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Yesterday, we talked about the dudes. Tonight, we get to discuss the lovely ladies of the WWE. As before, this list is entirely subjective, so I welcome you—nay, I encourage you—to disagree with me in the comments below.

10) Alexa Bliss
What? Alexa Bliss just barely making the list? Who am I and what have I done with the real Chillbook?!

All joking aside, I love Lil Miss Bliss. Her mic work, her snobby heel personality, just the way she works the crowd, it works for me in a big way. Her wrestling could use some work, and the "Bayley, This is Your Life" segment deserved to be burned at the stake, but that won't stop me from worshipping the Goddess of the WWE.

9) Naomi
Naomi should get a special spot for "most improved", as far as I'm concerned. She's gone from being "that girl" on the roster to one of my favorite members of the Smackdown roster. Her entrance has this infectious energy, her in-ring work is pretty solid, and I just have a lot of fun whenever she's around. I feel the Glow, man!

8) Mickie James
I didn't really pay much attention to Mickie James back in the day (I was too young to appreciate her as anything but a "Diva"). But, truth be told... She can kick a fair bit of ass. She's still got it, it would seem.

7) Sasha Banks
I wish I could put Sasha higher, but I've been getting tired of her not having anything to do. I think a heel turn would do wonders for her. The Boss character is more natural as a heel. Plus, I want more Bayley vs Sasha! Speaking of...

6) Bayley
It makes me sad to see what's happened to Bayley. She was the hottest thing around, and they cooled her right the hell off. But still, it's not too late.

5) Paige
I love Paige, fucked-up neck and all. Absolution is awesome (Sonya and Mandy need some work, but what can you do?), and I love her crazy, evil, psycho persona. It's incredibly compelling to me. I hope she gets back soon, and stays un-injured for longer than twenty seconds.

4) Ember Moon
Ember Moon is one of my favorite things about NXT. She's a badass with a good look, a great theme, and one of my absolute favorite finishers of all time. Her matches with Asuka were incredible, and seeing her with the gold makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

3) Charlotte Flair

The Queen is good. She's got it all! Mic skills, ring skills, a legacy, everything you need. Charlotte is the woman of Smackdown Live, perhaps even the woman of the WWE. Even as a heel, I can't help but cheer her.

2) Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch is everything I like in a face. Charisma, dope entrance, ring work, and a good Irish accent. I love Becky, and I love her more with every passing second. She is the greatest thing on Smackdown Live, as far as I'm concerned. Becky's next title run is long overdue.

1) Asuka
Asuka's gonna kill you! Asuka's gonna kill you!

Asuka is a living, breathing, hate-crime waiting to happen. Every single second I'm not watching Asuka kick some poor girl's f*cking head off is a second wasted. She is my absolute favorite lady on the roster today, due in no small part to her matches with Ember. Seriously, they're incredible!

Well, that's the list. Tell me why I should kick Alexa Bliss off of the list in the comments below. See you later with the tag team list!

No Love for the Iconic Duo, Ruby Riott, or Nikki Cross? For shame sir.

Honestly I feel like Asuka has really lost all fire this year; she's shown no signs of any personality besides "I have crazy eyes" and her streak has gotten incredibly tedious.

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