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Shocks #1 · Dec 29th, 2015 · · 6 ·

Due to the butthurt several concerns, I have been ordered advised by our edgy dictatorship glorious administration to note that this thread that you should totally fucking follow is merely a group of reasons suggestions to why your story is receiving downvotes like a WW2 bombing raid help improve your Displaced story. That's all I'd like to say.

No it isn't :twilightsmile:


Or more accurately titled, How To Not Trigger Shocks With Your Shitty Fan Fiction, For Dummies.

1. Stop making your characters into raging fucking sociopaths. Seriously, this has been happening far to consistently to make it ok. If your character gets Displaced, and within three or four chapters is decaptiating, maiming, or outright killing, we have a fucking problem.

And don't use any bullshit excuses like 'Well, they are the bad guys'.



That is poor writing and I will have none of it.

2. Stop making your characters unnecessarily OP.

If you have someone that lets say, is roughly human(meaning above average abilities), yet he is somehow taking on Celestia and Luna at the same time then I will call you out on your bullshit. No matter the tricks or resources at their disposal, if they are actually holding ground against the sisters, then your story is bad and you should feel bad.

See this character?
I swear to god if this doesn't upload.
This, is Sinon.

Ignoring a long winded detailing of what she is from, I will list off her basic abilities in terms of fighting.

She wields a rather large high caliber sniper rifle and sports a small handgun as a sidearm. She is able to run quite quickly while lugging around said sniper rifle, which can allow some to infer that her basic strength, speed, stamina, etc, is higher than that of a normal person. She is also able to hip fire this weapon with a degree of accuracy without the kick back landing her right on her ass, another point to her strength.

Does this mean she is invincible?


Does this mean she can take on powerful opponents like Luna, Celestia, or Cadence?

Head on, certainly not, but she may get a potshot in for giggles.

Does this mean she can backflip 720 no scope Discord like an mlg swear on me mum?

Fuk no ya cheeky cunt.

Besides, the fact that she isn't invincible makes her unique, it makes her struggle!

Struggle builds character, and how they react lets us feel said character.

3. Stop having your character meet every fucking main character.

If within 4 chapters you have already checked off half the main six, any princesses, Shining Armor, or Discord, we're gonna have a bad time.

There is a whole goddamn planet people! Get to world building!

This concludes Shocks' triggering.

My guy is a Power Ranger with Dimensional magic, does that go against rule 2?

About the OP thing. Would it count as unnecessary if they got powerful through the character's interactions with other people as well as that person's experiences?

Group Contributor

4950837 If they are the equivalent of a sayian in gaining power then yes, the will become OP.

4950831 Elaborate further.

Group Admin


4. No Displaced 'penis envy'. Seriously, don't crossover simply to argue who is more awesome.

5. M rated. Make this tag actually mean something. 'My character has been here an hour and already has a harem and has done the do with everyone.' Stop.

6. Don't use common troupes.

That's my input.

Regarding the whole 'meet half the cast and their grandmother's within a few chapters thing' I feel that's up for debate. Depending on the situation they end up in could determine who they meet. Technically it's only been about what...four to five chapters into the present time and my character knows the three princesses, the mane six, Discord technically, Shining Armor, and a reformed Chrysalis. But that's because he got free during the wedding, when all those characters were in one location at the time. I intend for more world building to be done throughout the story, as well as meet characters throughout the planet, but meeting several established characters right near the beginning is somewhat an easy way to at least get started before building your world.

Heck some Displaced stories technically never leave ponyville/Canterlot so it wouldn't be uncommon to meet a lot of characters relatively quickly.

There is a flaw to rule two, if they cannot at least pass the level of the princesses what can they do against the villains that have been proven to be stronger than the villains in the show? Leave it to the Elements of Harmony or something like that? Because that kind of belittles the main character/displaced that has supposedly been displaced as a character with some level of power greater than the two sisters, who by the way aren't really that powerful, yeah they control the sun and moon but what else has been shown about their fighting or abilities? There really isn't any measure of OP, whether a character is OP or not depends on two things, if you as an individual think it is OP, and if they writer is making them have that level of power intentionally to actually make them OP.

4950844 Well, his magic allows him to do all sorts of things, such as become intangible and move faster than light. Also he gets more powerful when he morphs, and I plan on getting him a Battlizer. However, his skill is a result of 20+ years of experience, and when he goes to another verse his magic is temporarily limited, so does that balance it out?

4950846 These are good,
4950844 add these.

Well, for the story I'll be making for after this one secret project of mine is complete, my character will be somewhat... unique. Not sure how they'll fit into your categories though. We can discuss via PM if you want though.

Group Contributor

4950849 But that's just the thing. It's always Equestria. Always.

There is an entire world that is canon, yet none of it ever gets used.

4950857 First, Celestia and Luna's power is up for debate, but my personal head canon is that they do wield tremendous strength.
Also, I said unnecessarily OP. You are fine to make your main character OP, just don't expect it to be accepted as a Displaced. And one more thing, how the fuck does it belittle the main character. What, your character has to be the only fucking hero of the day? That's unrealistic and bad story telling.

4950862 Kinda OP there mate.

4950816 wait, so what if Batman was Displaced? I mean it's Batman. He could easily take down the royal sisters if he wanted to. Of course he'd do it in his own bat way with a lot of preparation, but he'd still be able to do it.

4950883 ok then, if that is your headcanon, then it does not apply to this rule

4950883 Thought so, however there is one more thing I should mention. He can be taken off guard, e.g. Discord basically oneshotted him because he wasn't ready.

Group Contributor

4950904 If your trying to compare this scenario to a Batmanvsuperman, one needs to remeber that they are a millennia old, backed by that knowledge and skill.

Also, no cryptonite. Which is kinda a game changer.

