin


There are few fics that explore it:
So...That Just Happened
The Songs of True Madness
The Forgotten Void Dweller

Group Admin

Is there a displaced story out there involving the Wither Storm?

Okay, I have a serious question, mostly because I can't find a current list anywhere [I'm asking this both on FIMfiction and the discord in Tandem]:

Where is a CURRENT and UP TO DATE List of Displacers?

Also, While I am here, is there a term for Displaced that were NOT given anything, like, the displacer just acted as a taxi service, nothing more? cause uh... yeah, I have some ideas that would work out that way

Group Contributor

I don't think there is. Everyone has been making up there own Displacer, or just use the merchant. Also, why would a Displacer act like a taxi service? It'd be risky to reveal themselves so easily and just out of the blue offer it to people.

well, not a straight up taxi, more like a one time, one way mover and as for who'd be crazy enough? i have someone in mind

Group Contributor

....It won't be much of a Displaced, sounds more like a generic HiE.

they have the powers they already had, and will be interacting with the displaced multiverse, so yes, it is in fact displaced, I checked

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