Displaced 4,437 members · 1,271 stories
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In this thread you can suggest important changes you would like to see for this group. If you want to see a change, leave a post explaining your idea.

If the suggestion is at least of average-quality, it will go to either the other Admins or straight to Midnight/FlutterWitch

Group Contributor

4997197 ...and there goes my text.

just seeing if this worked for me

It did :)

Sorry, but I had to clean house, that thread got messy and I worded some things wrong.

I'm not sure what exactly I want to see changed. I can see why things need to be restrictive. But I think, among all things, is probably the drama that goes on. I joined this group because I was interested in the premise and was looking to write what is essentially my take on the genre. Sadly, it seems I joined around the time the drama began.

So my suggestion is something I think is already in effect: reducing drama. This doesn't mean a specific piece of drama, but rather people getting angry, yellling at each other, etc.


Suggestion: Return the essay-form requirement to the suggestion thread.

1. Dear displaced admins, I like displaced stories.
2. I think they are funny to read.
3. But there is something I don't like.
4. What I don't like is that sometimes the admins of this group do bad things.
5. I have seen admins using double standards.
6. When people use double standards, it makes me feel sad.
7. I would appreciate it if in the future, the admins of this group didn't use double standards.
8. I think that many other people would appreciate this as well.
9. When you you double standards, it makes people feel excluded.
10. Making people feel excluded is not nice.
11. Excluding people because you don't like what they have to say as a person without considering their opinion is not a good thing to do.
12. As an admin, you are given power.
13. The public trust of the userbase expects that that power will not be used unfairly.
14. When the power given by the public trust is abused, the userbase feels slighted and discriminated against.
15. Making decisions that go over the heads of other admins is an abuse of the power of the public trust.
16. Some people might think it was a personal attack, even if it wasn't meant that way.
17. This could lead to malcontent in the userbase.
18. It isn't the fault of the malcontent that they are malcontent.
19. Steps should be taken so that fewer people are malcontent.
20. Not excluding malcontents from discussions could lessen the amount of malcontents as a whole.

There's your 20 sentence essay.

I would hope for at least a heavy recommendation to having an editor before a story is accepted in the group or even to the Pending Review box. Honestly I'm sorry to say this but I have seen so much shit that I can give up on before I'm halfway through the first chapter that it's no longer funny. Though it feels even worse is when some authors decide to do crossovers for the sake of crossovers. Nothing against a good crossover chapter or two but there are a couple of very annoying trends that I have noticed.
1) The more crossovers a story has the more the writing quality tends to drop
2) The more crossovers a story has the less of its own plot survives (it tends to get replaced and forgotten even by the author)

While I admit that this might feel restrictive to some but I would prefer that people at least try to hold themselves to some standards (which is not happening too often).

I know the editor issue should be mentioned in every group out there that has any quality requirements but Displaced are rather notorious about their problems with this. I have seen maybe a handful of authors on this site who I would trust to handle a full story without an editor or two. There are a few who are close to that level but they tend to admit their need for help.

Sorry for ranting like that. I have just grown tired of seeing the same thing happen with so many stories that on a concept level interest me but the execution is too sloppy to be read without getting an headache.

Group Admin

I tried implementing an Editorial Staff, sadly, the other Admins rejected it.


Primarily we denied it because there are plenty of editor groups on Fim Fic currently. We don't need one specific for displaced in my opinion.

And having an editor is something we recommend to many of the stories that we deny.


I am sorry, mon compere, but that is a list, not an essay.

My idea.... if fimfiction would actually help with it, Sub forums, because no one can ever find the idea threads/self promotion threads at all and not have so many issues with forums being locked.... but that is just a dream...
Not exactly 100% fact

Group Admin

4997453 Those threads are stuck right there at the very top of the forum. Always have been.


To be fair, they can be hard to find because there are a lot of sticky threads in this group.

Which, now that I think about it...perhaps you could unsticky some threads and create a "directory of important threads" sticky? It'd make the important threads easier to find, and the super important threads easier to see.

I don't think the idea thread or the story promotion thread should be unstickied, but the user input/forum rules/token spreadsheet/story acceptance guidelines/lore doc threads are great candidates to be unstickied and listed in the directory. You could also list the freeposting thread and the Discord chatroom link in there without having to sticky the threads themselves.