4950907 I wasn't applying it to this rule, what I am saying, is that the princesses shouldn't be defeated or even challenged by a character that is below them in power and skill, regardless of the authors want for them to win.

Group Contributor

4950908 Well I would hope so, anything else is just ridiculous! :twistnerd:

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

...I have twelve characters with various parts of interaction of various characters.
...It's mostly action with various levels of breathers.
...Some of them are various levels of crazy.
...Does it count as OP when they have their powers in their Baselines and have various amounts of practice?
...Do I overuse the word "various"?

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Group Contributor

4950846 These are acceptable.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

....Yes to what?

Group Contributor

4950939 Yes.


I'm not saying don't make your character OP, just don't exaggerate their strengths to a level that they are not.

I would also like to add my two cents to this.

8: Have a plot line that is your own. One thing I find common in a lot of displaced fics is them just following the plot line and never thinking of how their character changes the world. A lot of the great fics have a plot line other than, I am just following the show. Take the ever popular Gilgamesh. The author does follow the show, but he added more elements on how his character affected the world. Bosses from Final Fantasy are showing up, he quest to regain his strength, the strained relationship of him and Celestia, even the demon war arc. Make your fic something that stands out from the crowd not blends into the background.

4950816 I don't think sociopath is the right term for #1.

Group Contributor

4950957 I was exaggerating with the term mind you, but sociopath still fits.

They're certainly not psychopaths.

4950816 I think my character is pretty safe from your triggering, although I suspect she might sort of qualify for the first rule, but for good reason.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Heh. What if the true limits are unreachable?
I'm kidding, of course. They are not THAT powerful.

...or ARE they?
(geez, that chapter really oughta be finished...)

Group Contributor

4950968 If it did, our quality works needs some work.

the problem with displaced is that it started as a wish fulfillment story where he/she dresses as it's favorite character, and the majority has that cool and strong character that they want to punch stuff ass.

very few, or any at all, like's a character that does near to no damage.

maybe a displaced with this guy

a pure support role, with no way of defeating anything by it self.

And here's my input:

1. Write whatever the fuck you want, it's your story. It doesn't get into our group? Then it is your shitty story, and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Don't let random people on some average-sized group tell you what to do, sky's the limit motherfucker.

4950816 I try to semi- relatable characters/sympathetic ones and ones that aren't bat-S**t overpowered.

I'm probably failing.

Group Admin

I would like to point out that these are not rules of the group. This a thread for advice on how to improve/make a great Displaced story.



Iiii am going to unlock this thread.


This is actually good advice for making good displaced fics, despite what some of the rest of us seem to think.

I'm pretty sure shocks and midders actually meant to make these as suggestions rather than rules. They're not telling people what to write, they're giving suggestions. Though I do think they could have worded them more appropriately.

Shocks, midders, change your 'rules' to 'suggestions' and it's fine. leave them un-changed and I'm re-locking.

Even though I really don't want to

Also, this can be a 'discussion about what makes a good displaced story' or something.

Make it so. So declareth TheGodMan

It's not really our fault if most of the displaced are overpowered. If anything it's the ponies fault. Their technology is not advanced and there's not enough combat shows from Celestia or Luna to determine the power of the alicorns. The Mane 6's power is questionable to say the least. We don't know how many times it can fire but we know enough that it purfied Luna,petrified Discord, put Tirek in a cage (and if what i have heard is correct) made the leader of the members become an alicorn. This information alone shows that only the mane cast are known to be powerful enough for other powerful beings to meet them. (Like a leader meeting a leader). So in our case it's the ponies of Equestria being horribly thin of powerful beings.

So stop complaining about the fact that the displaced we have today can knock the shit out of the princesses or not. Complain to either Hasbro or the creators of those characters but shut the fuck up if you see your favorite pony lose a battle to a displaced. As for the world building problem yes i do understand that but we barely know everything about the pony universe. Said spots are the dragon areas,diamond dog areas,changelings areas,zebra areas and so much more that CLEARLY there's a lot of stuff Hasbro is leaving on the map. Surely we can start our displaced somewhere around those areas with random town names and townspeople then have said characters work their way to Equestria? I dunno those spots are empty man. Please do keep in mind however that the show said we have to show love and tolerance people. So do that or else...

What if let's say, the main character is somewhat OP, but then the princesses or his/her enemies are more OP than he/she is what then?

Group Contributor

4950987 Who is this?

*See new thread* "Let's take a look see" *Scrolls through*

4951530 Shiroe from an anime called Log Horizon a pure suport character and strategist

Group Contributor

Thank you mate, and have a happy new years. You to everyone else

4951426 It's technically an Over-Powered character when there is nothing in the story that can give them a Decent challenge.

In Role Playing Game terms (RPG); LV:5 vs. LV:5 = Not OP, main character LV:10 while NPCs are LV:3 = the main character has no chance of failure and unless they take enjoyment out of pure roleplaying the game's gonna get boring because you're doing nothing but one-shotting your enemies.

Take One Punch Man for example; he's OP as fuck! but nobody complains because there's an incredibly interesting story revolving around him developing as a character and looking for someone who can give him a challenge now that he's realized there's no joy in being the world's strongest hero


What happened to your oversized font? That was always my favorite part.


Then you need to rectumfy the situation immediately!

4951768 If you're out of pixels, maybe you shouldn't use them up on double posting. That'll drain them even more.

Group Contributor

4951054 You are a very dangerous individual my friend.

Group Contributor

4951075 Brah.


Brah. Y u mad brah.

Y u mad.

4951116 Ah shit :raritydespair:

4951108 Hooray!

Group Contributor

4951978 nah u mad.

The Warmaster
Group Contributor

4950816 I'm just gonna leave this here.....

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