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Sunday is approaching, I'm busy as all hell, so we're gonna rush through these, okay?

Pre-show match: Enzo Amore (c) vs Kalisto for the Cruiserweight Championship
I say Zo, because there's talk of Neville coming back, and we need a heel for him to knock off for the belt.

Team Raw vs Team Smackdown in the Traditional 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Match (Women)
Team Raw has to win because Asuka is on the team, and there's no way they're throwing out 500+ days undefeated on a tag match, Big 4 PPV or not. I heard people say she might get counted out or DQ'd, but that's some bullshit.

Alternative prediction: Since SmackDown is down a girl, people have been thinking the spot is gonna be filled by Paige. I disagree. I think, if Paige goes anywhere, it'll be on Raw's team (since, apparently, she was supposed to return to Raw last week anyway). I think Dana Brooke is gonna jump Asuka before the match, like Nattie to Nikki last year, and go to take her place just for Paige to fill in instead. Who does this leave to fill SmackDown's slot? Who has a match the night before that she most assuredly won't win? Who could do really well on the SD roster?

The War Goddess, Ember Moon, that's who.

If they go for the double-switch, then I swap my vote and say that SD Ladies win (There's so much unpredictability here that I feel I can make two guesses)

Team Raw vs Team Smackdown in the Traditional 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Match (Men's)
Again, this depends on the previous match. If Raw wins the lady's, then Smackdown wins the men's. Since that's what I think is gonna happen (probably), that's my guess.

The Miz vs Baron Corbin
Uh... Corbin The Miz doesn't need wins, does he? He's good enough on the mic. Corbin needs a decisive win on someone who is not Sin Cara.

The New Day vs The Shield
Again, The New Day don't need this win. But this is The Shield's first PPV match since they reunited has to be a win for the Hounds of Justice

The Bar vs The Usos
I think The Bar wins through American Beta interference (or at least Gable, he's turning heel for sure!)

Alexa Bliss vs Charlotte Flair
There's no way Alexa is beating Flair, especially not after that heartfelt moment on Tuesday with Ric. The Queen wins, quite decisively, I think.

You remember a few weeks ago, when I made that bold prediction? I said we'd be getting a Money in the Bank cash in here, but not on the SD champ. I still think that Carmella will fool us all, give us a massive Swerve, and cash in on Alexa Bliss when she's good and beaten. This is to justify another Superstar Shake-up, which we kinda sorta desperately need.

Brock Lesnar vs AJ Styles
Ooh, I think this match is gonna be good. AJ can have a good match with a plank of wood, and Brock actually looked interested on Raw. I do think The Beast will win, but not before a damn fine match.

Oh, and just for funsies, I think the Sole Survivor for the women's match (assuming my prediction of them winning goes through) will be Asuka.

Those are my predictions. Do you disagree? Call me a fucking idiot in the comments, and do better yourself. See y'all later!

Brock Lesnar vs AJ Styles is actually a match that I'm really hyped before

So hype that this may even be mine most hyped match


Hype BROS!

Group Admin

I'm gonna cry when Zack turns on Mojo...

Unless this results in a heel Zack Ryder push, in which case WOO! WOO! WOO!

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