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This is a discussion thread to share your thoughts on the Smackdown Live exclusive Pay-Per-View Clash of Champions.

Chat, theorize, rant, but don't be a dick.

Group Admin

Holy hell, Ziggles won! It's not too late for Dolph!

6248536 A heel turn for Daniel Bryan?

Group Admin

Not sure how they're gonna play this. D-Bry was kinda right. Turnabout is fair play, as Corey Graves mentioned. We'll just have to wait and see.

6248823 Shane is clearly trying to get two employees fired for a sense of revenge. I don't see how he's the good guy here.

Group Admin

This whole feud is a mess of morals. The "heels" are right, but they're dicks. Shane is wrong, but we're meant to cheer him. Daniel sided with the "heels", which means he should be wrong, but he's actually right. Randy and Shin are siding with Shane, which means they're faces in this situation, except Shane is wrong, so they're all heels. Can't wait to see how they clean it up.

As an aside, all fans of Smackdown let out a collective sigh of relief at this main event. We've dodged the proverbial bullet.

6248836 I'm not bashing it, just pointing out a fact. Stone Cold was over more than anyone and he did horrible things especially to Mr. McMahon.

Group Admin

Yeah, but that was different. Stone Cold was a face because he was opposing a clear heel. His tactics didn't always fall into typical face categorization, but he was in no way a villain. He was an anti-hero. This has a bunch of muddied, confused motivations and booking. Stone Cold was kind of a dick, but always booked as a face, just like how Vince was always booked as a hell. This time, Shane is acting like a heel but being booked and presented as a face.

Don't get me wrong, I love this shit. It's probably the most interesting angle in WWE right now. But it's a bit all over the place at the moment.

I think it'll there a double turn down the road with Shane turning heel and Sami/KO turning face.

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