4997553 I don't think putting the important threads people regularly say they don't see behind yet another thread would really help that issue.

Group Admin

Quite true.

Depends on laziness.

4997197 I think that we shouldn't hurt people for using the fromes to post things. I did a post to say I donated blood and skywalker locked me for it saying that I broke a rule and that they should only be used for displacements. But every time I did they locked me and once banned me for a week.



Really shouldn't have up and deleted the last thread, seems like glitch hunter and a few others really typed out a lot that they basically just lost.


This is not input. But yes, it works for you.

Something that garners as much attention as Displaced will always have drama, unfortunately. Not sure what we can do to prevent that.



I have seen admins using double standards.

Elaborate, please.


I agree with having an editor, I do not agree with us having an editor for them to choose from. There are places all over fimfiction where writers can pick up an editor, if they haven't bothered to have someone else check their work for them, then it seems like they don't care about the quality of their work.

And if they don't care about their work, I don't see why we should.

I'll bring this up with the other admins.

They're pinned at the top of the forums, there is literally zero reason you should not be able to find them.

We should do what the pear of water suggests. it is a good idea.

That's because every thread you made was a textbook example of exactly the kind of threads you should not post.

Do you want me to laminate it on the front page of the forums? I've underlined it for you in an image. What else do you want me to do to point you in the direction of the rules, where it says exactly what you can and cannot post.


Giving people a framework but allowing enough flexibility for authors to use their creativity freely?

Sounds good on paper, but exactly how is this going to run in a group with 1636 people?

And I'm pretty sure someone still needs to screen the ideas.


I never said that this group should give an editor to the author or that we should have someone at the ready. I just have the view like -TGM- said that if the author doesn't care about their story quality enough to get an editor then what reason do we have to care about their story.

There are plenty of ways to find an editor in FimFiction. I have seen at least one group that is literally meant just for helping people do just that. What was it again... Ah yes the Looking for Editors group.

I know I don’t post here in the forum very much but I do feel the need to weigh in on the “Required Editor” matter, so here’s my own wall of text. While I can certainly understand the intent behind it, I also see it very likely alienating authors even more than the already established review system does. I know of many authors who don’t really need an editor or who like myself no longer WANT one. My own reason being that I’ve had exceptionally little luck when it comes to cooperation on this site- not all bad experiences mind you and many had legitimate obstacles when things did fall through- but in even just my endeavors of trying to secure a simple, short crossover within the group alone I’ve had no less than 10 authors, who were as far as I was informed up for it, either fall through or just completely flake. (It’s gotten to the point where I’m seriously considering just rewriting part of the story and dropping its status as Displaced just to avoid this head ache in the future... but I digress, back to the matter at hand.)

My point is that we already have a decent system of quality assurance in place; another will only further stall the process. To force authors to not only find acceptable editors (because we all know not everyone offering is good at it) and then to rely on them when they could up and disappear for months on end knowing Fimfiction, requiring a search for another that also may not work out and I think you can see where I’m going with this run on sentence. I also somewhat resent the implication that just because someone doesn’t have an editor that they must not care about their story. I personally review all my chapters anywhere from three to TEN times before they’re actually published. Yes, some minor mistakes do still get through, but I’ll gladly take a few misspelled or missing words to waiting on someone else that I may or may not trust with my story. Especially when I don’t think I need them.

Now I’m not at all saying that it’s a bad idea, just perhaps to not make it an up-front requirement. Now if their story repeatedly fails to pass review, let’s say twice, maybe THEN inform them to get an editor for said story or it will no longer even be considered. But as a global group rule, I can only see it causing more stress, fewer submissions and even more slow down to an already not completely refined approval process. As it stands I’ve already been waiting on my second approval for Locked Heart for a couple months now because the second contributor I’ve asked is dragging their feet on an actual approval or rejection, even though they said they liked what was up so far (This is not an attack against them mind you- merely an observation... and again, I digress).

It’s not a bad idea, just one I don’t think we should implement half-cocked or as a knee-jerk reaction to the recent drama. That’s my 2 cents (or three paragraphs) on that matter for whatever it’s worth. If you disagree then more power to you, I just thought I’d offer a rebuttal. Well wishes in all your literary endeavors and have a nice day! :twilightsmile:

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